What kind of caramel is lighter than Swedes?
Well...she obviously needs one but who would employ her trainer after these results is another question.
Caribbean Chinese has to be in the dozens, at most.
Yep. The top reply chain to the guy's latest tweet is someone asking how he can get away with it and the next one saying it's cause he's white.
There's supposed to be one for the 23 season isn't there?
Do they live in America? I have not seen anything like it here. What they should worry about is them killing you, at least the young ones.
I have family like this. They were saying you can come to dinner but have to stay outside AND wear a mask, in December, where the average daytime high is below freezing. Then they juiced their elementary school aged kids.
Move to Africa.
Don't even have to get weird with it. There are plenty of households with two working medical doctors in things like anesthesia or radiology that would hit a million. Lots of athletes. Way more than 0.
Right? I just saw a commercial from PNC bank saying they are doing the same shit and I was just like, "Wtf, we're doing this again?"
I didn't know what the Wolfangel was so I image searched and curiously found this amongst the results.
Buzzfeed article from November 2020 kvetching about Azov on facebook. I didn't realize it but they were spelling it Kyiv back then too.
the Russians set fire to the nuclear power plant.
This was the water cooler talk all day Friday. I didn't see the video though. I tried to watch something but it was 18 minutes long and I couldn't find anything but some car alarms going off.
My favorite so far is one guy proclaimed "I can stand" as if that's some edge he's got over the competition he'd be facing.
I'm sure there are dozens of corners where they live from which to prostitute themselves.
Page won't load so I can't see but I would have thought it containing Nigger Spic Coke joke would be the most disqualifying for someone ridiculous enough to write an article like this.
Facts don't matter. If they did, none of this shit would exist in the first place.
"...Not that I would know, since my internet privileges were revoked 3 years ago."
Are they going to burn it down and start over?
I don't remember that. Maybe I'm just oblivious.
I know Bender's voice is a woketard. I'm sure most of the rest of them are too. Wasn't Groening doing weird shit with Epstein?
So fucking bent he can't even have a straight mohawk.
Shit like this shouldn't even exist in private.
Probably half the people on the right wing side are not in the correct spot.
Diversity is our strength.
They did this shit in Milwaukee too so I assume it happens pretty much everywhere. Couldn't keep their shit together so the city closed the beach and the animals harassed people and tore up the place for the rest o the day.
Gal Civ III is going to be free on epic next week.
The bullshit thing is the only people there that can do anything to her just stood there and let her continue to assault him. If he'd done anything to defend himself, because no one else seemed like they were interested in stopping the assault, he'd probably be in jail and barred from flying.
Of course, at this point, I'm not even sure I'd care to fly again. They deserve to go under for enabling this shit but we all know what happens if dear old airline industry buries itself from shitty business practices.
Nature already did the hard part.