ernsithe 4 points ago +4 / -0

The Vatican published its 2021 budget in its latest effort at greater financial transparency amid a predicted 50 million euro budget deficit this year. The aim is to reassure donors that their money is being well spent, following years of mismanagement that is currently the focus of a Vatican corruption investigation.

“This recourse to Peter’s Pence reserves in recent years means that the liquidity of the fund is being depleted and with the current crisis it is very likely that in 2022 we will have to resort to some extent to the assets of APSA,” he said, referring to the Vatican’s central bank, which manages the Holy See’s real estate and other financial investments.

When he says "suicidal" he means to their revenue stream. They think appealing to Modern Audiences will increase cash flow. The modern Vatican is a business. Stop thinking of them as the Church and instead like Disney's Reedy Creek writ large. Just like any other corporation but with sovereignty.

Questions about departmental budget allocations to one side, Pope Francis has continued to authorize a slew of financial reforms aimed at tightening central oversight of major expenditures and encouraging curial departments to work together to share the costs of external purchasing and contractors.

Francis is a CEO with special hat. Trying to cut costs, increase revenue, and expand their market. Sorry Catholics, but the Church lives on only inside you and your local communities now. The institution is long gone.

ernsithe 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's difficult since a significant number of the bots on twitter are people.

ernsithe 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's a deliberately ambiguous notation. The correct answer is telling the person who wrote it to fix their equation.

And it's not an operator precedence question. It's a question of if multiplication by juxtaposition also implies that the multiplicands are grouped. And that varies on what you're used to seeing in what context. The people who argue that it's pure "PEMDAS" will still read 1/2x as "1 over 2x" and not "one half x." I don't think anyone would read "ab/cd" as ((a*b)/c)*d... though I suppose a programmer with a very light math background might read it as only two variables.

Anyone who gets sucked into lengthy arguments on this is wasting their time.

ernsithe 7 points ago +7 / -0

I was going to to say, "I don't think anyone should ever throw a game," but then I realized unless it's a 24+ man team, they're probably just unable to carry her.

But to actually address the "points" instead of just taking the low-effort shot.

any male dominated space is a bad one

Then don't be in it.

that's not be being sexist

That's exactly what it is.

no woman is asking men to make gaming a safe space

Did she start identifying as something besides a woman mid video? Because I'm pretty certain that's literally what she's doing here.

Yeah, some people take shit too far and are unpleasant to be in a lobby with. Grow a thicker skin and learn to deal with it. That's what everyone else has done for decades because we've always knew that letting a bunch of malicious "trust and safety" retards with a chip on their shoulder be given power is far far far worse than having to ignore what xXBigDick420Xx is doing comms. Mute and move on.

If it really bugs you that much, go petition MS and Sony to make ID-authenticated "women only" versions of Live and PSN where you can be over-moderated to your heart's content without ruining it for everyone else.

stop making this a bad experience for everyone else trying to play the game

The lack of self-awareness is incredible.

ernsithe 7 points ago +7 / -0

But on the other hand, if we make the work completely sterile, people’s immunity will be weakened and they will all die. Therefore, there is a way of thinking that we should dare to take on the stigma and transmit harmful things.

Don't lose your way o7.

ernsithe 8 points ago +8 / -0

Remember "vaccines stop the spread", too?

You can't catch anything from a dead guy, can you?

ernsithe 4 points ago +4 / -0

He also made a mustache from feces while roleplaying as the former Chancellor Adolf Hitler in one more such footage.

With a population of 70,000 estimated to vote, Neumaier is the FDP's candidate for upcoming local elections in the Swabian city.

Shitler 2024. Whoever is DMing the simulation this year has a wild sense of humor.

ernsithe 5 points ago +5 / -0


Pissing off Grammar Nazis at best.

ernsithe 8 points ago +8 / -0

Wow. I knew the troll(s) were working in unison, but didn't expect to learn that it goes all the way back to this fucker. They really have nothing better to do and have been at this for a while.

One of them must've reported back to their Discord that Dom's an AFK mod.

ernsithe 5 points ago +5 / -0

Like Norenia said, they got sold in 2022. Crystal Dynamics and Eidos-Montreal went to CDE Entertainment, which is just another Embracer subsidiary.

