posted ago by AntonioOfVenice ago by AntonioOfVenice +73 / -1

I just got word that the Redd(Guard)it admins pulled a comment that alleged that a certain actress who now says that she is 'transgender' was mentally ill.

Mind you, the assertion in question did not assert that this was because she was 'transgender'. Rather, the comment cited her (1) alleged advocacy for free 'sex change' surgery and (2) her allegedly playing mentally ill characters.

This did not assuage the admins. They seem to believe that the moment you claim to be 'transgender', this wipes away any mental health issue that you might have like Christians believe baptism cleans away any sinning that one has done. And if they believe that, it must be completely true.

So just like we are not allowed to question any election results, including those of Saddam, we now are not allowed to question the mental health of any 'transgender'. The individual demanding to be addressed as Chloe Sagal? Perfect mental health. Impeccable. Couldn't have been better.

As usual, please don't tempt fate, but rather, there are always good ways of expressing oneself that don't give these people an excuse.

EDIT: Here is the comment that was removed: https://archive.is/a75yi . Notice the title of the thread.