they-see-me-trollin 8 points ago +9 / -1

it's a sexual fetish, usually brainwashing related to being a pedophilia victim from an older male.

so once they finally get that surgery, they come to realize that not only is it fucking disgustingly barbaric, they will never feel sexual pleasure again. it's literally a monkeys paw, djinn wish scenario

they-see-me-trollin 11 points ago +11 / -0

if they don't want to be attacked for sucking donkey dicks, then maybe they should stop sucking donkey dicks.

they-see-me-trollin 7 points ago +7 / -0

if you want special privileges around being paid to not work, take that up with your husband, not your coworkers or employer.

this slippery slope you're pushing is short sighted and logically junk. not only is it a blatant violation of the civil rights act and US constitution (it's blatant sex discrimination), it's also transphobic, you nazi bigot.

they-see-me-trollin 9 points ago +9 / -0

just claim you're menstruating and if they don't give you paid leave, you can call them transphobic and sue them for hate speech and discrimination creating a hostile work environment.

they-see-me-trollin 4 points ago +4 / -0

it's not blackwashing... it's called whiteface.

make them so embarrassed about how they're saying blacks want to be white, and all this whiteface is proof. mock them for doing whiteface. LOL BLACK PEOPLE WANT TO BE WHITE HAHAHAHAHA

they-see-me-trollin 6 points ago +6 / -0

it's quantitative easing.

since 2009, every year, the fed has issued a shitload of money to blackrock and vanguard through quantitative easing. those orgs went and bought up a shitload of board seats. the CEO of blackrock is a literal communist, and one of the inner circle faggots pushing globalist agendas, vaccine passports, 15 minute prison cities, travel/communication bans for people who don't have sufficient social credit scores, etc. that's why we went from hyper-capitalist giant corps like AT&T pushing for massive de-regulation in the early 2000s, to crony marxist totalitarian shit today.

none of these companies are profiting with this shit. but they don't have to because the money was free. and the money to blackrock/vanguard was free because it was stolen from you through inflation, issued by the fed.

they-see-me-trollin 17 points ago +17 / -0

"dog whistle" is just a deceptive justification to censor anyone who might even question their communofascist tyranny.

they-see-me-trollin 5 points ago +5 / -0

disparate impact is junk law that was peeled back in an appeal over a decade ago. it started with a case on a company refusing to hire convicted felons, and the appeals court said it was not disparate impacts. even crazier, the obama admin had put on this junk science sociologist onto the stand, talking all this conclusory bullshit that had nothing to do with this policy. and the appeals court just obliterated the trial judge and the "expert". SCOTUS refused to even take up the case to overturn it.

a year later, SCOTUS said in Texas Department of Housing & Community Affairs v. The Inclusive Communities Project, Inc., that it's only disparate impacts if the policy purportedly creating the discriminatory impact is "artificial, arbitrary, and unnecessary".

they-see-me-trollin 6 points ago +6 / -0

it's not even that these leftists don't care about the damage they cause. they actively want to destroy everything. that way they can "build back better" with communism. that's exactly how communist media and academia worked. anything they couldn't flip, they'd infiltrate and topple from the inside.

they-see-me-trollin 7 points ago +7 / -0
  • colonize the IP, rebooting it with racist whiteface or sexist manface

  • call the original fanbase racist/sexist nazi bigots, claiming the reboot is not for them anyways <--- you are here.

  • sit tight as the reboot fails, no one watches it

  • call the original fanbase racist for not supporting the reboot

they-see-me-trollin 5 points ago +5 / -0

let's be real... this concern was always fake. that's why chat-com aggregator apps never had any real take-off. pidgin (formerly GAIM) was the last big one, and it was only used by uber-nerds. normal people don't care. eric ries (of lean startup) even did user validation on this, and the average person has over a dozen chat / social media apps, and is active on multiple on them. people just don't care.

stop building inside others' walled gardens.

they-see-me-trollin 4 points ago +4 / -0

win is compromised. consumeFJDKLFproduct without the junk capital letters had a bunch of things outing global shadowban lists. it's all the same tyranny as reddit, just different people using the same evil shit. it's just a matter of time before this place goes to shit too.

they-see-me-trollin 2 points ago +2 / -0

let's be honest, even if it starts as a good cause, the end game of that stuff is always monetization for themselves. always. they even admitted they were working on an unwoke hugbox game.

they-see-me-trollin 28 points ago +28 / -0

reddit specifically has done exactly this.

they hired a tranny / pedophilia advocate as an admin, and even mentioning the person by over a dozen names would get your post/comment instantly shadowbanned. automated semantic analysis and topical analysis is now easy and accurate enough that they put it through filters even before it goes live, and anything about trannies/pedos that isn't absolute worship is trivial to censor.

once upon a time, you could avoid that shit by just staying out of political subs. but eventually, many subs got infested, e.g. even apolitical subs like r/NBA and r/machinelearning were pushing that tranny pedo shit. that's just how the marxist mind virus works... it must infest and consume everything, so there's no opportunity to engage or learn without everything being tainted by its touch.

they-see-me-trollin 20 points ago +20 / -0

this. if you pull the pfizer clinical, it reeks of p-hacking and outright data fraud.

