98 If I get banned for this...worth it cuz it's funny (media.kotakuinaction2.win) posted 3 years ago by MordecaiGoldberg 3 years ago by MordecaiGoldberg +100 / -2 32 comments download share 32 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
And then one day, quite suddenly, and for no reason at all....
The people began to honk.
Why would you get banned? Did you think that a picture of Hitler is a spicy meme or something? You have to go back
I've gotten banned from this sub at least twice already. There's sixteen rules, that sounds retarded because it is.
Also at this point I'm not even intentionally ban evading, I just forgot my last password #winning
some of the rules here are stupid
That's because they are get out of jail free cards for the jannies.
I was banned on an older account back in 2019 for it.
On Reddit maybe.
Not here.
Though with that /pol/ username, I can imagine that you are the kind of person who pushes the envelope until he is.
Can't believe you would hate on a poor innocent Jewish man like that Tony, even if they should've lurked more before posting
For shame
It's a joke. And my other acc which is completely generic is permabanned. I don't even visit pol. But yet you keep accusing me of it.
Why wouldn't visit /pol/. It's great, in moderation at least.
The r9k threads on pol are a guilty pleasure
What is r9k?
Just a bunch of robots.
it stands for "retard 9,000". its named after the amound of retarded comments you will see every minute.
How do you know he isn't just a fan of Regular Show and The Goldbergs?
True, it was a little known fact that kia is a fanclub for regular show
Should have it be Tolkien slowly morphing into Hitler.
He probably regrets trolling the 3rd Reich.
On ConsumeProduct maybe, but definitely not on KiA2, the mods here are complete Jew-worshipping cucks.
Yep, it is fun in consume product. It is like going to resetera and read a thread there. In reset Era I replace the word white with Jews and blacks and it sounds like consume product.
Eh, going full NatSoc because of Kang of the Rangz is silly. There's tons of better causes.
This could become Gamergate for the literary crowd and wake up a lot of normies.
First 'dwarf' looks ok, the others don't
The first pic looks like one of the dwarves from the Hobbit trilogy.
Yeah, but one of the saner designs. It's a perfectly reasonable look.
The other two are fucking retarded.
You dont get banned for making jokes here, we're not reddit.
Your mythology becomes inclusive? welcome to the club, they are doing this shit to us since forever.