Everything at the level of molecular biology looks like some space age nanotech stuff. The mRNA shots def have real dangers, don't get me wrong, but proteins are wiggling all the time, so some vaguely wormlike protein doesn't indicate much on its own.
Every member of the petty tyrant class has a name and an address. Given the Orwellian anarcho-tyranny open air prison society they're happily marching us towards, where they conveniently occupy the role of commissars, I'm having less and less moral misgivings about the prospect of eliminating these people's carbon footprints.
She tried to get the state to allow her to homeschool the sperg, but they refused and made him go to a regular public school. Then she tried to inform the school of what they needed to do in order to prevent him from spazzing out, and they ignored her. So the school really did fuck things up.
Katzenberg is a VC, so that's ironic.
Not to mention that if Trump wins, the MSM will suddenly start paying attention to the horrors of the war in Gaza. Which regardless of whether you think the IDF's actions are a necessary evil or not, is definitely not something that the Israeli government wants. Whereas under Biden/Harris the MSM lets them get away with a lot more lying.
It took a lot of pressure though.
Fancying yourself as mature for this philosophically illiterate edgy nerd take is a thing teenagers would do.
Obama is pro-Iran
This is why the left always wins.
I've heard GOP politicians and GOP-aligned media slobbing Israeli knob my whole life.
Isn't free speech one of the most basic of human rights?
Self-defense, too.
Muzzies are living the libertarian dream, being able to decide to tell cops to fuck off because they'd rather institute a vigilante enforcement system instead - and the cops just decide to let them!
I hate to be a doomer but I think the Trump campaign is doing such a horrible job, likely on purpose, that the globalist reptilian candidate will win. Both of his top campaign managers despise him, nothing makes sense except that they're coercing him into doing the total opposite of what he did in 2016 since they can ruin him and his family (or worse) if he really pushes his luck.
That's one of the most retarded things I've ever read, congratulations.
Just what Americans are clamoring for, more Fox News boomercon retardation about oUr GrEaTeSt AlLy. The GOP really has its finger on the pulse, nothing projects an image of strength and patriotism like being cock holsters for a country on the other side of the world.
Even GRRM can't write himself out of the corner he's written himself into, with the main series. After the Red Wedding the central plot thread tying everything else together was snipped, and that central plot thread was based on the War of the Roses. Imagine if during WW2 the Allies had figured out a way to just assassinate the leaders of the Third Reich and Imperial Japan. All the other adjacent conflicts would have still persisted, but mostly independently of one another. Whereas GRRM is in the position of having to tie everything back together, despite the fact that he severed the cord that was tying everything together.
Moreover, constructing plots that are both plausible but not based on real situations is really hard to do. It's like trying to construct fictional characters with no resemblance to any real people, or to world-build settings with no resemblance to any real places. GRRM's great trick was realizing that a high fantasy setting allows you the freedom to do historical fiction, but without the constraints of having to make things consistent with real history. But by snipping the main cord, it's next to impossible to come up with a way to continue tying everything together that's actually plausible.
Whereas House of the Dragon didn't place the writers in an impossible situation. They already had a good plot outline to work with, and a good writer could have really cooked with it. But of course, the writers are shit, so they took good ingredients and managed to make something vomit-worthy.
Although dragons aren't real, flamethrowers are.
Something about being reminded of the existence of hipsters made me think of flamethrowers for some reason.
Arabs aren't diverse enough, "diversity" really just means black nowadays.
Even with real history that's the case, like with black (and Baizuo) Americans calling Egyptians racist for having a problem with a "documentary" that lies about Cleopatra being black.
The even more hilariously sad part of all this is Oliver Thorn basically simped for ContraPoints so hard that he decided to become a Wishdotcom version of CP. So they didn't even get the original pseudo-intellectual AGP creep who appropriated fag culture for his "video essays," they got the knock-off. And since CP is a knock-off "woman," that makes Oli playing dress up a knock-off of a knock-off.
There were also lots of articles about how vulnerable our election infrastructure is to hacking.
Tommy Robinson has connections with the IDF, though he's still a shabbos goy and he's more useful as a political prisoner anyways.
That was on purpose though.
If they're gonna become prostitutes anyways why not institute a comfort women system?
Would probably make Ukrainian men less likely to flee.
Bruh that's some neo-Stalinist revisionist bullshit you're peddling. The current Ukrainian government is dogshit and Russia is probably the lesser evil in this war - and corrupt worthless sacks of shit like Zelensky aren't at all worth defending - but Ukrainians are still a real people.
How long do the astronauts have up there in terms of oxygen, water, and food?
The fact that they insisted on everyone getting injections regularly does indicate that over time the mystery substance is broken down and diluted. Granted the bluetooth signals from those graves show that the stuff can "survive" human decomposition, but then those were people who died soon after getting injected. Whereas if you live long enough after your last shot, the affected cells will presumably have been disposed of by the body, which is, again, probably why they want people to keep getting regular "boosters."