You_Are_Based 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm gonna wait till tel aviv hours putter out around 10am eastern and give you the strawman talk and your next promised compulsive insult then.

You_Are_Based 0 points ago +1 / -1

To "reward" them with the existence of the next generation?

Men can impregnate many women in one day Imp. You are imagining a bargaining chip where there is none and hoisting a moral dillema onto a a morally relative being who is focused on perpetuating her own genes with or without yours.

Idk if it's because you slipped on the logic due to emotion or whether you are just fake thru and thru, ignoring what logic you can get away with to see if Adolf will notice.

You have no trump card, women can and will just have sex with another man. Or you could ideologically fuck yourself by fucking the woman and perpetuating your own genes.

You_Are_Based 1 point ago +1 / -0

selling out your future to women

What could society possibly have to gain from pandering to wom-

Oh wait nvm we need those to exist don't we? Lol sometimes I just ask the silliest questions, don't I Jimbo?

You_Are_Based 5 points ago +5 / -0

"Democracy dies in darkness" reminds me of the 300 quote, paraphrased, "Our arrows shall block out the sun" where each piece of propaganda represents the little patch of shadow under an arrow.

You_Are_Based 0 points ago +1 / -1

You realize that a desire for exclusivity with women is the exact, literal opposite of the definition of cuckhold?

You realize that a preference to leave women to other men is an exact, literal fulfillment the definition of cuckhold?

People understand wordy words, using them upside down doesn't clown the word, it clowns you. Paging u/RealDrJester since he could use this advice and frankly because you need gatekeeping backup.

You_Are_Based 0 points ago +1 / -1

Gender baiting cuckoldry

Oh look I made the meaning of the words in the phrase actually make sense, how weird, isn't that just quacky, Imp?

You_Are_Based 1 point ago +2 / -1

Somehow I doubt that would be the case. Do you not?

I know I'm throwing my time at a wall by going into it, but is there anything short of directly attacking the weaker sex that a politician can do to please you? I agree the country has been grievously injured by suffrage but I think you promote a GRAND demoralization delusion in regarding feminism as a cause and not an effect.

You have to realize that the white nuclear group includes white females and that they are absolutely necessary for the race to survive. You have to realize that women are not an external force bearing down on you, but one of our own diseased organs.

I say "have to realize" as a sign of respect for intelligence behind the ideological (professional?) veneer of your campaign against young men successfully breeding. It's not a compliment though, it's just that intelligence and objective morality are two separate things that I judge separately. It means in my opinion that you promote a policy of internal division and weakness that amount to soft genocide, that you have the capacity to comprehend so, and that you intentionally misrepresent your disposition to advance this.

There's no need to go on about how woefully inaccurate I am and how women are bad as it will just contribute to the worthless upvoted/downvoted comment chain effect. I am not socrates and I am not actually open to a debate. I am airing a grievance, and having said everything I have to say on the matter I will only compulsively insult you.

You_Are_Based 3 points ago +3 / -0

I have never read his non ASOIAF stuff so I have no conception of him being any worse of an author than ASOIAF portrays. I didn't know he had and lost an assistant on the series though. That would certainly offer a utilitarian explanation of gurm's behavior: that he won't, because he can't, because he never could.

Good news is he could easily put such rumors to rest with one simple trick...

You_Are_Based 14 points ago +14 / -0

Soon guys, I totally promise.

I remember one night he was writing a blog on his progress on WoWinter. He decided to format it into like 8 parts with each part containing no interesting or relevant info at all, promising it would come in the last post.

He made all those people read all that self masturbatory, woe is me bullshit, and all about his experiences at rich socialite parties, impassioned reports on side projects no one wants, sports musings, how he likes his computer... and then went dark.

I stayed up even though I had work. In the wee morning of the hours he CHICKENED and released the last post LYING, a 2/10 lie about accidentally deleting his blog post and therefore being unable to provide literally any kind of update.

He wrote an entire blog post to explain this, instead of providing the update. In the end he gave no info and wasted the time of hundreds of his most avid fans for nothing, and lied emptily for no reason. Pretending his original blog poat was so beautiful it could not be summarized for us once lost... no... that would rob us of the EXPERIENCE of reading the real post lolol. It was a crazy active night on the forum almost like a pinned /pol/ thread about big news.

Helped me realize how pathetic I was being as a fan. Not that gurm is right about anything in regard to his fans desiring that he, being a rich author, finish his this one story. It's just that I realized how pathetic he was and that I could not place myself in a lowly position relative to him.

You_Are_Based 8 points ago +8 / -0

This is not accurate. Critical race theory has roots in classic marxism and was developed by a non-buddhist, non-christian, non-muslim, non-hindu* (sorry guys, forum rules) thinktank called the Frankfurt school after they received dismal reports from members planted in influential positions in the coastal U.S. (education, government, news) regarding the ideological non-pliability of the white christian majority in regard to economic marxism.

You_Are_Based 6 points ago +7 / -1

Fun fact: in the strict sense of the word, you can't genocide trans people because the genes contain information proving they are either male or female and that trans people do not actually exist as a genetic category.

You_Are_Based 15 points ago +17 / -2

Acting like a woman does not make you a woman. For instance you're still a male even if you cry about the opposite sex all day every day 24/7/365 on an internet forum, despite that being a distinctly feminine behavior.

You_Are_Based 1 point ago +2 / -1

You stormcucks are hilarious thinking your anti-semitic "rent free" remarks trigger people. The irony is the majority of landlords aren't even jewish and the ones that are would be more than happy to work with you on section 8. Maybe you should follow the science, silly goose.

You_Are_Based 22 points ago +23 / -1

Sure plenty of fans were mad about it, but that's nothing compared to the violent rage that must have occurred behind closed doors amongst the intellectual property profit goblins that surrounded him.

And unlike genuine human beings they couldn't even address it to George for fear of their jobs. Looking at how George reacts to puplic opinion, just imagine how he reacts to private opinion. This is part of why influential people often live in personal la-la-lands.

You_Are_Based 23 points ago +24 / -1

Step 1: Charge people money based on promises of your future labor

Step 2: schmooze at parties and write sports blogs and side projects for a decade.

Step 3: die of old

"why are people so ungrateful wahhh"

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +3 / -1

if you think of me, I win

... is trash nonsense. In my banter I've used this guy's post history to effectively prove the existence of paid shilling. The "take your meds, schizo" feint-argument is really important to them due to their state of spiritual and creative bankruptcy. The open existence of identified examples of shilling are very important and powerful. Accts should be deleted more regularly but fortunately for the dissident right attention and lukewarm IQ scores mix too well.

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