JMS is in charge but I don’t trust it and will stick to my rule about modern TV. The original was fine but I’m sure there will be articles attacking it.
Superman and Lois was a pleasant surprise and I’d like to believe that CW is seeing the light but I’m not that naive.
Yea, no thanks. I'll just ignore it. No way anything new isn't going to be shit.
Either the first season will be good, which means it'll be popular and thus attract the usual social justice parasites who'll ruin it, or it'll simply start out shit like everything else.
Edit: Maybe I'll give it a try if it survives 3-4 seasons without being a woke mess. As if that's going to happen :D
I honestly think they have a blueprint of making a great first season. Stranger Things and Westworld come to mind
The problem with something new coming out that's good is, it attracts all the wrong people who don't give a damn about pushing their agenda on others.
Most great series had rather boring first seasons IMHO, e.g. pretty much all Stargate series.
CW = Channel Woke
Trust me, it will be BAD.
Yup, 100% SJW-ridden. Every single CW show is riddled with the same crap.
What they did to Walker: Texas Ranger is an outright travesty.
What are the chances that female batman is going to make a cameo for Wokealon 69?
Babylon 5 Good.
CW Bad.
Not sure what to make of this.
Even if it was an exact copy I would still not watch it. The original cast is to good.
Cool. So people can look forward to terrible shit writing with the same exact story line that's full of insane plot holes happening over and over with different flavors until it's inevitably driven into the ground and destroyed.
I'll gleefully pass. Thanks.
I'll take the incoming downvotes for the following unpopular opinion:
Babylon 5 was never good.
Not as bad as most modern woke trash, but I've never understood the hype, and I don't think the CW could make it any campier or more of a soap opera than it was already.
No need to downvote. It’s your honest opinion
I can get why someone wouldn’t like it, but once I got into it I came to really appreciate a lot of the characters. I don’t like it as much as Deep Space 9, or Farscape but if you can get over the early corniness there’s a lot of good stuff in there.
Season 1 was a bit slow... Season 2 picked it up Season 3 was AWESOME Season 4 is proving to be as GOOD as season 3 (currently watching it)
Just wish the Centauri(even if they made a mention of it on the first season 1) looked more alien, like the Minbari, or the Narn or the other species.
Hell, with CGI, I'd make them into a kind of owlbear, real snooty customers with little beaks they can peer down at their lessers, and those hair fringes would be feathers. Glorious, and more alien than "human with deformed head". The Narn I'd make more like a Utahaptor, face and body.
That transfer of souls? Fuck the Minbari. Ever see the news where, since the 70s, the numbers of individual wildlife have dropped to the same extent that humans have increased? THERE'S your transfer of souls. :P
Same here. I am currently on season 4. I remember a lot of people saying DS9 stole the idea
Babylon 5 was pitched to CBS before DS9 was a concept, so, it is certainly possible the idea at its most basic level at least was taken from there. (And I find it likely it did happen - just an exec hearing a pitch and saying, "but wait, why a new IP when we already have one? Hire writers and tell them we are doing Star Trek on a space station!")
But the two shows are totally different aside from the space station premise. At least I think so. The few similarities they do have just seem to be basic TV or sci-fi tropes, too generic to really make a claim one way or the other.
If babylon 5 has less gay klingons then it cant be worse than ds9
CW? Rofl
Stop consuming western media.
Disconnect completely.
I’m working on it. Most of what I do watch is older
Can CW even do like two good seasons at this point?
dafuq you didnt like lesbian batman? youre a racist
Woke Zeigeist.
It already sounds terrible.
well the original already had some SJW elements (betraying your friends for the cause), so I bet it will be just 2021 updated version of "liberalism"
True. However since sjw stuff wasn’t everywhere then I guess I didn’t mind. Now when it’s everywhere it’s more annoying. But I get your point.