Williver -6 points ago +1 / -7

"Woke". "Slay". "Qween". If you hate niggers so much then stop giving lip service to their trashy, faux-rugged ebonics and slang. Doing it this much is not mocking the language, it is embracing it and normalizing it as part of the broader decadent culture.

Williver -7 points ago +1 / -8

Overusing the adjective "woke" as an insult is no better than using it as a compliment to toot your own horn and self-identify as being holier-than-thou, wiser-than-thou, and more awakened than the people who are not also on "your side" ideologically.

Williver -5 points ago +1 / -6

I honestly think you are reading way too much into the fact that some mentally ill loner has a delusional crush on his female neighbor who happens to be a cute mulatta negress. This is the type of post that SJW faggots will go hunting for and hone in on and single out to represent this community and broader movement in general to go "see? They just hate Black people for existing!" and then use that to justify raceswapping Cleopatra as being Black in a documentary that literally states that she was actually sub-Saharan African in real life.

Williver 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think the reason why Saddam Hussein was so controversial is because he genocided Kurds? If this video actually accurately depicts that Kurds are evil and are invading a faraway foreign land like Japan of all places, does that indicate that Saddam was right about one or a few things?

Williver 1 point ago +1 / -0

sometimes I get confused about the direction of this c/ommunity. Do they even know who Melonie Mac is? I was under the impression that she is some YouTube/Rumble opinion haver who does commentary videos and most of them are from a basic-bitch pandering "anti-woke" perspective. am aware that she does livestreams with TheQuartering every week but I never watch those videos and hardly watch TheQuartering anymore. I thought her whole schtick was that she is one of those "hot" girls who is NOT a grumpy ugly offended feminist.

She literally has figurines of the classic-style Lara Croft.

Despite or because or whatever, clearly being a Donald Trump supporter with one of her shirts, is she suddenly against sexy-ness in pop culture because she as a Christian woman identifies it as sinful or something? This seems like a dumb subject for KotakuInAction to be covering, non-drama abut some e-celeb that you are arbitrarily proclaiming to be problematic.

She looks no more whorish than the average Western White woman.

Williver 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why should I care about this rando Twitter person with 7 thousand followers, tryna take credit for the fact that one anime show has "Black"-sounding music in its opening credits? Yeah anime creators like jazz and shit, what purpose does it serve for this to be on KotakuInAction?

Williver 2 points ago +2 / -0

Invaders are not "immigrants".

And so what if Elon Musk or anyone else is "operating on behalf of Russia"? Russia this Russia that. The Jews hate Russia, so they must be doing something right.

Williver 1 point ago +1 / -0

"In the first place, so much of the aesthetic is based on gangster culture. Black gangster culture specifically"

Most of "Black" gangster culture is appropriated from Italian and Irish immigrant thugs/mobsters/gangsters. Stop giving Black people credit for being the source of all this. or creating or inventing it.

White people invented the building blocks of what we think of as catchy rap songs. Patter vocals, vaudeville, musicals, The Music Man, Meredith Wilson. and going further back, the Scandinavian practice of flyting. Obviously, Black people in the USA (and their Jewish handlers) remixed these things into something distinctive.

Williver 3 points ago +3 / -0

despite almost never clicking on these videos, especially not on youtube proper (maybe I might do it occassionaly on an Invidious API or somethign similar), these late-night talk show headlines are CONSTANTLY recommended to me on YouTube, and every single time it is a topic that leans one way politically.

That's how it is so obvious that the media is biased in one direction by default. this is different from Fox News* where it wears the bias on it's sleeve , these are generic late night talk shows that mix this stuff in with celebrity ad Hollywood guests in order to normalize these types of messages as the default.

*(and has always been controlled opposition anyway, I knew that Fox News is controlled opposition since I was a 16-year-old in 2007 with no home Internet access at the time).

It's one thing for an MSNBC or CNN thumbnail to propagandize against Donald Trump, but it's another thing for "fun news" to preach about it in an attempt to gaslight the public into thinking that this is what regular, fun, casual people think.

Williver 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's not spending time in a "right-wing echo chamber" that has convinced me of this, it is living life in an urban city working customer service jobs, and also looking at genuinely popular sociopolitical discourse material such as YouTube channels that talk about current issues, that sort of thing that are produced by Western women, that have convinced me of women's inferiority. I genuine try not just to look at low-hanging fruit such as various curated "feminists rekt/women posting their Ls" type content, but actually going on YouTube channels like that one lawyer chick Leeja Miller or whoever, various BreadTuber-types with hundreds of thousands of subscribers, who make thirty-plus minute or hourlong video essays that appear to have a lot of thought and production put into them. And yet they are still basically dumb whores.

That's the difference between us and "the left", because "the left" won't expose themselves to our actual selves, and therefore they think that the peak of "our" arguments are cuckservatives like Ben Shapiro and using the term "woke" as an insult and saying "All Lives Matter!"

Williver 0 points ago +1 / -1

Based chudcel recognizes that Pokémon products have been boring and childish for well over a decade.

Williver 0 points ago +1 / -1

As someone who never played Sword/Shield I just think Nessa is hot.

There's definitely more darkskin humans in Pokémon games in recent years, but, as someone who hadn't played a Pokémon game since LeafGreen then resumed with Legends Arceus solely because "it looks like a refreshing new Pokémon game"...

I dunno did all the darkskin and tan humans become ugly in Scarlet/Violet?

Also my play time on Legends Arceus is only.. let me boot up my largely unused Switch and check... 6 hours and 1 minutes, last played August 8 of this year... but I often play and reset without saving, so i have played longer than 6 hours.

Okay time to get off the Internet. KotakuinAction just mostly tells me stuff I already know. geek media is being hijacked by pushy jerks that dumb stuff down to be more "inclusive".

Williver 1 point ago +2 / -1

As a White male who is mostly NOT attracted to Asian women (there aren't many where I live, Indianapolis is mostly Black people, Africans, Latinos, and Whites are apparently 50-ish percent but where I live it's well under that), your username is funny. WMAF couples are a cringy cliché.

Not even sure what this post has to do with Ghost of Yotei possbily being a terrible sequel to Ghost of Tsushima (which I haven't played because I don't own a PS4 nor PS5)

Williver 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you! I never would've figured it was Community!

Williver 3 points ago +3 / -0

What is the link to see these top 25 Communities by posts per day?