You sound like a worthless pussywhipped cuck. Imagine humiliating yourself trying to "self improve" for your future wife while she fucks 500 other men. Good luck in your "pick up" journey. If you want women to actually submit, you need a culture of masculinity that will put them in their place, and guess what, this is exactly what Islam is.
The only thing leftists understand and respond to is overwhelming and indomitable force, you have to make them terrified to even try to make a hypocritical statement.
Leftists are already afraid of opening their mouths unless they have the government henchmen on their side.
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Women will consume pornography all day long then call you names if they find out you like looking at attractive girls.
Women need porn in written form because for them it's very important to have a long description about how rich, powerful and psychotic the male character is.