el_hoovy 6 points ago +6 / -0

Is becoming Christian out of spite a sin? I'll have to ask a priest.

sorta, sorta not. big message of Christianity is that we are in a sense not of this world, or at least our souls aren't, because this Piss Earth is full of demon worshippers and evildoers that will never understand the love or truth God has given us (all). this lends itself well to a human, worldly sense of spite and any worldly human, Christian or not, is hardly going to be able to blame you for it.

however, pride is a sin, and truly, soulfully believing you are metaphysically above those evildoers, despite both of you being put down here on Earth by God and nobody else, is being proud about it.

in essence: we can rope all of these people in the name of God, just don't revel in it too much.

el_hoovy 1 point ago +4 / -3

look man, you're right on that front, but what the hell is the guy voice changing himself into an animated cute anime waifu he uses to lull lonely sods into paying him money for his existence?

el_hoovy 12 points ago +12 / -0

i wouldn't get my hopes up, just look how far the furrywaffen got...

el_hoovy 2 points ago +4 / -2

i should expect nothing less from a kike of your caliber, you expertly ignore what i said to simply replace it with your own false reality. "i do not wish that my women become whores" has become "i wish that all hookers prostitute themselves, but without joos!"

also amusing how you have to be an eeebil naahtzeee to hate kikes. i take it all of these men in history were proud Hitlerites?

el_hoovy 2 points ago +4 / -2

i'm fine with all my women becoming whores for rich pedo jews and their shabbos goyim, as long as it's LEGAL!

this is one of the real dangers of the WEF, my friend. i agree there are many more, but just as they should not be shaded under this one, so should this one not be shaded under them.

by folx
el_hoovy 7 points ago +7 / -0

everything good and sane in the world gets compared to fascism and natsoc germany... one has to wonder, right?

el_hoovy -8 points ago +3 / -11

why don't you get that stuff straight from the jewish pornpeddlers over at pornhub or redtube or something?

it's the only product they give away for free, you know. you're really in luck here, don't need to buy any 60 dollar game.

el_hoovy -2 points ago +4 / -6

sorry man, just feels like this shit ain't funny anymore...

el_hoovy -3 points ago +4 / -7

what, "research purposes"? try researching the Bible.

you should be able to find it if you really want to, but i'm not about go "look guys, look how disgusting this porno is!" and then actually link it. it was on youtube.

el_hoovy -3 points ago +2 / -5

own the libs by becoming addicted to softcore pornography in your videogames...

this shit leads to stuff like the ultrakill buttplug homo bodypillow shit, man. it's not good. it leads nowhere good.

el_hoovy 4 points ago +4 / -0

one wonders what sort of opposite bizarro world we live in for this to even be possible.

did some opposite day start around 2012 and just forget to end? was that the real apocalypse?

el_hoovy 13 points ago +13 / -0

there will be a reckoning

el_hoovy 9 points ago +12 / -3

yeah, it's totally the irish, or aliens, or south korean women or something...

el_hoovy 15 points ago +16 / -1

would be an interesting conundrum indeed, were it not proven natural law that the third-position-type-"right"'s pragmatic and sensible morals more often than not do truly lead to good outcomes.

puritan-style tongue searing (or would it be finger searing?) if you so much as type Jesus with a lowercase J might be the image that the term "right-wing authoritarianism" evokes, but personally i think stuff like that is just plain insane, which means it can be rather neatly lumped in with the left which is equally insane. it definitely should not be the image of what we refer to as "the right" and which cannot be seen anywhere in popular society today, since that sort of ideology stands for a reasonability which would forbid needless tyranny like cutting your ears off if you listen to nigger rap.

we may, however, confiscate the fire mixtape, and recommend some mozart. i don't think anyone could blame us for that.

el_hoovy -2 points ago +1 / -3

yeah, all those raped and killed White women and girls are just so privileged compared to the rabid ape congoid niggers that get off scot-free for it.

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