To me, resolving the parenthetical (which is PEMDAS priority numero uno) means resolving that chunk together, which includes the 2 stuck to the outside of the parenthesis.
I mean, any explanation of PEMDAS is clear about the parentheses
First you solve what is inside parentheses
And the the 2 outside the parenthesis signifies to multiply with the result of the parenthesis, so there should be no debate about that.
No one's gonna cast judgement for getting it wrong so long as you realized where you screwed up because mistakes happen and the lack of multiplication symbol can throw people off.
I just hope we can all agree that anyone who arrived at 6 / 6 = 0 should not be allowed to vote lol.
This could reasonably be interpreted as 6/(2(1+2))
How? There's no extra parenthesis in the original equation, which would change the final answer.
BTW here's the original image since the guy who tweeted it deleted it:
You could argue that they should've included the multiplication symbol, but that's still perfectly valid math syntax.
I'm for prohibiting dangerous jobs or jobs where health issues could arise.
Aside from that, I'm not for forced child labor, which is probably why there were chimney cleaning kids in the first place (or, at least, I can't imagine a kid wanting to do that kind of work).
If so, does the Libertarian Party agree with you on this?
I have no clue. I'm not a libertarian nor do I follow their views closely enough.
Side note: I like how children cleaning chimneys in the 1900s is always the poster child for anti-child labor proponents. Like, yeah, this is pure fucking propaganda and there's countless other jobs where they don't get dirty and learn valuable life skills.
Time is money
Over four days, we spent $175 on charging. We estimated the equivalent cost for gas in a Kia Forte would have been $275, based on the AAA average national gas price for May 19. That $100 savings cost us many hours in waiting time.
Hold your breath.
BTW, they already located "her."
There are people who have always been offering, this isn't nothing new.
god knows there are enough already trapped in the foster care system
Because there's waiting lists and a screening process. They're not just giving out kids to any rando who signs up.
This ad is retarded.
a) the people you're appealing to aren't going to vote for you
b) Some people (the ones using their brains) who were going to vote for you are going to be turned off by the fact that you think the KKK are a threat to anyone in this day and age