That's fake news! According to the trial, he apparently was motivated to get Eggs, but the place he was going to get eggs at was closed so he had to settle for Subway.
I never bought that analogy. The primate fear grimace has the mouth closed, lips pulled up. This is almost the opposite. The human equivalent of a fear grimace is an uncomfortable smile.
This is just faux excitement coming from people who are so dopamine-fucked from consumerism that they don't actually feel positive emotions any more and can only pretend to be happy.
"I'm enthusiastic about science but stand 6 feet away which is a distance that is based on zero science." Honestly if these freak shows would self isolate forever it would be an absolute win. The only downside is the constant digital finger wagging; someone should make a bot net that keeps them engaged about masks or vaccines or whatever so they'll leave humans alone.
The larger problem is science gained its clout by being falsifiable and predictive, but now if you say science should be falsifiable and predictive you'll be shouted down by so called scientists who will say science has grown beyond that. Whatever that means. They want the clout but not the restrictions that earned the clout in the first place. "Science" is just another skinsuit.
File that under #UnintentionalRedPill, considering Smollett's "attack" was in and of itself racist, designed to heap more racial tension on the wypipo and Trump supporters.
I almost thought that was what was being said.
Accidentally based
In the middle of a polar vortex, no less! It would make a great Subway commercial.
Chicago Subways at 2AM in negative temps IS MAGA country, tho
I mean, Teriyaki chicken with that sweet onion sauce is pretty nice, but like...
That's fake news! According to the trial, he apparently was motivated to get Eggs, but the place he was going to get eggs at was closed so he had to settle for Subway.
The accent of those guy's he paid to beat him up were spot on though.
Hah, I had the same thought at first. It's a poorly constructed sentence.
Middle aged man who poses in photos like a teenage girl. Guess we know what age demographic he wants to fuck.
It's called the cuckface, an epidemic among woke soyboys.
Fear grimace
I never bought that analogy. The primate fear grimace has the mouth closed, lips pulled up. This is almost the opposite. The human equivalent of a fear grimace is an uncomfortable smile.
This is just faux excitement coming from people who are so dopamine-fucked from consumerism that they don't actually feel positive emotions any more and can only pretend to be happy.
"I'm enthusiastic about science but stand 6 feet away which is a distance that is based on zero science." Honestly if these freak shows would self isolate forever it would be an absolute win. The only downside is the constant digital finger wagging; someone should make a bot net that keeps them engaged about masks or vaccines or whatever so they'll leave humans alone.
The larger problem is science gained its clout by being falsifiable and predictive, but now if you say science should be falsifiable and predictive you'll be shouted down by so called scientists who will say science has grown beyond that. Whatever that means. They want the clout but not the restrictions that earned the clout in the first place. "Science" is just another skinsuit.
That profile looks like a parody. I presume it's real. That's how batshit crazy they've gotten.
Juicy was paid to do this, change my mind.
Id bet a lot of money Kamala Harris was involved.
File that under #UnintentionalRedPill, considering Smollett's "attack" was in and of itself racist, designed to heap more racial tension on the wypipo and Trump supporters.
Better than being motivated by faggotry.
If I recall correctly, I may be confusing with somebody else, he used(stilll?) Be a sexual pest. Sending unrequested nudes/dick pics to women.
That type of person never changes
Holy fuck, I nearly developed a pussy and real tits from that bio.
Damn fattitties...
He's arguing that "racially charged" doesn't mean racist?