Doge: was I a good meme?
Death: no
Death: I hear you were the best.
FUUUCK why am I getting torn up about a dog I didn't even know!?!
good point, but let me share a bit of advice from my time working both for Wal-mart and a major cabinet making conglomerate; Never, ever underestimate a bureaucracy's ability to do things in as inefficient a way as possible, lmao.
...and don't ask me where this is coming from, because I haven't teased the info out of the back of my brainpan, but there's some snippet rattling around back there that makes me think the German people are about as naturally bureaucratic a race as exists on the planet.. I almost want to say they're pathologically against thinking for themselves or innovating... I'm probably wrong about this, but the thought wont go away.
depending on the age of the building/s, it's possible there's structural wear that needs to be addressed, given that most buildings arent really made to last as long as they used to.
Not an expert or anything, just trying to steelman a little bit.
sidenote: I think what we need are "unsafe spaces" more than 'safe' ones, lol.
More accurate to the purpose =D
I'd agree with you, but occasionally, you'll get the (extremely) rare tomboy who is more of a guy than most of the guys.
And I don't mean posers, I mean somebody who you can tell is actually into whatever the hobby might be, and likes it just fine the way it is, thank you very much.
...what is it about the irish accent that adds ten+ years to the voice?
sounds like a texas winter, lmao.
Ladies (men too, but I think men tend to understand this semi-intuitively), hear me out; whenever you go into a male dominated space, or heck, any space that you're unfamiliar with, don't treat it like an extension of your normal world.
Instead, treat it like you just stumbled upon some obscure tribe that's been separated from the rest of the world, and try to understand the local customs, rather than wondering why it doesn't comform to what you expect it to be.
This is just speculation on my part, but I believe men have worked hard over the millennia to make you feel safe, however as a consequence, men have had to shield you from the harshness of the real world. Consequently, men's and women's social evolution (at the very least) has diverged in regard to psychological needs. Men need a place where conflict is allowed as much as one where it is not. This need for conflict must be expressed in some form, while still maintaining the 'safe space' for women, so men create spaces where they can engage in ribald humor, semi-mean-spirited banter and simulated and.or controlled violence.
...all I know is if nixon had left well enough alone, the CCP wouldn't be a concern today...
to be fair, china got a big boost from Nixon trying to smooth over things with the Reds, and all the tech companies that used loopholes to build shit there, because it was cheaper.
agreed. I can certainly empathize in those extreme cases, but I'd encourage a friend/family member not to go through with it.
my understanding is the procedure is rather agonizing as well... works for most stuff, though not videos.
Funny enough, I've had the same phone number for going on seven, eight years, and I still get spam texts for the previous number holder. I got curious, so I did a quick internet search.
Turns out he's a doctor from Dallas, and a hospital where he at least used to work still has my number listed.
It's annoying, but the more I think about it, it does makes it a lot easier to weed out spammers.
Do with that information what you will.
Having a personality above simpering weasel doesn't hurt either...
Edit: in case anyone reads this later, I'm just gonna clarify. I wasn't calling anyone specific a weasel, I'm just saying that a lot of men take the "kiss ass" approach to women, which can be a major turn off, as, if the woman in question is even remotely attractive, she's all too familiar with the type. Be interesting, be funny, be challenging, but don't pucker up the minute you see a woman you wanna bang and tell her everything you think she wants to hear.
To be fair, I can understand it with midgets and dwarves, even though it's so much risk for so minimal a gain.
I disagree with it, but I can understand it.
eh, I'm borderline manlet, lmao. (5'8" legally, 5 7 3/4" in reality)
Personality goes a long way, all I'm saying.
...can we get a version of this in Freedom Units? lmao.
...don't die?
I played it a little...
...and gotta absolutely curbstomped by it, lmao.
the crusher gimmick has been used successfully before...(the first pokemon games ran a similar add campaign in the nineties in fact) the problems were myriad, though; the choice of creative tools, the almost orgiastic amount of time focused on the destruction, the cavernous space, the dark color scheme of the room, the size of the press in question...
Hell, the timing/zeitgeist of the public right now as ai seems to be threatening jobs once thought exclusive to humans right now probably doesn't help...
yeah, sorry about that, lol. I can't remember if the genesis had weak audio hardware or just shitty audio drivers, but it was pretty limited in what It could do.
Game was fun if you muted it though, lol
that was a good one.
of worthy note was also biohazard battle, though that's more of an R-type clone with an organic gimmick
dark souls wishes it was this hard...
Xexyz 😎
jokes aside, I like a little of everything, but the gameplay has to be there or I just get bored
I literally still have my copies of the first two Katamari damacy games, and I still go back and play them sometimes, because in spite of the 'shroomfest that is the graphics and plot of those games, at their core, the gameplay mechanics are challenging and enjoyable.
same reason they loved keyboard cat, longcat, grumpy cat, etc.
the personality projected onto the animal by the memes, lol