Matt Walsh appears to be up on Twatter
Here are a couple of annual annotations from several notable authors,
2021 Year In Review, Part 1 - Crisis Of Authority & The Age Of Narratives; Authored by David B. Collum -
Collum's annual reviews are always a rave not to miss.
Another installment on the trail of the long emergency by James Howard Kunstler,
Forecast 2022 — Dumpster Fire Blazing on the Frontier of a Dark Age -
For some light reading ,,)
The one building, in a tight compound of buildings -
This is so Russian; the lace plastic curtains, a droopy line of holiday lights, she's disheveled and half sloshed in her housecoat - and knows how to unjam a AK then fire off a round out the window while the old man is chirping happy new year in the backround. 🎇
This is too sad for even the most devoted leftie, the woman has a baby for chrissake and going through breast cancer treatment at the same time. Yet the politicos vilify her husband for supporting his wife.
Solid proof that the left is deeply, inherently, ungodly evil to its very core. Unredeemable heathens. Joy Reid is truly a succubus sent by the devil, there is no other excuse for her.
I can't help but say how wildly impressed I am by this /imagine wading barefoot into a river and calling up your elephants for tickles and hugs; in the real world the here and now, this happened.
Perhaps anything is still possible and utterly without precedent.
Part 2 - 12/19/21 • BIG TECH › VIEWS
The Belly of The Daily Beast and Its Perceptible Ties to the CIA
There are a lot of overpaid tech geeks shitting themselves in their multi million dollar Victorian Lady rowhouses wondering if they're just going to have to abandon ship and flee if it gets much worse. (try to stem their $ loses)
SF will become a city of absentee zillionaires like Nancy Pelosi, surrounded by the dregs of humanity living and dying out front on the sidewalks. The Americanized version of Brazil.
IMO, and I could be wrong, but I think any kind of vaxport for domestic travel is an immediate no-go. It interferes with the laws of interstate commerce, and 20odd states have already passed state legislation against them.
Joetato hasn't seen blowback like a domestic vaxport would rain and hail shit all over his parade.
I don't think he'll do it.
What happened to presidents who cheerily promised a chicken in every pot? Now they're promising sickness and misery instead. A sign of our times that government hates us and wishes the populace dead.
But don't forget to vote democrat, the party of doom.
We get gay dating ads on our Comcast cable on a bunch of channels after midnight I noticed a couple of years ago.
I've been outside of the TV world for decades, it's mostly just a backround noise annoyance. I also hate the way it has crept into every public and private space.
I'm a big fan of eastern Orthodox but they are few and far between here, and since I have no training in their customs I feel like an interloper who doesn't fit in. Orthodox churches are not the kind of inclusive and evangelical culture that western Christianity is.
Larry Mondello was da bomb, everybody knew that kid.