Technicality question: How would I go about boycotting Israel from here in Texas? Do I not eat kosher or something?
Thanks for the tip on Lutris. 100% going to be trying that out at some point. I might have to grab a cheap SSD or something, or use an external HDD and try to dual boot a bit on my actual gaming PC.
I'd been considering 86box with Windows 98 to run old games. I'm going to give this a shot first.
If you go into the "app store" there's a category for multimedia and you can try out players pretty easily. It's usually called something like Software Center, Discover, or whatever depending on which Linux you have. Every one of those options is in there on my system except Gnome--but I'm not using Gnome desktop. Click to install, try it out, click to remove.
For me, I just use VLC on Linux and Windows, because it does what I want. I don't really use an old Winamp style music organizer anymore.
Well I had in my head C for microcontrollers, because that's what I've used it for the most recently. I also played around with Gameboy assembler a year or two ago. Granted both are uncomplicated projects, but I would consider pretty low-level.
Of course if you're doing some mega-project in C++ it would not be all that great. I still like Visual Studio don't get me wrong. Especially in it's more current formats. I didn't care for the early iterations, like when they first went from Visual Basic, Visual C++, etc. to the whole Studio.
I think I had problems with a USB Wi-Fi adapter years ago that kept me from migrating to a Linux desktop 8 years ago instead of 4. It was a total piece of Chineseium Wifi adapter anyway. Gave me issues in Windows at times too.
Like the other said, I've heard about Nvidia issues, but I don't think I've tried Linux on an Nvidia system.
I'm pretty sure you can block updates with a group policy, but it's going to be irritating to set up I'd guess. But like your second edit, just go into the BIOS and disable all TPM. I have that on a Windows 10 machine and it never bugs me about 11 because it's "ineligible"
I'm not sure I want mass adoption really. Mass adoption of computer things has gotten me required acccounts everywhere, TPM and secure boot requirements, software that runs like shit because it's dragged and dropped by someone who has no idea what even happens inside the computer much less how to optimize for it. I'm to the point I say gatekeep away.
I'd be curious what you've used on Linux that is requiring so many hours to set up though, or a command line at all. Fallout New Vegas is a horrible example, that game is actually broken on Windows now too. I admit, gaming is a disaster and it's going to be something like SteamOS that comes the closest to fixing it. Everything else, that isn't advanced user stuff, you really don't need terminals and hours to do.
You've obviously no experience with headless servers then. Networks and the internet live on the Linux terminal, not a GUI. I did some Windows Server work for clients in the past, it's pretty and clickable. It's also a total pain in the ass when they ask for anything beyond the default things Microsoft wants them to do. If you don't want it on a desktop machine, that's fine. A lot of things work okay without it, and the improvement is real. I couldn't bear Linux as a main desktop just a few years ago and it's great and easy now. If you want a "stupid fucking terminal" gone forever, then well, go ahead and hand the entire internet over to Microsoft. What of it still exists I guess, as it will be limited to what MS decides to allow in the "Set Up My Website Now Wizard"
I see your comments, I get it, you're not a fan of Linux or whatever. I'd like to see some improved gaming support for sure, it works great when it does, but can be a pain when it doesn't. I'm considering maybe a dual-boot or something to ease myself into it for games and really see. I've only played a handful of low-performance games in Linux so far. I won't be pushed into having a MS account on my Windows, I've been down that road and it ended very badly with me losing a lot of data. So for when the day comes I can't get around it, I'll just start going backwards to Windows 7 or something.
Worse version of DOS though? Uh yeah, that's absolutely insane. I was just cleaning up some things on my DOSBox setup yesterday and it's irritating once you've gotten used to a Linux command line. There's so much that's just a pain to do or just doesn't exist without a highly custom config.
Can be installed in about 30 seconds with something like flatpak too. Linux has the wrong reputation for easy install of software. I find it much better myself for the majority of things. I can update 95% of what's installed on Linux the same way. It's not a bunch of bullshit like Windows where I have the "java updater" and the "adobe updater" and all trying to constantly run. Two commands to run my dnf and flatpak upgrades every so often, whenever I feel like it, without being compulsory, and I'm done.
I still like actual Visual Studio at times, but low level programming and web projects work great in VS Code.
First I’m throwing away the title and the abhorrent editing to take things out of context. How about be better than the media and actually present the whole truth? If you speak the truth, you have no reason to fear the truth.
The part that’s in-context here though, I’ve yet to understand why so many politicians on the right drop to their knees and suck the Jew cock so hard. The Jews do not support you. I’m not saying constantly call them out and talk about them, just ignore their very existence.
I have a huge book of old CD-Rs with games on it I've been going through the last year and getting into a more usable format. I don't think any of them have failed except the ones with obviously physical damage. They aren't as bad as they seem given normal inside storage conditions.
This stuff being things that have been totally out of mind for a decade plus. That's one of the reasons I like discs, I put this stuff away to the level of almost discarding it and it's still fine. Many other formats I would have had to actively keep, and I don't think I have anything left that was on my computer in the 90s that wasn't on CD.
Modern BD-R is nice too, they are so niche more effort is put into longevity than when CD-Rs were everywhere.
Not a church and not Christian. I don't care what they call themselves, it's a stain on legitimate Christians to even let these claim to be the same.
For the time will come when they will not tolerate sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance with their own desires, and they will turn their ears away from the truth and will turn aside to myths. -- 2 Timothy 4
For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Therefore it is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness, whose end will be according to their deeds. -- 2 Corinthians 11
I like them for what they are good at, but hard drives are terrible for archive storage purposes. If you look at old school PCs, old hard drives almost never work. New ones are improved, sure, but there's still enough of the same design that will struggle to survive 30 years of storage. I wouldn't save anything on a hard drive as the only way to have it 10 years from now.
When that company first came around my initial thought was to be glad there's more game availability on physical media. The more I followed though, they were nothing more than a company to cash grab from autist collectors.
Yeah, I'd considered saying good things about him and trying to "blame the system" or whatever else, but the more I looked into him, I just never got the idea he really tried. He said the right things, but it didn't appear he really exhausted everything a father should have to save his daughter from being a child whore. He definitely has a lot of the failure on his shoulders too.
I looked up the father, it's definitely the mother. The father is white as can be.
Bring back actual parents. I didn't do any digging but I clicked on her profile. If this is a 14 year old she needs her phone and all social media taken away just based on the behavior of the first 20 tweets.
Yeah, I'm not going to cry over anyone who plays that game.
I tried to play Valorant (I think that's the one, some Riot BS game) around six months ago. It bitched about secure boot or TPM or something and wouldn't play at all. Yeah, I'm not changing BIOS settings for an online game.
But just "man" and not "man-identifying person."
Yeah autocorrect does some crazy things. I'd guess that's why we are in a discussion about some guy named Parsley too.
Or how many rap songs smoke past music?
Oh, is that what they are always talking about smoking? I totally misunderstood the slang obviously.
250,000 expected to show up to watch some men compete at who can stick their balls in Troon's holes the best.
I reject the whole notion that I'm "supposed" to be for or against anything. Media and political parties are not the bosses of how I think or what I support.
If I go as far to take the charges against Trump at face value and as the whole and complete truth, it still looks like nothing more than anyone in DC does. This is the worst thing they can present to show me this guy is the most abhorrent criminal in the history of US politics? Holy shit, oh no Trump paid a stripper to be quiet. Is that even illegal? I mean yeah, I question his moral character at times. What is the alternative, Biden? Hahahaha yeah let's see which would I prefer, paid a whore or a lot of things covered up that appear to be pedophilia? Yeah, I'll take a thousand whores over that.