We should put hippos in our border river. Plus, they seem more easy to get rid of if we need to.
Yeah.. they use animals as evidence that its the same in humans. I see them use parrotfish all the time. They start out female and when they get older, turn male.
I respect prison convicts since they at least will fuck up child molestors. While democrats seek to understand and promote child molesting behavior. Id vote for a felon/convict (lawl trump), before i vote a democrat.
whats stopping them from eliminating both at the same time? the left is going crazy atm and all it takes is some psyop to push some over the edge.
Seems it can go two ways. First, its unlikely, but woke ends now and we see non woke games in 2 or 3 years. Or two, they double down and make their games to have even more messaging to protest trump winning so we will see even more extreme wokeness in 2 or 3 years.
At any rate.. i hope musk, who is a gamer, will influence trump to fight against woke in pop culture. Culture is very important because it captures the youths and most memes come from culture too.
Probably never attended a pdiddy or epstein party.
no one likes your gay ass tranny shit aside from tricking people by bastardizing IP's that ignorant gamers play.
if it was a new IP, it would fail badly.
So.. they blame all men. Not a subset of men. Its like the safest part of europe.. imports millions of rapefugees, but just blame men in general. Rofl.
Yeah. Talk. But his rhetoric is miles ahead of kamala's rhetoric.
Works in gaming and nerd culture.. using their pussy to get power from simps.
He is for everyone. He does policies that benefit every american.. lower cost of living benefits all and discrimimates against none.
And wtf you talking about? He still talks about wanting to deport illegals and secure the border. And with trannies.. unfortunately, trannies are still americans. Dont think trump supports them, but doesnt want to punch down on them. Trump did good by not disparaging groups of americans. While democrats did opposite.
I hope. Even if he starts right on january 21st. Itll take 2 to 4 years for non woke shit to come out.
But i hope elon musk, who is a gamer and a nerd, will remember to de-woke nerd culture.
Im asian. My sister is asian. We both voted trump in cali.
The workers are probably paid minimum wage lol. The contractor who got the job is probably kamalas friend, paid generously via tax dollars.
Like most states, outside the major cities, it is red. And its gonna be a challenge to outvote those suburban white women too.
Thats what happens when democrats pander to all these groups. There will be conflicts of interest and double standards. If harris say to you, a hamas supporter, that israel is bad. Then next say, harris goes to pro israel people and say she supports them 100%.
The end result of identity politics is everyone hates each other.
Deepstate has lotta cogs and sects. And sometimes they overlap or are in competition. You got pro israeli, you got the commies, then the kid diddlees and then the greedy ones. All evil organizations have power struggles.
Wrong side won ww2. Rip.
Its not enough for them to not see it. They want to make sure others dont see it either. Its like saying nigger or faggot in a video game. Its not enough for them to block the person. They gotta block that person for everyone else via report + ban.
Its why multiplayer gaming sucks becuase community has been neutered. Everyone just has their own discord because they can say what they want in voice chat (for now). People always wonder why no one talks in game these days aside from console people with shitty mics or thots.
So.. why cant we do the same for illegals??
Lawl. Is that why my crypto fell like 10% in last 48hrs?
We are so fucked. All these mental illness people running the show. Bet your friend probably works HR at some fortune 500 company now. Lawl.
Pre obama years were good. Obama, first "black" president, made usa more gay, divided, less free and less safe. Even bush jr was less insidious. Bush jr was just a retard or spoiled brat. Bush jr was the start of political correctness after 9-11.. how muslims were the true victims of 9-11 and not the thousands that burned, crushed or fell to death.
Funny thing is most memes still reference shows and movies from 1990 to 2010 lol.
Easier since id assume they would be easier to spot. And most of the colorado river is not some secluded, inaccessible area.