Boomers are the problem. It sucks because boomers are very much a "can't live with them, can't live without them" kinda deal. Once boomers are mostly gone, Dems will be the de facto capital-P Party of the US at the federal level. Yet even for as long as boomers are still around, we have to deal with the fact that they're extraordinarily retarded. Which includes a ton of deepthroating skinless kosher cocks that need the moisture.
Then again, without boomers the GOP might actually be able to push a halfway appealing message. Boomers are why we can't tell Zionists to fuck off, it's why we can't look at "Reaganomics" the wrong way without some bloviating old gas bag flapping their gums about "communism" (even as they enjoy that sweet sweet government money and healthcare), etc.
Boomercons hate big government unless it's our military playing world police or private prisons giving police arrest quotas and incentivizing recidivism or tax money from young people who will never get back the money they put in helping their old asses stick around past their expiration date. I hope Reagan is boiling in shit like how Talmudic Jews think Jesus is.
Dems and Labour get rid of feminism all the time. When women and girls are raped by brown men, those bitches are told to shut up and take it. White women can't object to being attacked by angry brownies either. Can't even object to a man swinging his dick in their daughter's face in a women's locker room.
But whenever it's needed, feminism can always be phoned in, and used with the utmost precision, without worry that the feminists themselves will ever stray from the task at hand. And when they do, like TERFs, they get obliterated. So mainstream feminists are good little yapping poodles, delicately weaving around poor white girls being raped while crying bloody murder at a mid white guy politely asking out a woman.
Feminism is nothing more than a propaganda weapon for establishment left-wing parties, it immediately materializes whenever summoned and just as quickly gets the fuck out like a good whore who knows you're not paying her to stay the night after she's emptied your balls. And it's hilarious how baldly cynical it is, having watched it come and go like a fashion trend. Only the most autistic women actually take that shit seriously, for everyone else it's a pure performance.
This doesn't even make sense as an insult. I could understand if other gamedevs were trashing it, or game journos who failed out of game dev were trashing it.
But since when was it a requirement for consumers of a product to be skilled in making that kind of product? You can criticise music without having musical talent, you can criticize ugly cars without being a talented car designer, etc. You're the dev, you're the one who's supposed to have a modicum of talent or at least competence in doing what you're paid to do!
Brits smash slave trade, what horrible colonizers.
Union smashes slave trade, what great liberators.
Union also smashes Amerindian tribes which practiced slavery and allied with the Confederates, what horrible colonizers.
Incest can give rise to some absolutely wild genetic disorders.
This is the same logic that Putin uses when he pushes neo-Stalinist revisionism about how Ukrainians aren't a real people. And way too many people on the right fall for that shit because they don't wanna admit that Zelensky's regime and Putin's regime are both dogshit.
Meanwhile, the legacy of the holodomor is left in the dust, as the leftoids that Russian propaganda appeals to explicitly deny that it ever happened, while the rightoids that the same Russian propaganda appeals to just forget about it, because muh based Russians.
It's a bitter pill to swallow but Ukrainians are basically just screwed. Their options are going back to Oriental despotism, or becoming debt slaves to BlackRock, with both options entailing their long-term destruction as a culture.
After all, niggers don't actually exist, niggers are a social construct.
Why would you even be mad about being called a nigger? You're not a nigger, are you?
Medicine uses race as part of its diagnostic process, nevermind that pesky complication with organ transplants when a donor isn't the same race as the recipient.
But because wokies have hijacked med schools, they're also pushing this insanity in medicine, and lots of people are gonna die, including the people they claim to care about.
This truly is our Lysenkoism.
It's hard not to make a Dracula joke whenever the subject of turkroaches comes up.
Wanna import Turkish culture? How about some Romanian culture too?
Nah but really, turkroaches are up there with Jews and pajeets in terms of groups that I'm especially racist towards. Even a century after their extraordinarily cruel, bloodthirsty, and degenerate empire fell, these fuckers still treat the very same people they genocided like subhumans, and still play a key role in sex trafficking.
They're some of the most entitled, belligerent, and disrespectful assholes in the world, still strutting around with that Ottoman hubris. Just realize that Cenk's Nephew is how a typical young Turkish male behaves minus the American political LARPing.
So if you're doing some world-building and wanna have an especially loathsome empire in your setting, model it after the Ottomans. Read up on the history for inspiration, they were genuinely a plague back in their day and you have a reference for anyone who criticizes your villains for being cartoonishly evil.
