misogynegro 1 point ago +1 / -0

So the same reason why all the competent translators work in law and business where mistakes can't be tolerated while shitty translators just call themselves "localisers" to cope for their inability to properly translate.

misogynegro 1 point ago +1 / -0

Engineers definitely have their own issues, and there are certainly architects who are pragmatic and engineers who are myopic. But managers tend to side with the artfags over the tech autists, because managers are themselves usually much closer to being artfags.

misogynegro 0 points ago +1 / -1

So where are all the niggers and savages and white trash supposed to go?

misogynegro 1 point ago +2 / -1


Whenever I see someone use this word unironically, I stop listening

misogynegro 2 points ago +2 / -0

Entertainment and pop-culture in general will always generate a dynamic wherein you got the mainstream, the controlled opposition/competition to the mainstream in the form of astroturfed Indie™/Alt™ content, and then you have the real indie/alt scenes that are just waiting to be tapped as pop-cultural oil reservoirs. The constant upcycling of marginal subcultures into mainstream entertainment genres is the engine of pop-culture itself, because the object of pop-culture is the paradoxical condition of being a popular loser, hence why it's so hilarious that Kurt Cobaine blew off his head in the name of "authenticity," only for his turbocunt widow to make the commercial value of his brand skyrocket. It's what he gets for being such a self-righteous faggot.

But anyways, my point is in any entertainment industry, there's an easy trap to fall into of becoming Rage Against the Machine or Hot Topic or some other brand of fashionable social-signaling masquerading as rebellion, and boy if the left hasn't mastered the art of being the court dissident. So "indie" scenes are always gonna be infested by the same milieu that comprised the mainstream industry in the first place, coming from the same neighborhoods and the same schools, running in the same professions and convention circuits and cliques, getting glowing coverage by their friends in the MSM to get launched into becoming the next big "outsider" hit, etc.

I mean shit, that's also social media these days. Almost every big e-celeb today was handpicked by a talent agency and pushed on normies by the algorithm, and that's frankly the history of pop-culture in general, with some exceptions. So while I hate blackpill shit, it's extremely important to not fall for controlled competition masquerading as "indie." Much like how Microsoft sponsors a lot of Linux projects and Google sponsors Mozilla and tons of Silicon Valley startups, you gotta be weary of astroturf fuckery and willing to autistically screech at it like how HarmfulOpinions fucked up Candid's attempt to astroturf a free speech app for the sake of training a censorship AI.

misogynegro 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's pretty funny how much alt-tech is built by troons who are mad that big tech companies aren't censoring enough, then they get forked by the people they cry about all the time.

misogynegro 8 points ago +8 / -0

The page isn't loading for me, but I'm guessing that some proglodytes threatened to burn the place down.

misogynegro 28 points ago +28 / -0

It really should be illegal for venues to back out last minute barring exigent circumstances like a natural disaster. But then again when antifa shitstains threaten a venue, the cops are nowhere to be found.

misogynegro 1 point ago +2 / -1

Guess what?

Flirting with children is also illegal. Yet flirting with adults is not.

Likewise, sharing cartoon porn with other adults is not the same thing as sharing cartoon porn with kids. It's not the cartoons themselves that are the problem, it's distributing them to actual children.

misogynegro 2 points ago +2 / -0

Bestiality is actually doing something with real animals, not jerking it to cartoon animals like furries do. It's not a deflection to point out that the analogy you're making simply doesn't work, in this case because bestiality is analogous to screwing actual children while degenerate drawings of animals is analogous to degenerate drawings of kids.

misogynegro 4 points ago +4 / -0

Do AAA studios even hire actual programmers, or do they just assume that a bunch of CGI artists and animators can handle the coding as an afterthought?

Since they usually use Unreal or Unity the douchebags at the top probably figure that the coding's already been taken care of and Google can do the rest. I imagine it's a lot like the relationship between engineers and architects, where architects know just enough about engineering to be Dunning-Krugers about it and ignore everything the engineers tell them about all that boring technical shit. So architects will design a building that looks all sleek and shiny at first but because they ignored the engineers it ends up becoming a nightmare to maintain and ends up abandoned because of shit like the AC and ventilation system always breaking down or water pressure being shit or some other boring detail that architects don't think about.

