user20461 1 point ago +2 / -1

We normally only fight for what’s in the constitution.

FWIW the Constitution defines what is legal tender and there's a bill in Texas to release a cryptocurrency that's backed by gold to counter CBDCs. I'm not a fan of cryptos that are ran by governments, so I'm not hyped up about it, but it's evidence that there is a fight. With that said, the fight will only go as far as people are willing to fight for it.

What I think we both will agree on is that this country is way past voting. And it's not enough to just do away with TPTB, you gotta do away with their zombie army, because IT IS a left vs right issue and there is no coexisting with communists.

user20461 8 points ago +8 / -0

There was a time when you could argue the issue was, as Steve Bannon once intimated, that Trump is easily duped. But the buck stops with him in the end.

Almost every excuse for Trump centers around the idea that he's the biggest retard on this planet and doesn't know any better. The other excuse is that he's only pretending to be retarded and that it's all 4d chess (have you even read The Art of War!?)

user20461 -1 points ago +2 / -3

I watched it again.

All I heard was him going off on a tangent about how we're romanticizing the past and we're brainwashed. Those aren't arguments for why video games were always terrible.

user20461 -1 points ago +1 / -2

Dude actually believes that Bruce Jenner is a woman. FOH you faggot loving tranny piece of shit. If I wanted to speak to your kind, I would be on reddit.

user20461 -5 points ago +2 / -7

Sorry, I don't speak to retards. Good luck in life, though.

user20461 -1 points ago +4 / -5

So I'm more than halfway through the video and wondering where's the argument that video games were always terrible. He repeats quite a few times that there was a time when they were great.

user20461 11 points ago +12 / -1

I love how she asks where the strong men are after chastising men.

Bitch is getting what she and her kind deserve.

user20461 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why did you quote the only thing I said?

Cuz the rest of your post is retarded, like you and your entire bloodline.

Also, why would I give a shit how many posts you found

See above. And see above as to why I ignored the rest of your post. Faggot.

user20461 -2 points ago +1 / -3

and why every single Trump voter no longer counts as one then.

Former Obama voters and "former" liberals are RW?

If you believe that, feel free to explain how Bruce Jenner is a woman. Go ahead, I'm waiting, because if you believe everything that people tell you is the truth and that people don't lie, then you must take that man's word at face value and believe that he's a woman.

So go ahead, tell me how Bruce Jenner is a woman.

user20461 0 points ago +1 / -1

Later, he added that a car carrying one of his children had been followed by a stalker thinking it was him and that he is taking legal action against Sweeney.

So someone following a car is reason to suspend the account following his jet?

Please follow up on this, I'm interested in your mental gymnastics to defend a billionaire leftist all while still pretending you're RW. 😎🍿

user20461 -3 points ago +1 / -4

But the Right keeps doing it.

Anyone who believes these people are RW is retarded.

user20461 -2 points ago +1 / -3

If people on the right are still so dumb as to trust celebs and rich elite at all,

Personally, I don't consider these "former" liberals to be RW.

user20461 4 points ago +6 / -2

The Right are so fucking stupid. If Musk destroys Twitter, something will come along and replace it, and that thing will be infested with the Progressive disease like Twitter was, and we go right back to the shit state we were in prior to Musk's takeover.

The left are so fucking stupid, they think RWers should be happy with their controlled opposition leaders who don't deliver on their promises and, instead, advance the left wing agenda.

If Substack offers an alternative to Twitter, Musk's Twitter competing with that (Substack has been vehemently pro-free speech from the beginning) is the best possible outcome.

Great, Twitter deserves to die then.

user20461 -1 points ago +1 / -2

If you people go through life hoping for ideological perfection in every single person you see, you're going to have a miserable life.

People who strive for perfection don't always reach it, but we get far better results than the faggots who believe that "trying" is good enough.

user20461 9 points ago +11 / -2

This "rival" service is a paid-subscription and authors would still rely on Twitter for its audience to bring in subscribers. It's not replacing Twitter in anyway.

Twitter has a similar paid-subscription service called a "Super Follower" but, for whatever reason, not a lot of people use it.

Instead of asking why this is and how to fix this issue, Twitter soft bans Substack, even going so far as to label the links as "Unsafe/Malicious" to their users.

"My commitment to free speech extends even to not banning the account following my plane, even though that is a direct personal safety risk" - Elon Musk, shortly before banning the account following his plane

user20461 5 points ago +5 / -0

If I was one of these parents I'd be at this fuckers door every night demanding answers for his incompetence.

I think that's the problem right there; parents who are relying on the "justice" system to defend their children. This is a demoralized country.

user20461 18 points ago +18 / -0

Can't wait for his explanation.

And you know it's not a good one because he would've announced it long before it went into effect.

user20461 26 points ago +26 / -0

Gender dysphoria is a mental disorder.

Trannies are a threat to themselves and to others.

Why are they allowed to live amongst us instead of being locked up in a mental institute until they recover from their illness?

Start pushing the overton window to where it needs to go.

user20461 14 points ago +15 / -1

without creating additional PR problems for themselves.

My friend, do you think what the dems are doing are good optics? If not, then why should Republicans care about optics?

What is the point of optics anyway? To win an election? Your elections are rigged, from your candidates down to the actual votes. Even if you did get a good candidate in there, their life and their family's life would be threatened for them to stay in line, and you think they're going to pick you over their themselves and their family?

Optics is a losing tactic at this point, we're way past voting or giving a shit about what other people think.

As the saying goes, "Fuck your optics."

user20461 21 points ago +21 / -0

I wish Republicans would get up in the democrats' face and start causing problems.

What the dems are doing is not normal; this is shit you see in 3rd world countries, and not just limited to this one instance. We're going to lose everything because we believed the lie about being the better man.

user20461 3 points ago +3 / -0

You know, I fucking hate democrats, but I admire the fact that they push the limits when they're in power, if not outright abuse their power, in order to advance their agenda and their voters'.

It's this abuse of power by democrats that ultimately got Trump elected. People voted for someone who crack down on the crime and corruption in politics, along with all the political violence from Antifa and BLM. When in office, all he did was let them off the hook, congratulate them, and try to be their friend.

Trump was the only politician I voted for and the last one. Lesson learned.

We need someone who's going to abuse their power to correct the course of this country and undo the last 50 years or so.

This is what I admired about Hitler. He did what he had to do to save Germany. Contrary to popular belief, he didn't have all the votes, but he used what he had to give himself the power to save Germany. He also used that power to crack down on his political rivals, both politicians and civilians. That power can easily swing the other way, which is scary but, as of right now, that's the only thing that'll save our country short of a civil war.

user20461 7 points ago +7 / -0

Trannies shouldn't live amongst the population - change my mind. ☕

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