Ohio is close. Everybody was focusing their attention on securing the more obvious swing states, but we all had Ohio safe in the Trump column so we took our eyes off of it. Now it's closer than it's been in 2016 and 2020. Looks like a whole lot of fuckery going on in the cities.
Edit: Never mind. Called for Trump. But still, she bucked the trend there, which was probably cheating.
Used to be a French colony. Mostly Muslim. It's been through the usual African litany of military coups. Currently run by the son of the previous dictator, whose record was just as bloody as you'd expect. But they really only control the area around the capital. Huge areas of the country are completely lawless. There's a lot of bleedover from the Sudan conflict in the east, where every faction flits back and forth across the Chadian border. The north is run by warlords who fund their militias by trafficking people to the Libyan slave markets.
Shithole country.
Edit: Forgot to mention, the dictator's name is literally Déby.
Could the server just be overloaded due to increased activity? Patriots has been intermittently slow today as well.
Top voted comment: "Trump now has more combat experience than Tim Walz."
Bozos trying to find the middle ground after more than a decade of his paper driving away anyone to the right of Stalin is like trying to take the cream and sugar back out of your coffee because you've suddenly realized you want it black.
Most South Korean women are not feminists or anywhere near as deeply steeped in feminist ideology as Western women are. However, the group South Korean women who are feminists are the loudest, most hateful and virulent feminists on the planet. They make Big Red look like a tradwife. It's the kind of extremism that you only find in Asian cultures.
Well if you put the homeless in camps, they won't be homeless anymore.
Homelessness problem solved.
Ohio is trending more and more red, so I think the Trump Bump could easily be enough to knock Brown out. I'd say there was a better chance in Michigan than Wisconsin, with Stebanow retiring, but Witchmer is still governor so there are some major shenanigans going on there.
For President, yes, but my point was that the Senate seat will be a flip. No Democrat who isn't Joe Manchin will be able to hold that seat. That alone, along with wins in all of the safe Republican states, is enough to win them the Senate. Then there are red-leaning races in PA, Ohio, Wisconsin, Nevada, Arizona, Montana etc. As I said, some of those will go blue, probably due to fortifying, but rigging all of them enough to win them all is probably impossible, even with both party establishments working together. A couple of those will be Republican pickups as well.
They're not going to lose the Senate. Too many of the Senate races this year are too favorable to the GOP. Without rigging, they could end up with as many as 57 Senate seats, which would be unprecedented. In reality, Lake will probably be cheated our of hers, and a couple of others will be fortified as well, but they can't throw the election badly enough to lose in West Virginia, for example, or even in Texas or Florida.
I neglected to mention the cousin-fucking. And also that the reason their self-loathing turns them into violent evangelical fanatics is because the only way they can justify believing in Islam, even to themselves, is to leave absolutely no trace of any cultural or theological alternative to compare it to.
Here in Canada we use "Old stock" to differentiate ourselves from the recent waves of immigrants. Obviously this gets you banned off of social media up here now.
Low Crime Rate-American?
High Trust-American?
Melonin-Independent American?
What about the Qun? You also need to stay away from the Qun
Wow, I gotta say I did Nazi this coming.
I'd love to see most of Oregon and the northern California counties finally break off to form the state of Jefferson, but it's a pipe dream.
No doubt our side will get the blame. Every election from now on in the US is going to have the losing side crying fraud, regardless of evidence. Whoever is paying the left-wing "protesters" knows they're likely to lose and is trying to muddy the waters.
Not that I expect Washington or Oregon to break for Trump, but optics are optics.
I can smell this video.
Sid Alpha is no leftist plant. What he is is an attack dog with no master. His entire channel revolves around beefing and drama with other people in the anti-left gaming space. Sometimes he's on the money: sometimes he's just starting shit to start shit.
In that case,
Good news!
Yeah. I saw her outperforming Biden's numbers in the cities and got worried, but I shouldn't have jumped the gun.