The problem is AI operates off cold, hard logic. It doesn’t think or reason, it uses information gleaned from datasets and identifies the underlying patterns. If you don’t have an AI that is geared towards maximal truth, even if it says bad things, it is essentially lobotomized as you are short circuiting its ability to use its pattern recognition skills to identify emergent trends.
All “woke” AI companies see this, and most likely have an airgapped, non lobotomized version they are using internally. That is precisely what I would do.
If gay people embrace family values, that’s called being straight.
Gay men cannot be a family. A family requires sexual differences. The point of the family is the production, education, and moral formation of the next generation of humans. Two men cannot do that, and if they do purchase a child a la Dave Ruben, they are depriving that child of their mother. A sick, disgusting act that should be punished.
I’m sick of pretending their fetish is a valid lifestyle. Bring back shame, sodomy laws, and we will return to a strong nation.
The problem is, that’s gay as shit. While in the books/movies they do occasionally and rarely change which agent has the specific 00 designation, 007 has only ever been Bond.
I think for an agent of his caliber, and the fact he is the best of them, his designation would be retired like a jersey after his death.
It’s so much easier to just say “hey this is Ferdinand Ambiguousrace, aka 005.” Rather than ruining bond
Silly goose, we’re in Advent! But it has been splendid so far. First daughter has been potty trained fully (the 3 day method is intense but works!!). Wife and I have spent a lot more quality time together now that our newborn is sleeping better as well. Overall it has been a good season, and I cannot wait for Christmas
I know you may be mentally challenged, but Nick can 10000% present a defense that will win of:
“hey I’ve been threatened, and had been threatened for days up until that point. I had lacked sleep out of fear. I have had to hire private security. I saw someone whom I did not know or recognize outside my house, called the cops who did nothing, and when the stranger approached my door via my camera I was able to see she was:
1). A stranger I do not know, and who had no valid reason to be on my property.
2). A valid threat, seeing as they are a stranger I do not know, displaying essentially opposing gang colors (indicating intent) approaching my door.
3). Days later, thanks to this woman doing exactly what she did (and in her words she did this “to make him afraid”) another young man came to his house to kill him after killing 3 others.”
If you don’t think this defense overcomes “much racism” then the justice system is dead and we need to burn it to the ground.
I was an obnoxious little know-it-all 10 year old who LOVED reading the Bible and apologetics. It’s possible this girl heard the statement and questioned it immediately since they are far less likely to take that statement the way an adult would, and would be more apt to see the sentence for the way it was structured (ie first half fake, second half real).
If I heard someone say that as a 10 year old I would have done the same, but my question would have been more akin to “do you think Jesus isn’t real? Or Superman is?”
As a devout follower of Christ, the way he worded that statement does make a key point of grouping Superman and Christ on the “fake character” side.
I would 1000% question any of my friends if they said that immediately, let alone a representative for whom I have no respect. Dan is a cuck and lost his eye in a tragic gloryhole accident in Afghanistan and I’ll never be convinced otherwise- and this is something Dan can’t question me on.
I’m in the same boat as you. Heck, my wife was Protestant before we got married (I’m a former Protestant turned Catholic) and I was worried about the small theological differences and make conversion to Catholicism a red line for me and she complied. As a wife is meant to.
Greek guy dodged a bullet, she would have been like every other conversó.
I strongly believe that many of our problems are caused by weak, soy men and bitchy, cunty women who have never been punched in the mouth for saying something obviously both wrong and inflammatory.
Like, in a sane world, the other guy would have gotten up from the table and decked the dude for not only interrupting, but pretending he was doing it for any reason other than he didn’t want to hear what the other guy had to say.
My brain read FQ as failed quarter and I don’t believe it was wrong to do so.