Yeah, maybe not too popular, but my love for Star Wars disappeared the minute I saw the very first preview of Force Awakens. I remember my childish excitement fading away and thinking "welp, there goes another one" and pretty much wrote the whole thing off. I do recall being semi-interested in the black trooper's deprogramming that was implied in the preview (obviously they skipped all that to focus more on Mary Sue fucking around in the desert and slapping male helping hands away like a grrlboss should).
I eventually did watch it because some friends had it on in their house while I was staying over and I wasn't into it at all, except maybe the nostalgia-berries with the original cast (that weren't ever put in the same scene).
And then massive fines/imprisonment for anyone on the right who dares do the exact same thing against one of their leftist leaders.
the boomers still read every headline as though it's the word from on high
Well, to be fair, it is the word from up on high. Just not necessarily the truth.
Yeah one of the selling points of my last relationship was that she admitted she was into 80s guy movies like Scarface. Didn't want anything about them changed, just enjoyed the hell out of them as presented. She probaby triggered feminists more than any evil white male they envision hiding under their bed.
Would be nice if they were half as passionate about policing the blatant anti-white bigotry being freely spouted all over the media and academia
Can't have a leftist message without censorship and locking down forums.
Spongebob a few hours later...
"The only reason this failed is bigotry and misogyny!"
Bigoted backlash? People laughing at it and moving on isn't a backlash. It's a financial mistake that everyone can see coming a mile away.
You're not entitled to my money, commie.
And which anime are we talking about?
They were groomed to hate themselves so this doesn't surprise me
And another cultural icon has been dismantled in leftist territories.
She was probably the type of girl to tell the teacher to kick the boys out of the sandbox so the girls can have a turn, then they proceed to sit there and not build anything. More about taking something fun away from boys than anything else.
Holding a woman accountable for her actions? What are you some kind of misogynist? /s
I still rewatch S1 and S2 as I find them to be the best of the show. That being said, I still skip through most of the Claire sideplots. She goes full Skylar White enough to annoy the crap out of me.
Get a room already, faggots.
Muslims will also exempt themselves from the LGBT faggotry being programmed into children as well.
Agreed about the pussy passes but iirc Poison Ivy almost killed Mr Freezes wife, got exposed, and is in a cell near Mr Freeze so hopefully the implication is her pass gets revoked.
The Nolan catwoman was horribly written and kinda ruined the movie for me.
Most of it are those tired shills talking about marrying 9 year old girls or whatever the latest NPC troll script is.
Minnesota is up there in the potentials as well. They are already conquering entire city governments
Limousine leftists are a fucking plague. Preach things like diversity that they can afford to live far from.
Yeah that's how I felt about the white boomer couple in Missouri standing their ground and protecting their property from violent BLM goons with their firearms. All it takes to keep a mob of cowards at bay is confidence and a few guns.
And of course, for the crime of embarrassing the fuck out of the justice system that deliberately failed the people during the summer of love, that couple was lawfared until something stuck as to make an example out of them.
Mr freeze, at least in that atrocious batman movie with Arnold, had a very sympathetic motivation to his actions. As much of a letdown as that movie was I always respected that relative depth of writing.
Like most DEI parasites, they only give a shit about the racial numbers for their quota. It's always someone else's problem after (other people having to train them, perception fails in the market, lower quality products and services, etc)
*subtly hides Back to the Future DVDs and posters