user20461 12 points ago +13 / -1

If you're just finding out about this, it's because there are people who don't want you to know about it.


But the main attraction, obviously, was Trump. He received a standing ovation after delivering an enthusiastic affirmation of gay rights not often heard in the GOP.

“We are fighting for the gay community, and we are fighting and fighting hard,” the former president and 2024 candidate said. “With the help of many of the people here tonight in recent years, our movement has taken incredible strides, the strides you’ve made here is incredible.”

user20461 3 points ago +19 / -16

The similarities between him and Trump are astounding.

Came in pretending to be a savior, made empty promises, didn't deliver, did nothing but invigorate the left, and by the time it was over, even the people who originally supported him wanted him gone.

The best part is, the same people who support him and Trump will learn nothing from this. TPTB will just create another celebrity hero and they'll fall for it all over again.

user20461 1 point ago +1 / -0

Rush Limbaugh once said the only person who can separate Trump from his supporters is Trump himself, and that's exactly what it looks like he's doing.

Not even he can do that. The cult has taken on a life of its own.

user20461 2 points ago +2 / -0

which kinda still proves he can manipulate the media.

It turns out, he proved that he can still manipulate his idiot followers.

user20461 7 points ago +10 / -3

I'm heading over to T_D to see how they're reacting to this. 🤣

This is your leader? 🤣

EDIT: it turns out, they're actually excited about it. My low standards for them wasn't low enough, apparently.

user20461 3 points ago +3 / -0


He did it.

user20461 0 points ago +3 / -3

That said, I'm happy with 95% a loaf.

Keep an eye on that loaf, before you know it, it'll be a slice. You'll still be happy with it, though.

user20461 5 points ago +7 / -2

Good, I don't care for Elon. He's already telling you he's going to censor you just like the old regime and if you read between the lines, he is telling you he wants to decide the future of the country by only allowing the views that he approves of.

user20461 13 points ago +13 / -0

He went behind Nick Fuentes' and Kanye's back after the interview he had with them instead of addressing ti directly with them, which is a bitch move. The stuff he said about them was also unnecessary and it seems it was done more to appease liberal crowds. It's pretty uncharacteristic from anyone on the right to to do that. If you're not going to say it to their face, then just say you don''t agree with their views.

user20461 17 points ago +17 / -0

I don't even respect Alex Jones anymore, but you gotta admit that Elon is exposing his left-wing bias and hypocrisy with this decision.

user20461 19 points ago +19 / -0

IMO normies don't know what's happening in their own country, let alone the around the world. It's the left who votes for these politicians and policies that are dragging us down.

It's a left-vs-right issue. Always has been, always will be.

user20461 3 points ago +4 / -1

For some reason, the tweet doesn't show up on nitter, so just use the archive link or replace nitter.net with twitter.com.

user20461 7 points ago +7 / -0

'We have our own traditions and values.'

I remember when we shared those same values. :(

user20461 9 points ago +9 / -0

Yes. This, along with other things I mentioned, is why I'm not 100% sold on what other people are saying about how, if it were real, they would've cut to commercial.

At the end of the day, I don't like Chappelle because he talks out both sides of his mouth, and my experience tells me those people aren't trustworthy.

user20461 8 points ago +8 / -0

Good point, but the ADL and jewish news media is already on him about it.

He's also a master of double-speak so he probably had them fooled for a bit. For example, he said there's a lot of jews in Hollywood, but then goes on to say there's also a lot of blacks in Ferguson, MI and that doesn't mean they run the place.

user20461 -1 points ago +1 / -2

LoL you know how I can tell you're a bitch in real life?

You act tough behind a keyboard over a minor disagreement.

You're compensating for being a pushover in real life.

Get mad all you want, you'll always be a bitch - and I take solace in that. :)

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