They only pretend to care because it affects/related to Israel…
That’s literally the only reason they say anything at all, in this instance, lol…
See the trouble with the UK (and Scotland in particular) is that Labour are somehow even worse…
Ok, at the Scottish level, maybe they’re not as openly corrupt as the SNP, so let’s just go with “equally as bad”, but isn’t the Scottish Labour leader a Muslim (or Indian) now, too..?
At a UK-as-a-whole level, It’s probably only going to get worse under Labour, at least in regards to this issue…
I very much expect immigration, and indeed refugee “intake”, to go up, as soon as they get in. And so on…
My problem with that "leniency" is that he only got away with that because he's Aboriginal...
I guarantee you a white male of the same age and in the same circumstances would not have been treated the same, by either said boss or the police. Guarantee you.
Which makes the boss, at best, a hypocrite.
That is my problem with that approach.
I think the last Gilded Age is probably the last time, really…
Or arguably literal Weimar Germany, lol…
But since the 1929 Wall Street crash..? Basically not at all.
At least, outside Hollywood and maybe a few broadcast sitcoms…
That was my argument also, but my comment didn’t post…
Rape is objectively not as bad as being eaten alive/dismembered/disemboweled, which should be obvious, but somehow isn’t, to these idiots…
At least with rape you’re likely to still be fucking alive, at the end of it. At least relative to the bear situation…
Well he did admit to it on camera, so... Yeah.
At some point after being confirmed so many times, surely it is no longer a stereotype, but pretty much a truism, no..?
Yeah, I tried using Bumble at one point, and it managed to be much, much worse than Tinder, or any of the other ones I've tried... Which is quite something.
Honestly, while yes it is much more intimidating to do so (potentially for both parties), IMHO you likely have a better success rate just going out to a bar and starting convos with random women...
Or at least I do, and I'm not exactly a "Chad", lol...
Then again, there was a time when I wouldn't have been able to do that (and I still struggle), and it obviously comes with cost, + the potential for things to go wrong, so... Yeah.
What's SMV..?
Something something Value, I'm guessing?
My big move: I’d lived in western Sydney my entire life – but I found myself in the UK’s ‘happiest place’
Another "quality" piece about a fucking radical Muslim "representing Australia", from this absolute shitrag...
Thunderhead. It’s being called Thunderhead…
That’s… Got to be intentional, surely?
I think this one is at least half-Asian… But yes.
Wiggers, they were called. Or “wiggas”, if you want to go slightly more “PC”.
Dear god…
Everything about that is just… A disgrace.
Fuck this. If this is any indication of what society has become, it’s time for a damn hard reset…
Also, which parent is the Asian one, then? I’m guessing the mother..?
Here’s a question: where the hell does a teen that young get $2,200 disposable income from??
No one I know who started working at that age could afford to just… “Give away” money like that. Not without parents propping them up, anyway…
I hate to be that commenter, but...
They don't care. They don't give a fuck about men.
Unfortunately that's what it comes down to.
We literally matter less than dirt to the kind of "author" who writes articles like this...
Ironically, given the name of the magazine, this one isn't Australian, but I think it typifies the sort of smug cunts who have taken over magazines like the above, and, indeed, my local newspaper (and council, and the ABC, and much of the state parliament):
Resigning because you didn't like an interview one of your colleagues conducted?
Wow, real "adult" behaviour right there...
The Anglosphere is fucked.
Fuck these woke cunts who stole public land, took "ownership" of it, banned whitey from accessing it, renamed it, and now claim anything that washes up on the shore is "rightfully theirs" (as they did with a racing yacht, last year)...
The dinkum name of Clarke Island is lungtalanana.
Implying that you "aren't a true Australian" if you call it by its European name.
If anybody lived on Clarke Island today, they would have the post code 7255. Nobody does, but they did. Everyone called it lungtalanana then. According to information published by the Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre, “Middens and artefacts on what are now Badger, Clarke, Cape Barren, Goose, Flinders and other islands show that Aborigines were living there as long as 24,000 years ago until about 4,500 years ago (when) the rising sea waters forced people to retreat onto mainland Tasmania.”
Ah yes, I'm sure the entirely illiterate Abos living there fucking 4,500 years ago would have called it by the name you made up in your bullshit conlang, which has only existed for a couple of decades. I'm sure.
Fuck this country. Fuck people who write articles like the one quoted here. We're going to hell in a handbasket and these people are the ones responsible for it. Smug bastards that they are.
Tbf, Madonna is literally 30 years older, and has popped out a couple of kids, lol…
But you’re also not wrong.
Holy shit, that “interview”/shoot is actual nightmare fuel, lol…
Because she’s a vampire, duh! Lol.
The vampire nun look isn’t particularly attractive?? Who’d have thought! /s
There’s some photos of “what Rihanna would have looked like if she never got famous”, and she actually looks better than she ever has IRL, in my opinion…
Apparently she was a tomboy growing up, so… There’s that.
But yeah, I agree - she was never “all that”. Even when I was in High School over a decade ago, lol.
This is very autistic but I love it, ha.
But yes, it is what we in media studies classes liked to call a classic “moral panic”…
Which is partly why I refused to be “guilt-tripped” for not attending any of the many, many rallies on this issue in the past two weeks.
I’ve seen, and heard, some pretty horrific shit in my time (mostly in India), but I also know that none of this shit, none of this “media attention”, is actually going to help. And they only pretend to care because it’s “current issue”.
You should see the difference in the way they’ve treated the Aboriginal perps (one of whom is a footballer) and the white guys involved, especially the working class ones…
It’s astoundingly mask-off. And the trouble is that normies just eat it up.
Even my parents seem to now believe that an unemployed working class white man (two of the perps) deserves a higher punishment for the same crime, compared to an Abo…
It’s wild.
“The tyranny of low expectations” indeed…
Yes, yes and yes.
And the Westfield thing played a part, but they've just taken that as "part of a trend", of "gender-based violence", because there's been 27 or so women killed by men (supposedly) since the start of the year...
Mostly DV incidents. But because of all the media coverage, it's all turned into a sort of "gender war", with rallies and vigils and "kill all men" signs and shit.
Yeah, "fun". Real fun.
Your username suggests you've been waiting for that very moment for quite some time, lol.
Most appropriate comment to username match I've seen in ages. A+
I was looking at the “Demographics” section for Coventry earlier this evening (coincidentally), on there, and there’s an extremely revealing pie graph of the “changes in population makeup over time”…
Even without that level you speak of, it’s wild, lol…
It’s gone from like, 90% “white” to nearly 50% Muslim in 30 years (or thereabouts), lol…