Artfags having a contemptuous attitude towards tech autists is a running theme in many industries, and game development has gone from being mostly done by programmers with a few artfags involved, to being mostly done by artfags with a few programmers involved. And I'm guessing that any actual programmers involved in AAA development at this point are just told to "make things happen" while anything they try to warn the rest of the team about gets ignored, then when the nerd is vindicated it's far too late in the development process to start over so they end up slapping a bunch of patches on top of patches.

misogynegro 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's not about "sexualization" being held to a higher standard, it's about being so ambiguous that it gives way too much discretion to judges and juries to act as petty tyrants using the law to impose their tastes onto others. Did you not hear about those Florida retards who accused Michelangelo's David of being porn?

misogynegro 2 points ago +2 / -0

SCOTUS is pretty clear about fictional depictions of children, provided that such depictions are distinguishable from the real thing. So using AI to create virtual CP that looks exactly like real CP would still be illegal, but drawings that are obviously drawings aren't.


I only found two examples of prosecutions of virtual CP after this case, and one of them involved a guy who also possessed real CP. Regardless, surprise surprise, but crooked cops, DAs, judges, etc don't give a lick of a shit about the Constitution, and will simply disregard it knowing that most people don't have the resources to challenge them. Especially if they can get a plea deal that doesn't completely destroy their life, unlike spending several years in court which will only cement their reputation as a degenerate.

misogynegro 2 points ago +2 / -0

Bestiality is illegal, but drawings of it aren't.

misogynegro 0 points ago +1 / -1

If they're not good enough for you, don't move there. Affluent people can move pretty much anywhere they want, and displacing those dogshit people is just gonna send those dogshit people elsewhere to become someone else's problem. When these hipster faggots could have just stayed out and allowed shit neighborhoods to function as containment zones for shit people.

misogynegro 17 points ago +17 / -0

I always assumed that low-IQ music being played in trailers, even for fantasy RPGs, was just some advertising dipshit trying to appeal to zoomers. Lo and behold the real reason is even more ridiculous than that.

misogynegro 2 points ago +2 / -0

You're trying to obfuscate the distinction between morality and legality. "Sexualization" can mean all kinds of things, as can "denounce." Strictly speaking, a child being attracted to another child is "sexualizing" that other child.

Now, if you asked me whether adults gooning to drawings of children gives me the ick, the answer is an unequivocal yes. The ick is not a good basis for laws, or even corporate policies, however.

misogynegro 1 point ago +1 / -0

A confounding problem is that most of the gaijin activists pushing to pozz up Japan are either white or Jewish, and while we understand that Jews aren't white, most people, especially non-whites, don't understand the difference. Even worse is that lots of WASPs and Scandis are pretty much honorary Jews anyways, making it even more difficult to differentiate between whites and "whites."

That's actually one of the reasons why I love the term "baizuo" so much, it encapsulates the post-colonial Ashkenazi/WASP/Scandi diaspora while also sorting the good ones from the bad ones. Baizuo is a label that needs to be used more, because it highlights the fact that anti-white whites can be written off as interlopers, it's a way for based whites to disown pozzed whites while helping everyone else notice.

Btw, is the cunt in that image Jewish?

misogynegro 1 point ago +1 / -0

What we really need is a convenient way to do money orders online.

misogynegro 2 points ago +2 / -0

America has the 1A and SCOTUS has ruled that loli/shota hentai is constitutionally-protected speech you inbred low-IQ mouthbreather.

misogynegro 2 points ago +2 / -0

So are you gonna apply that logic to all the Belle Delphine clones who make themselves look like they're underage, or all the porn involving really small women dressed as schoolgirls with braces and such?

They're adult women, but adult women who make themselves look underage, and even roleplay underage characters, including daughters and nieces. But for some reason credit card companies aren't doing anything about that.

misogynegro 3 points ago +3 / -0

Censorship of content you find to be abhorrent is still censorship lol, everyone tolerates speech and artistic expression that doesn't offend them.

Hentai involving lolis and shotas is absolutely vile, foul, repugnant, depraved, degenerate, abominable, cursed, ungodly, demonic, vomit-inducing, etc. But it's nonetheless a victimless crime, unlike real CP which involves the raping of actual children.

If you mow down a bunch of civilians in GTA, you're not a murderer. But if you mow down a bunch of civilians IRL, and film it, you're still a murderer. Same principle applies to hentai involving kids, or to porn with adult actors that roleplay as kids, or porn involving rape and murder roleplay, even the most atrocious fiction is still fiction.

misogynegro 3 points ago +3 / -0

Are Classical and Renaissance statues and paintings of nude children CP?

I know this sounds like an obvious "no," but there isn't a simple, non-arbitrary criteria for differentiating between loli/shota hentai and legitimate art, for the same reason that there's no simple and non-arbitrary criteria for differentiating between art and porn.

Yes, you can certainly describe what you regard as the relevant differences between porn and art, but there's never gonna be anything even approaching objectivity in that discourse, and policy-making is something you have to be a total autist about or else nefarious actors will take advantage of ambiguity to abuse the rules to their advantage.

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