Much better anti-nuke op-ed:
Eisenhower told his biographer that he expressed to War Secretary Harry Stimson his “grave misgivings, first on the basis of my belief that Japan was already defeated and that dropping the bomb was completely unnecessary, and secondly because I thought that our country should avoid shocking world opinion by the use of a weapon whose employment was, I thought, no longer mandatory as a measure to save American lives. It was my belief that Japan was, at that very moment, seeking some way to surrender with a minimum loss of ‘face.’”
Adm. William Leahy, President Harry Truman’s chief military adviser, agreed with Eisenhower. “It is my opinion that the use of this barbarous weapon at Hiroshima and Nagasaki was of no material assistance in our war against Japan,” Leahy wrote. “The Japanese were already defeated and ready to surrender because of the effective sea blockade and the successful bombing with conventional weapons.”
I'm just gonna be blunt here. A lot of midwits ITT are doing that obnoxious midwit thing where they assert their own armchair analysis as if it's established fact, when it's simply not. My guess is that when guys like Gen. Eisenhower and Adm. Leahy believed that dropping the nukes was unnecessary, the matter isn't nearly as settled as everyone is making it out to be.
And while the sanctimony of people (including the anti-war right, btw) who oppose the nukes may be grating, this tough guy posturing about how we totally for sure had no other choice is downright repugnant. Make the case that it was a necessary evil if that's what you think, but fuck all the way off with this smug, arrogant presumption that anyone who opposes the nukes is just morally simplistic or ignorant of history.
Why would spiteful mutants wanna overthrow civilization when civilization is the reason they even survived childhood?
How is it that this place is full of holocaust deniers but not a peep about the possibility that Japanese atrocities in WW2 were also exaggerated or even fabricated by Chinese communists?
Japanese culture tends to view the US in WW2 as an instrument of karma, rather than as a villain. Almost like we were a force of nature sent by the gods to humble them. So the nukes are more of a cosmic tragedy than a crime.
Maybe the coal burner Lauren Southern has a point about browns and Muslims taking over the Western right, and turning it into a macho melting pot. A lot of wignats hate white women more than brown men though, and will probably be fine with white women burning coal as long as they get to napalm a rice field or "make white guy tacos" in exchange.
(I'm not sorry)
They're just so fucking brazen. I know it's often repeated here that pointing out their hypocrisy won't work because they don't care that they're hypocrites, or that you can't be a hypocrite if you have no principles to betray in the first place.
But it's way worse than even that. Hypocrisy is power, it's domination. They're not just shameless hypocrites, they're proud hypocrites, they actually love being the most audacious sanctimonious hypocritical pieces of shit because it's really just about rubbing it in your face.
They know that you know that they know that you know that they know they're hypocrites, and their hatred for you knows no bounds.
Also, focusing only on nine, or maybe eight or seven, months would force libs to defend what's basically undeniably outright infanticide.
Palmtops like GPD Win. Literally just like a laptop or notebook, running Windows or Linux, but small enough to where you punch the keyboard with your thumbs. Just like in the good old days of BlackBerries.
Stop being retarded.
Lotta blacks seem to really want into country music for some reason.
I think we might be approaching the point where people can start configuring their own underground web infrastructure.
For instance, in small towns you can use meshnetworks, which is spread spectrum radio that can avoid too much interference in sparsely-populated areas. Funnily enough, pirate radio was a bit like the dark web before the dark web, and podcasting before podcasting, and some pirate broadcasters would even transmit the info needed to "literally" pirate games as long as you could convert the data to code.
Of course if the gov really wants to they can triangulate where the broadcasts are coming from, and while they could only listen in on pirate radio broadcasts (as opposed to encrypted p2p meshnet communications), they could also simply outlaw such communication altogether. Could also perhaps use sonar to transmit data, dunno if you can mask the location of the sonar pings tho. But in any event, today's extraordinary processing power and AI programs make the use of "noisy" and scrambled communication methods a lot more feasible.
It's kind of amazing to see the UK and Brazil, two countries that are wildly different in almost every way, turn into the same kind of Orwellian shitholes once leftists get in charge.
Bolsonaro was far from perfect, but it's insane how quickly Lula made him look like a friendly Labrador Retriever by comparison.
Yes, but Trump needs to at least be afraid of losing due to alienating his base.
Ironically because if he doesn't get it through his retarded boomer head that nobody wants this Paul Ryan shit, he will lose. He needs a wake-up call to go back to campaigning the way he did in 2016, or he's gone and the GOPe will purge MAGA.
It's such a shame that the Madascar plan was never implemented.
Their "God" is still waiting on his six million sacrificial souls that were supposed to be given to him as burnt offerings in exchange for returning to Judea.
Mfers literally Jewed their own deity!
That conspiracy theory about celebs being a bunch of soulless, non-sentient clones is eerily plausible with these two.