The working world, when it was male dominant, was 100x more fun to work in. Guys could "shoot-the-shit" with each other, say whatever they wanted and competitiveness was seen as fun not as "toxic". The work environment when it was male dominant made people better because the men would compete with one another and strive to improve. Work was actually a lot more "fun" and in some ways it was a "safe-space" for men to get away from all the drama and toxicity that existed in their personal lives.
Women have utterly destroyed the workplace. Men's lives are inarguably much worse with women in the workplace. Nothing good has come of this.
"I'd not even say it's because they get to sit home and be lazy all day." I'm sure you're not saying a stay-at-home Mom sits home and is lazy all day?
I could give examples of those that do and don't.
Ad a stay at home Mom with a 5 month old and an insanely wild boy who's going to be 2 in two months...I'm not sure how any sahm can just laze around all day. This is the most high stress, frantic existence I've ever lived. Even now, I just got one to sleep and I'm feeding the I have to frantically do the dishes and put the laundry in the dryer before one of them wakes up. My husband works on ships...when he left he told me he feels like he's going on vacation and he has no idea how I do it alone. I can't even construct a scenario in my imagination where a sahm could be lazy if she wanted to.
Part of the challenge is that historically, women never raised kids in a setting alone. No woman before the last 100 years had to do what you are doing. Kids were raised in the company of many other children, teenagers, other moms, and also men who were around much more. Nearly everyone used to be farmers on plots of land next to their homes. And there weren't dangerous things everywhere, like chemicals, scissors, electrical sockets, etc. You could literally just let a kid roam and hope the wolves didn't get them. If a child died it was definitely sad, but mom wouldn't be thrown in prison, either.
I notice when I'm around my little nieces and nephews, the parents visibly relax and everyone just kind of keeps their eyes open for the kids. It's way more peaceful and I think it's better for the kids, too.
Not disagreeing with the bulk of your comment, but I'm sure if you're aware that 100 years ago was 1921. You know. The Roarin' 20's? Literally the decade that brought us automobiles, radio, and film? Huge economic growth with massive shifts in culture?
You're presuming the kids are at home. The one I know of the kids are at school and from what I can tell the extent of what she does is pick them up from school and I guess put up with them for an hour after. It's probably an unusual dynamic but it's one of the more lopsided relationships I've seen that has gone on that long
Easy, abandon any and all duty and responsibility. Have someone you've abused sufficiently to break their will pick up the slack for you, be it parents, partners or elder offspring.
I mean...nearly every chore at home can be automated and babies sleep half the day.
I'm a parent and he's absolutely correct. We have dishwashers, computer controlled ovens, baby formula, washing machines. We live in a Jetsons future where our lives are almost entirely automated by robots. Raising our kid has been easiest thing in the world. I don't know what people are complaining about.
The only hard part is that he sucks at sleeping, which isn't that big a deal because my wife deals with him at night because I have to be at work in the morning, then I deal with him in the afternoon as she takes a nap.
Another hard part is that you're always at work. You can't ever truly relax because the kid is always there. When I visit my sister and her two kids, I'm ready to shoot myself after 48 hours lol
I'm not giving advice, I'm commenting.
If you want parenting advice, ask a father.
I can't imagine you ever being a father, considering your massively retarded opinions on women.
Half of your kids aren't even yours, tradcucks.
Except proper cooking. A well done meal will take around two hours in terms of prep work, cooking, and cleaning up after. At least, a meal of my standards will. I would expect no less of a wife.
Yep. We stopped making breakfast, partly because it's too much work. We have to cook everything from scratch to avoid migraines and can never eat out or buy a loaf of bread or processed meat. Any joker who thinks you can provide 3 proper meals a day and do the dishes in half an hour is a complete idiot.
Breakfast is pretty much always a mistake anyway in the modern era, so I'm fine forgoing that so long as dinner is a proper meal.
Yeah I wouldn't even expect a woman to put in all that effort for three meals a day for the whole family, just dinner and a lighter meal for the kids earlier or their school lunches. I can fry up some eggs for myself if I need something quick for energy.
"Three meals a day" is a shitty meme.
You don't need breakfast, and can choose between lunch and dinner as your main meal.
I personally just eat one meal a day for dinner and that's it. The rest of the day is water.
For kids you can just give them protein supplements throughout the day. Lightly pan fry some eggs in the morning, give them some preserved meat for lunch, and feed them like kings at night.