AI itself isnt a bad idea just like cars aren't. but it's a force multiplier. using AI to make a unique painting to hang up in your home, or make videogame textures to save on resources, things like that? i dont see why not.
but youre right. its not gonna be that. it's going to be Here's Why White People Need To Die, a very convincing argument by ChatGPT3, and Infinite Customized Porn Just 3.99 a Month Now With Auto Masturbator
and again, the end result of this perspective is that a burglar crackhead that steals TVs to smoke up is displaying power with his "redistribution of wealth"... it's a materialistic view to the point of absurdity.
it makes much more sense to say that the crackhead holds no power over his addiction, and equally it makes more sense to say the woman holds no power against the people that have convinced her to hate men and love spending. and she did indeed require convincing, it did not come naturally.
you need to understand that White Genocide is a multi-faceted approach. entitling the vulnerable, dumb minds of women serves to neuroticize them and lower White morale/birthrate as much as birth control, abortion, etc.
if women were truly in control there would be a genderstate into which men would not be able to enter except as de facto slaves, perhaps a small country in the middle east somewhere...
they've managed to get a few code monkeys (i insult monkeys here) to type away at the c++ source, but you know evil cannot create, so any actual content they come up with is pitiful. for instance, mods used to be the core part of CC, but they keep driving off all the modders with actual good ideas so they're just left with the sorta trash the few modder trannies they have can come up with. i left them with some very good content, out of pity for all the clueless players showing up, and they've taken to deleting it just out of pure seethe.
none of that compares to the awful atmosphere though... i don't have to tell you about that, do i?
i dont care how good chinks are at math, they live like actual bugmen and are eternally retarded in spirit for it, i want none of that in my country even if it means we'll have to go to mars in 2120 at the hand of Richard Stoneweather instead of in 2119 with Chin Som Ban's research
Also a high frequency of Jews in positions opposing those things we agree are heinous.
show me one, and them opposing it for jews in israel doesn't count.
if you show me one that also names all the jews that are doing those heinous things, i'll eat my hat.
a high frequency of jews in positions of influence all pushing for things both you and i would agree are heinous, while ruthlessly destroying any and all opposition specifically by using their jewish identity when convenient, however, paints a different picture.
in the case we don't actually agree it's heinous, though, then yeah, to you the kid rape and open White Genocide in all manners possible except lining us up and shooting us is not a jewish product, it's just "progress".
the issue is that every time you supposedly send us proof that the foreskin eaters are not behind things, it is in the form of sending us individuals who could not have cleaner and clearer ties to the foreskin eaters
One thing you can count on: You push a man too far, and sooner or later he'll start pushing back.