In a fun twist, as McClain noted, since Fischer was known to be dismissive of female chess players and once claimed they were less intelligent than men, "Making Beth recall a female Fischer may have been a sneaky, and wonderful, way to send up that assessment."
So they "owned" Bobby Fischer and his wholly accurate assessment of female chess players by grafting his skill and personality onto a fictional female chess prodigy who is more accomplished than any real female player in history? That'll show him, eh?
This is just so painfully "Netflix".
Doesn’t that just make women look even worse? People are gonna try to look this story up and realize it’s completely made up and they’re gonna ask why there are no female chess champions like that.
They are not going to look it up.
Chess is an interesting sport, is a mental sport and yet we have female only championship and as far as I know there are no men only.
It makes sense to have female only for things like physical sports or at least one were you need sharp reflexes but a poorly cerebral game?
This does indeed look very bad for the female supremacists so I'm assuming that the movie tries to create the illusion that girls are better then guys at chess and maybe encourage some girls to play chess.
You run into things like that all over the place in competitive games. Pinball, for instance. The IFPA has women-only leagues, but no men-only league. The defacto overall league is topped by men - you have to go down to the 104th spot before you find a woman in the list. That woman is the top-ranked female player, and she's a full 600+ points lower in the ranking than the top man. If women were playing on the same level, you'd see one much higher in the rankings.
You can argue that paintball may have a hand-eye coordination factor but in a mental/ strategy game that looks kind of bad.
Yeah, the thing about pinball is the hand/eye part of it is just muscle memory and practice once you get down the standard moves for ball handling. Everything beyond that hinges on mental & strategy of trying to hit specific targets and order of the rules of the table you're standing in front of. It's not rocket science once you know the table you're playing, but even then you've got the guys putting up double to triple the scores the women do. I'm sure they'd have some excuse like they don't get to practice as much as the men, or the men intimidate them when they're at the machine - never mind the fact that dudes have to put up with the same shit when they're at a tourney, and guys have to find their own time to practice, too.
It doesn't make any sense for anything women only. This only makes them not have to face reality. If women are allowed equal rights, then they deserve equal responsibility. No more funding women's sports with men's, no more holding their hand and letting them have their own league. If they want to compete, make them compete equally or quit the equality bullshit.
I'd say let them have their own sports. If anything, it cuts down the amount of fat women in our society and we already have way too many of those.
Now taking it seriously as a "sport" that's not worth continuing to do. Continue to have the "Battle of the Sexes" tennis match in every sport to remind them of their place in the most brutal fashion regularly.
At least the trans would shut up about being in sports. But I doubt that will happen in this life time. My prediction for the near future is making rules in team sports to have a female quota. I predict suddenly trans athletes will become in high demand.
Men as a collective in western society will only continue self suicide for the benefit of women. We just need a tipping point or powderkeg to start forcing women to compete equally to be considered equal.
Nah. I think the question: "Who is the best woman" at something is valid. Where things go south is when delusional cunts pretend that the accomplishments of these women are even remotely complarable to the accomplishments of the men. Worse when the same delusional cunts demand that their accomplishments have to be recognized (i.e. paid) the same as mens accomplishments despite only a fraction of people willing to pay to see them compete.
I think there's ways to create interest in women's sports. Doing so is hard work though and why would you want to work hard when you can leech of the work of men instead (see almost every "professional" women's league out there)
You reckon people look stuff up do you?
Don't worry they will have a fake wiki knocked up by then if they do.
No one looked up Netflix's fake Central Park Five series, why should they look up this?
Ugh, reminds me if Amazon's the Aeronauts, where they took the true story of a scientist and his friend/assistant (who saved him after they went too high and pass out) studying weather and the atmosphere in balloons, and replaced the friend with a fictional woman (and an Indian man to a lesser extent), so they could have stupid "rah girl power" moments and a romance subplot (despite the real life scientist having been married before the events). Its just so irritating they chose to erase a real heroic event of two male friends so they could insert some pathetic fake representation or empowerment, and some cliche romance because apparently that's the only way to make women care about history.
If they did it with two male friends, these same people would all claim they're gay.
Gotta pass those diversity quotas or no Oscar for you!
In 30 years, everyone will believe women are the best at everything, because history will be rewritten.
It's already happening that way today. For people who grew up in the 90s or 2000s, think about how many shows had the whole "girls can be as good as boys" with sports stories there were. It might not be the supremacy that TheImpossible1 is talking about (yet), but it is a point for why there's a point to this. I'd hate to say it, but the "base" of woke culture has been brewing in the US for many years now.
Show them and ask them to explain what is going on. High school age American boys would have swept the women's 100 M dash in the 2016 Olympics.
And by "swept" I mean all eight spots, not just the medals. And that's just American boys vs. the women of the entire world.
You forgot the key point - "girls can be as good as boys... except in all the ways girls are better!"
They've been indoctrinating us with this crap for decades now.
"Anything you can do, I can do better"
Everything has to be a damn competition.
You know what I miss? Actual variety shows.
Are they saying it's based or inspired by a true story officially? Apparently it's based on the original author's upbringing and chess, but he made a fictional character to represent himself that's a female. I'm not really certain if it should be considered "based on" if the main character is different. Then again, the events are supposedly what happened, so that seems a bit confusing to me.
On a somewhat related note. If someone states that woman should be capable of competing with men in esports, point them over to the disparity in chess. The people I'm referring to aren't SJW's that are claiming sexism in the industry are keeping women out. It's just that it should be made clear that just because something doesn't resolved around physical strength or speed like a traditional sport. Doesn't just make the playing field even, not inherently at least.
IIRC you could also mention Scrabble.
Competitive Scrabble, yes that's a thing, is almost all male in the upper echelons last time I looked. Quite diverse in terms of race, but gender not so much.
Anything that requires high intelligence is going to be almost entirely male at the upper echelons because the intelligence curve for males is flatter than the one for females. It's not all benefits for men though, because while most of the geniuses are men, most of the retards at the bottom are also men; women cluster around the average.
Men are exceptional, women are average. It applies to literally every category we have, men will make up both ends of top and bottom while women are generally all vaguely close to the same.
That Y Chromosome is the much more mutatable one, because men are genetically disposable so it can risk trying new things. So all the absurd shit a human can be will always be men first, and evolution will eventually pass it on to women.
That's why you can often quite accurately assess and predict women, while men are crapshoots much of the time.
I love your username!
Eh, Scrabble isn't the best example.
Helen Gipson is the top woman worldwide, peaked out at 3rd overall in the UK, and has beat Nigel Richards.
It's not like athletics where the raw potential just isn't there. With Scrabble you're just dealing with people who are several sigma off mean. The top players in the world don't change much year to year.
Is the character also a black Muslim lesbian?
Good news is, no one gives a shit about chess stories.
Anyone remember Chess? No? Super-hyped Broadway play. Flopped hard, as I recall. The only thing sucessful about it was one rather overplayed song.