mikhalych 16 points ago +16 / -0

Elvis Parsley was a racist who stole from black people.

Yup, he stole everything from Tyrone Coriander.

mikhalych 37 points ago +37 / -0

will they stop talking about it the rest of the year?

mikhalych 3 points ago +3 / -0

What, it's stupid-foreign-war-o'clock again?

mikhalych 4 points ago +4 / -0

lol who exactly do you expect to feel bad for them?

Presumably that would be a demographic they're not actively sabotaging. I would like to see some specifics.

mikhalych 4 points ago +6 / -2

is there such a thing as 'consensual stealing?

sure. see Californian shoplifting laws for example.

mikhalych 2 points ago +2 / -0

Anyway, this dweeb neeeds to be deported....from Earth.

maybe somone should ping Elon about setting up Pluto labor camps

mikhalych 1 point ago +2 / -1

that sounds awfully like magical thinking to me, but hey, bigger miracles have happened in history. good luck guys.

mikhalych 2 points ago +2 / -0

Peers as in technological peers. Like having access to the logistical capacity (military transports) and weapon technology.

I see your point, but it really sounds like a useless parity measure to me. does access matter if you can't sustain it for a conflict of any reasonable duration?

Put it this way, if the UK turned it's armed forces on the third worlders currently invading it, they more than likely win.

are you sure about this? as you say, half the army would instantly defect to the opposition. what fraction of the others would immediately become pregnant? then theres reserves, how many fighting age non military Brits would actually want to fight this? Not just in some abstract sense but go actually get shot at. For the country and the leaders who created the problem in the first place(among the fuckton of other nasty things).

you'd be in a worse position than Israel today, because no victim trump card, rampant demoralization and no infinite ammo.

mikhalych 4 points ago +4 / -0

the UK military can only last 2 WEEKS with a on peer country in a war shows how fucked the situation is.

if they can rout your army in two weeks, they're not your "peers": you need to reassess your standing.

mikhalych 8 points ago +8 / -0

No leftist, anywhere, can actually claim to be Catholic.

The pope isnt Catholic?

mikhalych -4 points ago +5 / -9

they caught that white car you see in the twitter thread 100km from the Ukrainian border.

cause that's just what islamists do when they're done shooting people. rush towards the nearest warzone. martyrdom, 72 virgins and stuff, is so 2010s.

mikhalych 4 points ago +4 / -0

family got caught in the blast radius of a degeneracy promotion op.

a sad story. (not)

mikhalych 31 points ago +31 / -0

Well well would you look at that. Shrewd chinese businessmen offloading zombie assets to woke morons.

mikhalych 4 points ago +4 / -0

Polls are nice, but its who counts the votes, who decides the election.

mikhalych 10 points ago +10 / -0

Seriously. Those are the kind of fucks that make a communist revolution sound like a reasonable price to pay, just to have them against the wall.

That never goes as planned though.

mikhalych 3 points ago +3 / -0

like there's anything in that bill that would actually do something about the border issue.

its a "We pretend to care about your pet issue and you hand us 60bil for our money laundering project" bill

mikhalych 34 points ago +34 / -0

lol right. they'll change the wording and push it through a less scrutinized channel. like they always do.

mikhalych 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm generally against "boardgame-style" rules in politics, like "You can do X, but only up to N times".

Life doesnt have to be "balanced" : either a "move" is "good", and should be used as often as the political situation necessitates, or it is bad and should be disallowed completely. If a rule seems "excessively used", it is usually a symptom of a design problem with the system. Thus restricting "overuse", is attacking a symptom, instead of dealing with the root cause. In other words, a cop-out. Breaking your thermometer at whatever temperature you're comfortable with, will not fix your heating/cooling issues.

As such, conversation about term limits should be viewed as a symptom of a dysfunctional system, where people are looking for a "cheat rule" to get those they don't like out of the power position. But rotating out corrupt stooges(in politics or administration) every X years will not solve the problem of having your system overrun with corrupt stooges. You solve that issue with education and active citizen involvment. Possibly with a touch of firing squads - in some situations(though, obviously, I can't think of any modern real-world country where that last part would apply).

mikhalych 6 points ago +6 / -0

Spending multiple millions on every single senate seat becomes a losing battle for the Uniparty when that seat is vacated every one or two terms.

senators will go for way cheaper without an established brand name.

All term limits do is push the people in power out of the limelight. You cant solve the lack of honest and intelligent decision-makers by rotating the corrupt morons faster in hope those run out. You're never running out or corrupt morons.

mikhalych 36 points ago +36 / -0

There was quite a funny incident earlier today. the police set up a barricade on the motorway to try to stop a farmers. the guys just drove through the fence and around the barricade.

Yes, some tactics genius decided to block a bunch of tractors by blocking the road. in an open field.

mikhalych 29 points ago +29 / -0

another proof of global warming. every year the French go on strike earlier and earlier.

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