for example, when practically every sickness was being labeled as covid because of PCR junk science that even the creator of the test disavowed, the only way to lower covid rates on one side was to literally block them from testing. so if you got sick and were in the control, they'd tell you to come in for a covid test right when the lab opens. but if you got sick and were in the jab group, they would tell you to come in shortly before the place closed, and many flat out didn't make it in time, artificially lowering the covid rates in the jab group. now this came from whistleblowers.

what about shit pfizer openly admits to?

pfizer openly disclosed that the jab group had over 5x more people removed post-injection than the control group. pfizer basically just said "these people don't count anymore" and gave no reason why. not death or protocol deviations. those were categorized. this was a new category that pfizer just decided not to count anymore. and if even a quarter of them had covid (because practically everyone got covid), the entire clinical would have failed. picking and choosing to exclude 5x more in the test group is classic, textbook p-hacking. they got the result they wanted by literally not counting people who would have debunked their shitty clinical.

they-see-me-trollin 6 points ago +6 / -0

it's funny whenever people bring up the sexual assault thing, there's some nitwit claiming sweden redefined sexual assault so each instance is counted separately, thus skyrocketing their sexual assault counts. except that's how the US has already counted it for over a century. sweden's sexual assault rates are off the fucking charts, and directly proportional to their rise in immigrant population.

also, the same faggots whine about norway being so perfect as a model of successful socialism. yet norway is 98% white scandanavian, and they have a trillion dollar energy fund which funds all their social programs for a country with the population of south carolina. it's off-shore oil. if globalism really took over, norway's energy fund would be seized... or if oil usage dropped significantly, their fund would go to zero, and they'd go into poverty overnight. their policies directly seek to obliterate what norway has. oh, and for the US to have analogous services, we'd need a fund that produces over 60 trillion a YEAR. the entire US GDP is only 25 trillion. no way is that ever happening.

these faggots have no idea what they're talking about.

they-see-me-trollin 12 points ago +12 / -0

let's be honest, there's nothing requiring this at all other than future business plans to get people inside the ecosystem. it's not even a matter of costing out some functionality as cheaper... they had to do extra work to do this.

if they were smart, they would have just given some primo cosmetic lootbox. so many people would have done it that they would have achieved their eocsystem growth goals and walked away with kids frothing over it.

they-see-me-trollin 19 points ago +19 / -0

according to a juror who took an interview, all jurors rapidly voted to acquit, except one racist piece of shit who steadfastly demanded to vote guilty.

the perp was identified as a coyote (human trafficker) who had tons of felony convictions in the US, had been deported multiple times, and was found dead wearing camo with an AK47 "fully semiautomatic assault rifle", illegally trespassing not even 100 yards from the rancher's home. now technically, there wasn't even evidence that the rancher was the one who shot him. but even if the rancher did, the rancher is plainly legally justified in shooting this piece of shit.

they-see-me-trollin 5 points ago +5 / -0

have to turn it on them every single time, make it so they can't engage without calling them a racist...

oh, so we're ranking racism now? that sounds awfully racist. i denounce all racism, don't you?

they-see-me-trollin 9 points ago +9 / -0

just feign ignorance

wait what? jews have been getting kicked out of countries for centuries? nah, that sounds like a conspiracy theory. don't be fucking ridiculous. next thing you're going to tell me some conspiracy theory about some guy being responsible for genociding millions of Js too...

they-see-me-trollin 4 points ago +5 / -1

mandatory patches aren't the problem. mandatory patches help keep shit consistent, a much lower cost of support. no business in their right mind wants to manage all that shit.

the problem is DEI faggots abusing mandatory patches to put a chick in it and make her gay and lame.

they-see-me-trollin 5 points ago +5 / -0

these people are just masking their racism and bullying with a phony veil of compassion. they got bullied too much in grade school, they latched onto the easiest movement that socially lets them bully others. call them out for bullying and they back down every time.

they-see-me-trollin 11 points ago +11 / -0

my wife is from argentina, blonde hair, blue eyes, freckles. no one in their family identifies as POC. most latinos are even more racist than Whites and many want nothing to do with being labeled as POC.

they-see-me-trollin 30 points ago +30 / -0

this is what they voted for.

the same retards will now vote for free bail policies too, guaranteeing this shit will happen again. and then they wonder why crime is up 20,000%

they-see-me-trollin 8 points ago +8 / -0

doesn't matter how long ago it is... DEI as shown in the Harvard case is illegal discrimination against Whites and Asians and sometimes Latinos, in favor of Blacks, Jews, and sometimes Latinos.

Demographic shift in the US has brought about a weird problem for DEI. Latino is an ethnicity, not a race. You can be White-Latino or Black-Latino, or anything in between, or White Non-Latino or Black Non-Latino. And what they're finding overwhelmingly is that when DEI gets the fuck out of the way, White Latinos do just as well as White non-Latinos. The difficulty is color-grading Latinos, because many don't themselves. End result is that there are now instances where DEI is illegally discriminating against Latinos, bucketing them with Whites and Asians, in favor of Blacks and Jews.

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