Im 2nd generation chinese american. Im of hong kong/taishan descent. My grandpa fought the japanese and the commies. I dont even like mainland china, at least half of hong kong dont like china as we saw with the protests before covid hit. Im saying.. if i was served slop. Id want a sexy girl covered in slop than a tranny covered in slop.
At least chinse games still has traditional families and traditional beauty standards. Still makes games that weeb gamers like or want.
-edit 10/6- in terms of chinese propaganda.. pretty much cant make games that portray the chinese negatively. Like making them the evil faction or char. But sure. I can see that it can be a threat with a bait and switch. If they control enough and its consumed by americans (their opponent), they could bait and switch and give us more DEI brainwashing to weaken us.
pretty sure this monetization director doesn't see why or refuse to see why games sell a lot of skins. people mostly buy skins for sexy female, cute/pretty female characters and badass male characters. not some twink, queer assclown or a bitchy girl boss. no wonder ubisoft is dying lawl.. cant even do gacha right.
best bet of him getting dissapeared was when he was in thailand. no one wouldve cared if he dissapeared.
chicom likes attractive women and no out of place blacks. seems like a win.. cant do any worse than ubisoft.
As sean connery once said. If you tried everything sometimes a backhanded smack is necessary.
They did it to ron paul lol. An "accident" that only occurs for him. Now its on purpose. Gg.
If there is any "fact checking" it should only come from the opponent, which is walz. Thats why there are rebuttals. But we now have moderators doing it because kamala and walz are literal retards.
Are these also exempt from military duties?
For work.. a single male has to work to get money to get a waifu, house and car. Without a job.. a single male is useless and worthless.
A single female on the other hand has options. Options that involve no real work. Just find a male to provide or whore themselves on instagram or onlyfans.
Basically women have the option of not having to work. Males dont have that luxury. Only exception are single mothers.. but 90% of the time its their own fault anyways. Will sympathize with widowers where their husbands die. I think thats where it all stems from. Women at work. This notion of not relying on a man. But.. like i said. Women have options. Plenty of simps and betas that will provide.
May some civilzation 100 years from now learn from the mistakes of today. Giving women too much rights or freedom means the decline and destruction of society and your civilization. It wont go out with a bang, but with a whimper. Also.. thats if the future knows. For all we know, all this will be sanitized and the reason will be muddled.
Comrade, A fat hambeast has sex appeal.
Hope when these muzzies or afrikangs take over. They will eliminate that one demographic that is super subversive and backstabby. Theyll probably also make women go back to the kitchen too and make them into baby factories.
Weird how an engine that has very low market share can afford to pretty much antagonize anyone.
They have leverage. They shouldve told the higher ups to fuck off. Unless they are desperate for money. They couldve crowd funded and release it on steam.
Kinda funny since... the last 100 years, everyone wanted to be like a white family and move to a white country/neighborhood lol.
Its like the movie training day. All the cops have to take their cut. Otherwise they get wacked.
Thereby robbing the power of your vote.. which means robbing your rights as a citizen.
They gender swap iconic and hugely popular movies.. immediately fails. Hmm. Remember that all female oceans 11? Lawl.
And coal burning isnt? Lawl
someone said the game showed up on the tokyo game show sale on steam.
all leftists think they are so great and deserve to be the king or to be included in the club lol.
they probably thinking that the nippon people are dumb for not recognizing their genius.. or they planning to figure out how to culturally enrich japan with some more johnny somalis or yasukes
oh.. vtuber stuff.
Well. Might as well ride it up until election day lol.
By helping israel.. we are bringing the war here. Wtf? Same ass clowns say because we help israel and destabilize the area, its our responsibility to take the rapefugees in.