botzwanapunani 6 points ago +6 / -0

"This app is already a fucking hellscape!"

Then why are you on it you moron.

botzwanapunani 8 points ago +8 / -0

The fact that its considered to be morally wrong to "discriminate" who you hire is so strange to me especially for private/smaller enterprise companies. Its your company and it should be your right to create the working environment to your liking, may it be on merit or compatibility. If it fails you got no one to blame but yourself and if it succeed then you have a working formula. Being force to pay someone to "work" on the basis of their race or sex is bizzare.

botzwanapunani 16 points ago +16 / -0

What the fuck is with everyone trying to turn Japan into something that is not what made it so attractive to begin with? From the jews to the arabs and everything in between, don't this assholes already have their own countries where they are already the majority like the middle east?

Why can't this assholes just enjoy what Japan has to offer as a TOURIST and then GO BACK WHERE YOU FUCKING BELONG.

botzwanapunani 10 points ago +10 / -0

From what backlash??? Apathy? Most of if not all ex-fans has move on to other IPs, zoomers couldn't care less about star wars shows/movies.

botzwanapunani 22 points ago +22 / -0

My friend was a huge star wars fan and I remember the day we watched TLJ, man was optimistic at first but slowly slouch further and further into his chair as the movie went on. At the end of it he seems to have deflated and looked numb and refuse to talk about the movie for a week or so. It was funny and sad at the same time. I felt bad for him.

botzwanapunani 24 points ago +24 / -0

Its so bizarre to see how entitled this asylum seekers can be, and they're supposedly "desperate" seeking any help from whatever prosecution from their home country.

botzwanapunani 15 points ago +15 / -0

I do wonder what was going through his head at this moment.

Probably, "I DID have breakfast today"

botzwanapunani 5 points ago +5 / -0

What did they do to the story? They went woke?

botzwanapunani 3 points ago +3 / -0

Its so strange that this is another media featuring smeagol, recently we had that weird gollum game that flopped hard. I get that the character has a tragic backstory but come on there are far more interesting characters in the setting. Unless gollum reminds them of themselves so they feel he needs to be featured more?

botzwanapunani 23 points ago +23 / -0

Don't want to sound like an old man but back when i was a teen the only "serious" things on my mind was about contemplating which video game to buy with whatever money I've collected and what's mom cooking for dinner. Its wild now how kids this days are having full blown identity crisis instead.

botzwanapunani 32 points ago +32 / -0

Wtf is the one on the left? How does those metal spring thingy even hold her weight? Why even make her disabled AND OBESE???

botzwanapunani 1 point ago +1 / -0

Can someone kindly give a rundown on what is going on in haiti? Heard about cannibals but can't seem to find a trustworthy news source (mainstream especially)

botzwanapunani 11 points ago +11 / -0

Why do you care who you get lumped with by said clowns? You don't have to associate with someone just because you share similar opinions. Grow a spine.

botzwanapunani 6 points ago +6 / -0

I remember seeing a post on 4chan saying that a lot of the game's development was outsourced to foreign companies and it takes a whole 45 mins to list them out in the credits, so he's not wrong it is a diverse "team" and it shows. Hence why the gameplay and universe FUCKING SUCK.

botzwanapunani 8 points ago +8 / -0

Not to mention he got turned into an Uber driver and nothing else, dude is basically a glorified minor npc now.

botzwanapunani 1 point ago +1 / -0

Another fucking asshole with this wishy washy "practicality" and "realism" argument in bloody FICTION when it suits them. Whether its realistic or not doesn't matter, both can exist with or without the other. It is creative liberty of the author and if you don't like it go consume something else and stop forcing rule changes on existing work.

botzwanapunani 25 points ago +25 / -0

The reasoning for its removal is straightforward, within the flashback cutscenes, the fictional character Tifa is portrayed as a teenager, precisely at the age of 15. Which would make her digital representation, comprised of polygons, to be considered underage, thereby rendering her incapable of providing consent to the removal of Square’s retroactive censorship.

I really fucking hate this people.

botzwanapunani 6 points ago +6 / -0

Fuck this people for real. People want authentic translation in respect of the mangaka's vision as well as all the quirks thats comes from the culture said media originated from. If they wanted western movies/comics that would have consumed that in the first place instead.

botzwanapunani 10 points ago +10 / -0

I think they don't want to make him a martyr but rather an example of what happens if you go against the global powers by having him go through a long and drawn out torture for the rest of his life.

botzwanapunani 17 points ago +17 / -0

From my experience of arguing with strangers on social media, at the very least right wingers/conservatives are more likely to engage in good faith. Leftist tends to have this self inflated moral high ground and would usually reply with condescending tone in their choice of words. Honest sometimes it does feel like im arguing with bots when it comes to the left.

botzwanapunani 8 points ago +8 / -0

I got a bit turned off by some of the woke elements that had creeped into the series like that "non-binary" leo bullshit and some of the "fans" trying really hard to canonize their lesbo asuka and lili fanfic. Played tekken only from 2 to 4 and even though this one looks good, I think im just going to wait a couple of years until everything is at a discount.

botzwanapunani 4 points ago +4 / -0

Men who rape and cheats while treating women like shit... is special??? Mask off moment in their hatred for non-chads.

botzwanapunani 3 points ago +3 / -0

The lead sounds bored and uninterested in her own movie. The trailer tries hard to sell an action packed movie while the lady delivers the most deadpan performance I've seen lmao.

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