Now Embracer is splitting into three so those studios will end up under "Middle-earth Enterprises & Friends"

At least Lara can hang out with Adam Jensen in the IP gulag.

ernsithe 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't know the real term and "in vivo" and "in vitro" have the same acronym so I just kind of gave up there.

Edit: Actually it's just "artificial insemination" isn't it? The other AI.

ernsithe 2 points ago +2 / -0

Milk cricket?

This one is great because everyone goes WTF? Then they look it up and then learn a new slur for black people.

ernsithe 3 points ago +3 / -0

pretending that they "created it together"

There's a procedure called "reciprocal IVF" in which they use the egg from one and implant it in the other just so they can feel more "involved." Incurring all the risks of IVF plus a couple extra risks over regular assisted feralization just for the feels.

Being willing to take those entirely unnecessary risks for self-gratification tells you everything you need to know about what kind of parent the narcissists will be.

There's also this one which is interesting and done for non-vanity reasons, but results in a kid with DNA from three parties: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitochondrial_replacement_therapy

Edit: To be clear, there are non-vanity reasons for reciprocal IVF but it is marketed towards lesbians for vanity reasons. It's obviously not cheap.

ernsithe 4 points ago +11 / -7

There are over 6 million car accidents annually in the US. When will the terrorists stop trying to shut down our roads and freeways! There are thousands of attacks a day! Why is no one talking about it?!

Maybe there could be something to it, but it just oozes confirmation bias. A big event happened so now we notice all the small events of the same type and because it's not something we're personally familiar with, we have no sense of scale.

If you're saying that it's the increasing population of retards and a competency crisis, then you're on to something. But I really doubt anyone is carrying out deliberate attacks. Besides the people pushing the diversity hires. That is the attack.

ernsithe 49 points ago +49 / -0

Even worse I'd guess. Unstoppable meaning that they can't decide who is allowed to use it.

Just wait for them to charge some wrong-thinking open source dev because someone happened to use their string-parsing library in ransomware or something.

What am I saying, "happened." They'll find someone they want to arrest, include their harmless general-purpose code in a false flag and then persecute them.

ernsithe 6 points ago +6 / -0

I've got to agree with this one. For a lot of them it's about making superficial efforts to be seen as "involved." It's not maternal. It's frivolous high school girl stuff.

I'd go as far as to say the ones who are the more maternal kind are actually the competent ones. I've seen a couple of project managers who can keep a dozen teams in almost as many time zones synced up with the laser precision of a mom getting a van full of kids to their respective sports practices on time. Billy isn't missing piano and that product is shipping on time.

Anyone in HR is a cancer though.

ernsithe 24 points ago +24 / -0

With Dutch, French, and German being the official languages in Belgium, why are all their protest signs in English? 🤔

ernsithe 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is a hilarious idea. Train LLMs agents based individual's chat histories, simulate a long conversation instantly, and check the results.

Millions of dollars worth the parallel processing hardware just throwing pickup lines at itself until one lands and turns on a little green light somewhere.

But seriously this is them comparing profiles in a slightly different way and throwing $CURRENT_TECH_BUZZWORD at it. I'd be shocked if these apps hadn't been using collaborative filtering and/or neural networks for years.

ernsithe 41 points ago +41 / -0

It's funny because men are 1000x more discouraged from expressing anger and rage than women are.

But if this is the excuse it takes to get you outdoors getting some physical exercise, I guess it could be helpful.

Edit: Also I'm noticing a lack of "diversity" in this video, so I can only assume this is a racist hate ritual /s.

ernsithe 6 points ago +6 / -0

That's a you problem. Discord is just IRC (+ZNC) duct taped to Vent. Nothing is more or less "intimate" about it than platforms we've had for decades. Not that there weren't plenty of odd relationships on IRC.

The significant exception is persistent identity, which I could do without and is the root cause of why modern social platforms are such shit. But on the whole, it really isn't anything new. Unless you actually care about trivial shit like emote reactions.

ernsithe 3 points ago +3 / -0

Crowdsourcing the effort to identify all these consultancy firms and keep track of their credits without making one guy do all the legwork?

ernsithe 10 points ago +10 / -0

Sole proprietorships maybe but you hire one person and suddenly you're the "petit bourgeoisie" which gives you the distinction of being the enemy AND a traitor to the other workers. They hate them more than the megacorps.

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