misogynegro 14 points ago +14 / -0

The circumstances around Sandy Hook are incredibly sus. I don't think our government would be cracking down so hard if they weren't staging at least some mass shootings.

Now the Christchurch shooting I'm almost certain was a hoax, the video was unbelievably fake.

misogynegro 22 points ago +22 / -0

Right-wing "misinformation" causes people to freedom a little too much. Left-wing misinformation - the real kind - causes people to commit arson, assault and murder.

To this day most people still think Matthew Shepard was murdered for being gay, or that Trayvon Martin was shot for being black, or any number of famous "hate crimes" that turned out to be bullshit.

misogynegro 2 points ago +2 / -0

Blacks will be made a far smaller minority than they are now, which means the Dems won't have to give a single solitary fuck about black voters. On the other hand, beaners have a much higher rate of leaving the Dems and voting GOP, which isn't all that consequential yet since a strong majority still vote Dem, but who knows what will happen long-term.

misogynegro 3 points ago +3 / -0

TDS is finally starting to wane, not in the sense of libs switching over to MAGA, but just in terms of the Biden admin doing such a piss-poor job that only the most diehard koolaid-guzzling TDS cultists can still be animated by hatred of the orange man. Nobody who isn't either so deep in denial they could survive a nuclear war or is just insulated from our fraying economy can actually buy that inflation isn't happening, or that mass immigration isn't a problem, nevermind the fact that all the crocodile tears for illegal immigrants in ICE facilities dried right up after Biden was installed.

Everyone saw the instant phase-shift from comparing ICE to the Gestapo and ICE facilities to concentration camps to just dropping the issue like everything going on with illegal immigration just stopped happening once Trump left office, I'd bet that lots of people quietly realized that they were taken for a ride but are too proud to admit it so they just moved on.

misogynegro 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's unreal to me seeing aging millennials with troll's remorse frame their transition towards becoming insufferable blubbering vaginas as "growing up." Of course these types never actually grew up, they're just stuck in the adolescent phase of being fixated with appearing mature, and thus overcompensating by being aggressive buzzkills.

misogynegro 3 points ago +3 / -0

These same people claim that Norse mythology "is for everyone," but now it's problematic to display it.

misogynegro 4 points ago +4 / -0

Council member Ava added that they were told that "without context, our image could be taken the wrong way," suggesting that it could be interpreted as a promotion of white supremacy. She said that councilors were told to be "mindful that the image, despite it not being problematic, is something that could grow to be controversial."

God I hate this weasel-word HR speak.

...could be taken the wrong way...

...is something that could grow to be controversial...

So basically the standard we're at is, not only do your intentions not matter, it doesn't even matter if someone taking offense at what you said is reasonable or acting in good faith. You have to now woke-optimise everything you say and display to minimize the chance that some whiny, crazy and/or malicious asshole will figure out a way to take umbrage even if their interpretation is completely idiotic.

misogynegro 4 points ago +4 / -0

Keep in mind, this is in Vancouver, WA, and most of WA outside of the Puget Sound (which contains Seattle) is pretty red. Vancouver in particular is pretty far away from the Puget Sound, although I haven't been there in a long time and AFAIK a lot of Portland shitlibs have been moving there, so that probably explains it.

misogynegro 14 points ago +15 / -1

So what now? If the TERFs won, it's back to oldschool man-hating feminism. Real conservative victory right there.

misogynegro 2 points ago +2 / -0

Anime, manga, and JRPGs don't seem to have any trouble with creating their own fantasy races based on their own mythology. I actually hate how ubiquitous Tolkien races are because of how watered-down they've become. It's one thing to create a setting that's thoughtfully derivative of Middle Earth, but there's so much cheap knockoff trash that's made Tolkien tropes odious, even before DEI elves.

misogynegro 2 points ago +2 / -0

Before you know it, Nintendo characters will have optional BDSM gear and if you object you'll be branded a bigot. It's just chains and leather you're the real pervert for thinking it's at all sexual.

misogynegro 0 points ago +1 / -1

Female characters get the snot beaten out of them, show themselves to be terrible people, fail spectacularly, get absolutely humiliated, etc. Arcane isn't a simp show full of Mary Sues who effortlessly girlboss over the incompetent male characters. There are very competent and sympathetic male characters and female characters who get humbled and have to learn from wise male mentors.

misogynegro 1 point ago +1 / -0

IMO the writing was mid, though the world-building and some of the characters were pretty good. But compared to the usual Netflix slop the writing was stellar.

And the animation was the real selling point. I get being turned off by the California mental illness haircuts, and I'm disappointed in a French studio adopting such a profoundly unappealing aesthetic. Frogs are degenerate as hell, but their degeneracy at least tends to have good taste, can't imagine why they'd adopt that kind of tacky proglodyte trash.

