dagthegnome 4 points ago +4 / -0

Maybe, but he appears to have at least a better understanding of optics than the DOJ.

dagthegnome 16 points ago +17 / -1

They have the most emotionally unhealthy male population of any society in the world. Absolutely full of simps, with a disproportionate number of violent rapists thrown in.

dagthegnome 10 points ago +10 / -0

I will never understand this obsession with fear porn over things that we couldn't possibly hope to control. It must be some Boomer holdover: people brought up to believe that there is no aspect of reality beyond the influence of human science are apparently very easy to galvanize. Everything that happens in the universe is potentially the End Of The World and we have to change everything about the way we live our lives in order to do something about it!

dagthegnome 18 points ago +18 / -0

I actually agree. That whole sequence really wouldn't have translated well into film, but it was very important to Tolkien, and his son clearly didn't like that a lot of the slower, less action-oriented elements of the story were excluded from the films.

dagthegnome 10 points ago +10 / -0

He said in an interview that Jackson "eviscerated" the Lord of the Rings by making it into an "action film" and that he expected him to do the same to the Hobbit.

dagthegnome 17 points ago +17 / -0

Christopher wasn't a fan of the LoTR movies either. He said they were too focused on action and missed elements of the story that were very important to JRR. I don't remember f he specifically mentioned the exclusion of Tom Bombadil, but I always got the impression that that was a big bone of contention for him.

dagthegnome 4 points ago +4 / -0


Biden not being tough enough on Russia

Calling for more economic sanctions against Russia

Promises to be the most pro-Israel governor in the US

Again, in terms of domestic policies, DeSantis' record has been really good, but his statements on foreign policy tend to err on the side of neolib interventionism. He is certainly an improvement on Bush-era republicans, but he definitely sounds like he would be more pro-interventionist in his foreign policy.

If Trump weren't running, I'd still vote for him, but the indications are that he'd be a lot more in tune with the establishment side of the GOP than Trump.

dagthegnome 1 point ago +1 / -0

DeSantis wouldn't run up against as much neocon resistance because he is basically a neocon. He's been doing great work combating some of the leftist social contagion in Florida. I would not want to see him in charge of foreign policy.

dagthegnome 1 point ago +1 / -0

When he was in office before, it was really just him, with the entire mainstream establishment of both major parties working to undermine him. Thanks mostly to Steve Bannon, that's not really the case anymore. The populist takeover of the GOP grassroots has started to trickle up. If Trump gets back into office, he will have actual ideological allies in Congress willing to support his agenda. At the very least, that would mean the wall gets finished and a few more years of non-interventionist foreign policy, on top of a better economy.

Again, not perfect, but it should at least be a mild antidote to your apparent case of blackpill poisoning.

dagthegnome 5 points ago +6 / -1

I'd rather have Rand Paul in office than either of them, but none of that alters the point being made here, which is Trump is in the best position to get the Dems out of office in 24, and they know that, which is why they're working so hard to astroturf a primary challenge against him.

dagthegnome -2 points ago +1 / -3

All I did was refute most of your "negatives," because most of what you're accusing Trump of doing wrong wasn't his fault and you know it.

You are a child throwing a temper tantrum because you didn't get 100% of what you wanted and 50% isn't good enough for you. You are a shining example of the mentality that makes the right so addicted to losing.

dagthegnome -3 points ago +1 / -4

He's the most likely candidate to beat any Democrat contender. Every poll of GOP supporters shows that he is by far the most popular Presidential candidate for 24. Maybe he supercharges Dem turnout, maybe he doesn't. Given how badly they've fucked up the past couple of years, my bet is not. But we know that he will supercharge GOP turnout.

Trump never implemented a single COVID lockdown. Stop putting that shit on his door. You know it's not true: You're lying.

He gave us the Supreme Court that struck down Roe v Wade and enshrined the biggest reassertion of the Second Amendment since the 1940s. Once again, you seem determined to be upset that they don't get it right 100% of the time and refuse to acknowledge that it's significantly better than it was.

Trump was never in a position to do anything about voter fraud because the President doesn't administrate the electoral practices of every separate state and county in the country. The people who can make those decisions apparently needed to see just how badly the system could be abused before they were willing to do something about it. And now, a number of states that returned fraudulent results in 2020 have made huge strides towards strengthening the integrity of their elections. Not only will that help with the Presidential election, but also return more accurate results for the House and the Senate, because we know the Dems have been rigging those for decades as well.

When faced with a horde of swamp monsters chomping at the bit to make him fail, Trump did his best to try and pick people he thought he could trust. He thought he could trust Kushner because he was family. He was wrong, but I'd like to see anyone who runs headlong into Hell correctly identify the six wrongfully condemned souls out of a legion of demons.

dagthegnome -2 points ago +2 / -4

It's not worship. It's pragmatism. By all available measures, Trump is in the best position to unify GOP voters and motivate them to turn up to the polls on election day. No other potential anti-establishment candidate has as much name recognition as him.

I was never a rabid Trump fan, and I'm not now. I just recognize that he's still the best chance we have of getting a semi-based administration back into power.

On the other hand, the visceral nature of your anger towards him seems personal. Motivated, perhaps, by a sense of betrayal? Were you one of the ones who expected him to purge the entire swamp in four years and rebuild the country in God's image? All of you Trump blackpillers seem to me to have been let down by your own expectations more than by Trump himself.

dagthegnome -3 points ago +3 / -6

Something tells me that even if you get someone who is, in your view "more competent," you'll be throwing this same hissy fit after they've been in office a few years. Really, it sounds like a "you" problem.

dagthegnome 7 points ago +7 / -0

This guy has some strange ideas about which side the Gediminids would be on if they were still around.

dagthegnome 2 points ago +5 / -3

Or maybe people are willing to support Trump despite his flaws for the precise reason that he's a proven winner.

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