current_horror 6 points ago +6 / -0

Asmon’s blind spots are completely self-serving. He tries to present like a principled person, but he’s closer to an insect.

current_horror 4 points ago +4 / -0

He's right. You can raise the possibility, but it's not definitive proof.

In a world where bad actors are usually smart enough not to write down their intentions, no one is ever guilty of anything.

We used to abide by “the appearance of impropriety is impropriety”. Now saying “I don’t recall” a hundred times can get you out of a congressional hearing unscathed.

current_horror 30 points ago +30 / -0

Asmongold is a great example of someone whose standard of evidence is so retardedly high that it precludes him from ever connecting any dots whatsoever. Unless someone submits a formal notarized document admitting to their intentions, Asmongold will give them the benefit of the doubt. He’s basically incapable of deduction.

Much of the populace suffers from this retardation. It’s like we can never accuse anyone of anything so long as they play sufficiently dumb.

current_horror 2 points ago +2 / -0

glassing an entire country to stop said immigrants might be taking it too far..

Cool it with the anti-Semitic remarks, bro.

current_horror 12 points ago +12 / -0

Whenever there is a particularly bad (or politically relevant) white death at the hands of a non-white, a government agency called the Community Relations Service is deployed to takeover all messaging from local police. This agency also “talks” to the victim’s family and friends, at which point they all tend to go public with “deescalation” rhetoric.

Dysgenic behavior is not organic. It is taught or coerced.

current_horror 17 points ago +17 / -0

“Someone” is literally just the Community Relations Service. They have a website.

current_horror 48 points ago +48 / -0

Community Relations Service, an Obama creation. They show up whenever non-white violence against whites is so egregious that it threatens to awaken white identity politics. The service “coaches” the local police and the victim’s family to publicly declare that race played no part in the crime. The stated goal is to foster peaceful relations in multiracial communities.

In reality, CRS are only ever deployed in cases where the perpetrators are non-white and the victims are white. The true goal is to tamp down white frustration and solidarity in the face of obvious anti-white violence. The service is entirely absent in cases with non-white “victims”, most of whom are correctly gunned down by police. Instead, our government responds to these cases by fomenting as much anti-white hatred as possible.

current_horror 3 points ago +4 / -1

There were bethesda apologists mixed in there, too, but loads of anti-Sony X box shills as well.

current_horror 11 points ago +12 / -1

And yet most of the good games of the last 5+ years have been indies. There’s no barrier to entry, so of course it’s a sea of mediocrity. Thankfully you don’t have to play bad games.

current_horror 4 points ago +5 / -1

I see more people getting red pilled on shit like SBI and Dustborn

“Gamer” is not a valid political or cultural identity. You’re declaring your allegiance to the equivalent of watching football or reading books. It is deeply childish and retarded. Grow up, sperg.

current_horror 10 points ago +11 / -1

Almost like he’s subtly trying to nudge the forum in a certain direction and keeps getting called out for it, so he responds by denying his sliding and accusing everyone else of doing it.

current_horror 16 points ago +21 / -5

At some point, the whole “I don’t even know who this person is” shtick just makes you look retarded.

current_horror 15 points ago +15 / -0

Nothing less than “guilty until proven innocent”, which is a total inversion of our (admittedly flawed) existing legal system into a complete dystopian hellscape. But it’s okay because “protect women”.

current_horror 5 points ago +5 / -0

I think it was shut down the moment they realized it wasn’t going to bring down Trump.

current_horror 3 points ago +3 / -0

Strife is the goal.

There are plenty of bad shoots by cops every year, but BLM rarely if ever picks up on those. Instead, they champion cases where the perp is violent, belligerent, and entirely deserving of summary execution by cop. Why? Because BLM is an agitation operation with intent to foment political and cultural strife.

current_horror 15 points ago +17 / -2

As usual, you’re retarded. These people understand internet culture perfectly. They lie about it in order to secure power for themselves.

You imagine yourself smart, and so you believe your enemies to be stupid - and then you believe stupid people to be your enemies. If you properly understood that your enemies are evil, then you would know that you must be good in order to oppose them. You must adopt a positive moral framework that is not grounded entirely in being a “gamer”.

current_horror 9 points ago +10 / -1

it's made me lose quite a lot of respect for people on this site

You are openly despised here.

current_horror 3 points ago +3 / -0

“Your declarations of ugliness mean nothing to me. I’ve seen what makes you horny.”

current_horror 2 points ago +2 / -0

Most of the people who were “bullied” in high school were just narcissists who didn’t receive the attention and adulation they thought they deserved from everyone else.

current_horror 9 points ago +9 / -0

The previous owners boasted of raising $250 million. Eight years of AAA development (in the west) almost certainly cannot cost less than two hundred million.

Between this and the Borderlands movie, we’re witnessing the greatest flops in entertainment history. And it’s largely a result of a very simple truth: people don’t like unattractive bitchy characters.

current_horror 17 points ago +17 / -0

Obviously the original plan was to reveal the trans character a few weeks after a highly successful launch. Then all the gamers would realize they had been playing as a tranny all along. It would be a great cultural victory and a watershed moment for trans acceptance.

But the game flopped because everyone hated the characters lol

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