But at the end of the day, while I understand being repelled by what's on the surface, it's important to pick your battles. If normies, centrists, and the like end up enjoying this show, autistically screeching at it will just validate the equivalence that fence-sitters like the Act M'am draw between us and SJWs.

misogynegro 3 points ago +3 / -0

Because nobody wants to stand up to them. You risk having your career destroyed or a media firestorm for your company if you tell them to fuck off, and most people are cowards. Especially people who've sucked their way into cushy corporate positions in the first place.

misogynegro 4 points ago +4 / -0

The MSM is pissed that Steam allows so much free speech on their platform, since free speech is one of those dead white male racist colonizer concepts that no progressive society can tolerate.

misogynegro 5 points ago +5 / -0

If it's fake that opens them up to a lawsuit from DHS, so either it's real or Gamer Supps is run by retards. Keep in mind that although defamation is normally very difficult to prove in US courts, outright fabrication turns that around since it demonstrates intent to deceive.

Of course products with "Gamer" on them are already more or less scams anyways, as they're just cheap crap with shiny labels slapped on them to appeal to consoomers.

misogynegro 16 points ago +16 / -0

Is it gonna include the corrupt officials stealing money that was supposed to go towards fortifications, that left Ukrainian men to be slaughtered? Are those crooks gonna be prosecuted by their government for treasonously getting their own men killed?

Every Ukraine simp argues that Coach RedPill being killed in prison was justified retaliation for him working as a spy, so I wonder if they'll have the same outrage for thieving Ukrainian officials who, and this can't be repeated enough, got thousands upon thousands of their own men slaughtered for pure greed.

misogynegro 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yeah, the slithering Soros DAs have shown that they don't discriminate when prosecuting people for self-defense. Then again I guess self-defense is "white-coded" so a black person exercising self-defense isn't "politically (B)lack."

misogynegro 8 points ago +8 / -0

Reminds me of "no ethical consumption under capitalism," which Vaush infamously took to its logical extreme by arguing that buying CP is no worse than buying stuff made with child labor.

misogynegro 8 points ago +8 / -0

I remember encountering one of these creature son the KIA reddit sub claiming that consumers totes want less sexy female characters according to marketing research, then out the other side of his mouth he mentioned that gacha games still have plenty of sexy female characters and I mocked him for the fact that gacha games are way more profitable than AAA titles. Also wasn't in the mood to do research so I just mocked the fields of marketing and advertising as being comprised of professional bullshitters who are more interested in justifying their salary to out of touch boomer execs who can be swindled into thinking these guys actually make them money, than in actually making the company money.

Reminds me of how much if not most of the data from big tech platforms is junk because of the prevalence of bots, and it's only a matter of time until the corporate world finally figures this out and stops pouring money into these companies, at which point there will be a big tech crash. It's already happening, albeit slowly, as old habits die hard. And Musk was one of the first people to get ahead of the curve on this, by turning twatter into a subscription service with a pool of verified users whose marketing data is actually legit, although the porn bots have made twatter a pain in the ass to use as of late.

misogynegro 20 points ago +20 / -0

Discovering how they lie is important though, since although we know they lie, not everyone does. Exposing these frauds is how you take them down, simply knowing that they're evil does nothing.

misogynegro 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm not terribly surprised that the kind of dishonest research methods used in the social "sciences" and think-tanks have trickled down to marketing research firms that are contracted by companies to give them consumer data, since the kind of people staffing these companies came from the social "sciences" and work in said think-tanks etc.

But I do have to wonder, is providing a company with dishonest marketing research a breach of fiduciary responsibility? If I was an investor in a company that was making decisions based on dishonest research by a contractor, I'd wanna sue their asses. So I wonder if there's money to be made in working as essentially an auditor for these slimy marketing research firms.

I know that in the real sciences there's a growing trend among experienced researchers to audit studies in order to weed out junk research, since the journals themselves are too corrupt or indifferent to do their damn jobs, but these guys aren't getting rewarded for it, they're just genuinely fed up with the prevalence of junk research in their fields.

However, the possibility of suing a company for providing dishonest research, or suing a company for contracting with a company that does dishonest research, raises a possibility in this regard.

The corporate world already has math nerds in the form of accountants and actuaries, who they go to when they need real research and analysis done, rather than the kind of professional bullshitting that's always run rampant in marketing and advertising departments. So an enterprising law firm could potentially hire some of these math nerds to shred junk research and then offer investors an opportunity for a law suit.

misogynegro 4 points ago +4 / -0

You're forgetting that most people go along with whatever the prevailing opinions of their tribe happens to be. This includes the vast majority of artistic types who, despite being stereotyped as freethinkers, are anything but. And if they do have any dissenting thoughts, they keep it to themselves, and the weak-minded among them will even gaslight themselves into thinking that they changed their minds organically.

Solitary confinement will make almost anyone go insane, and in an extremely repressive political environment, the part of your brain that's capable of independent thought will be isolated from engagement with your peers, and many people will simply break down and delude themselves into thinking they conformed out of a sincere change of opinion rather than coercion. Plus, no one wants to believe that their in-group are actually the side of evil, and since game devs tend to be weird nerds (not that there's anything wrong with that!), in an industry that's extremely demanding, their workplace becomes a surrogate family.

Remember, plenty of Germans went from being committed Nazis ready to lay down their lives for the Reich to becoming either diehard communists or liberals, depending on whether the Americans/Brits or Soviets happens to be the ones "liberating" them. Many former Gestapo agents even went on to become Stasi agents. Brainwashing works, "re-education" works, most people just aren't cut out to be political thinkers.

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