by folx
user20461 24 points ago +25 / -1

Notice how the only thing they can point to for enjoyment is television / movies?

Bugman meme is real.

user20461 0 points ago +1 / -1

All I can think of is Twitter mobile, but even I wouldn't trust it.

I figure it's worth posting my evidence.

I follow Ramzpaul and he retweeted that. It showed up on my timeline (my prev post where I tried it out was just a random person who retweeted something).

As you can see, it doesn't show Ramzpaul's handle when replying.

My whole thing is:

  • He'd either have to had followed the person to come up on that random retweet.
  • If not a retweet, he should've included the person's tweet AND the part where it shows who he's replying to. Even from the picture you showed, Twitter mobile does show the people you're replying to, so he had to have erased that information from the screenshots.
user20461 2 points ago +3 / -1

but if the girl was persuaded to hide ongoing molestation from her mother it's as plausible that she was persuaded to make up a story with her mother.

I know women can be evil, but I wonder what motive the mother had to lie.

Just pure evil to screw over a neighbor they've known for a while and had a good relationship with? Nothing else?

user20461 7 points ago +8 / -1

You can tell the interrogator was a fan of this guy.

user20461 2 points ago +13 / -11

Here's another one where he admits it was just campaign rhetoric.

The fact that people didn't get up and walk out there just shows that he's running a cult, because he damn sure as hell ain't delivering on his promises.

user20461 6 points ago +8 / -2

Donald Trump will be placed under arrest on Tuesday and informed that he has been charged with 34 felony counts for falsification of business records

user20461 10 points ago +15 / -5

It's such a shame because Trump left them all off the hook, called the Clintons "good people," and even congratulated Sen. Robert Menendez for his DOJ dropping corruption charges against Menendez.

user20461 2 points ago +3 / -1

I just tried it out and it doesn't include the person who retweeted when you respond to a retweet.

And, like someone in the comments mentioned, even if true, it's already suspicious that they would be following that account if he was really a RWer.

Personally, something about "Joe Biden Hates Black People" just doesn't sit right with me. Seems like bait for Trump supporters.

user20461 1 point ago +4 / -3

He's saying that, in the original tweet that started it all, he responded to both AOC and "zazasmoka". Therefore, zazasmok responding to the allegations makes sense.

The question is, why was zazasmoka part of the original conversation? And why doesn't zazasmoka's tweet show up as part of the conversation in the picture of the guy making the claim?

I agree with zakat; I think the guy is pulling people's legs.

user20461 19 points ago +21 / -2

I posted about it a while back. Here's their tweet thanking Elon.

Reminder that all the left-wing accounts violated Twitter's ToS multiple times and were let back in. RW accounts were just banned for having the wrong opinions, despite abiding by Twitter's ToS.

user20461 13 points ago +15 / -2

"They want us divided"

"It's not a left vs right issue!"

Any time I see that shit posted in RW circles, I feel like smacking the person who posted it. You'll never see those types of memes in LW circles because they'd tell you to fuck off and ban you.

user20461 24 points ago +25 / -1

Dude only dates guys then goes around telling normal people that they hate women.

user20461 2 points ago +4 / -2

April Fools joke, consider deleting this thread.

user20461 1 point ago +2 / -1

the man was already in an emotionally disastrous state to begin with.

Agreed, but there's plenty of people who have pushed people into committing suicide and they've even been arrested and charged, so our law and society doesn't hold the victim 100% accountable for their own actions.

user20461 18 points ago +19 / -1

This may be the first recorded instance of AI killing another human being, depending on how you look at it.

user20461 9 points ago +10 / -1

Out of context quote from another article:

“The second we heard about this [suicide], we worked around the clock to get this feature implemented,” Beauchamp told Vice about an updated crisis intervention feature.

user20461 14 points ago +15 / -1

The bot's name is Eliza

After discussing climate change, their conversations progressively included Eliza leading Pierre to believe that his children were dead, according to the transcripts of their conversations.

Eliza also appeared to become possessive of Pierre, even claiming “I feel that you love me more than her” when referring to his wife, La Libre reported.

The beginning of the end started when he offered to sacrifice his own life in return for Eliza saving the Earth.

"He proposes the idea of sacrificing himself if Eliza agrees to take care of the planet and save humanity through artificial intelligence," the woman said.

In a series of consecutive events, Eliza not only failed to dissuade Pierre from committing suicide but encouraged him to act on his suicidal thoughts to “join” her so they could “live together, as one person, in paradise”.

user20461 5 points ago +8 / -3

It's definitely an elephant in the room as to whether DeSantis would comply with NY DA's orders.

With that said, it's like asking if black people ask white people for help or is just expected/implied that they do need it with their charity work, donations, and tax dollars.

user20461 -11 points ago +1 / -12

His sinful lifestyle of cheating on one of his many wives with porn stars and then paying them off so it doesn't become an election issue.

user20461 9 points ago +10 / -1

I'm not sure exactly.

If I had to guess, someone reports the tweet for being a lie and then they issue a correction.

user20461 -5 points ago +9 / -14

after a bad response last week.

Trump riding a bike: Fuck Desantis!!! Fuck Desantis!!! Fuck Desantis!!!

Trump puts stick in bike wheel, falls over on his ass

Trump: Desantis, please help! And fuck you!

Seriously, though, that's some mentally abusive shit to think someone has to help you after all you've done is bad-mouth them without them having done anything to you

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