I'm traveling at the moment and have some down time to watch movies On Demand.
Nothing too earth shattering, but I noticed a few woke themes that were new to me in the IPs.
I had seen the OG Joker before, but had completely forgot about Joaquin Phoenix' shoehorned delusional relationship with his single mom black tenement neighbor.
It really stuck out in a movie that was otherwise acclaimed as being representative of "incel rage". I likely wasn't as redpilled as I was now when I saw The Joker originally in 2019-2020, so I probably didn't notice it on the first run.
Still haven't seen The Joker II. All I know is that everyone else hated it and I, Hypocrite loved it, possibly as a troll.
I'd never see A Man Named Otto before with Tom Hanks, but remember the previews.
I watched the first half. It reminded me of a cleaner Gran Torino with Clint Eastwood, where a crotchety widower slowly gets won over by his DEI neighbors as they flood his white picket fence formerly White street.
Then I turned it off immediately halfway through when some pooner flyer deliverer on a bike tells Hanks that she was transgender and his dead wife HS teacher was the only one who was ever nice to her.
I honestly think you are reading way too much into the fact that some mentally ill loner has a delusional crush on his female neighbor who happens to be a cute mulatta negress. This is the type of post that SJW faggots will go hunting for and hone in on and single out to represent this community and broader movement in general to go "see? They just hate Black people for existing!" and then use that to justify raceswapping Cleopatra as being Black in a documentary that literally states that she was actually sub-Saharan African in real life.
Who the fuck cares what they think, they'll say this shit regardless of what we do or don't do, so might as well be right.