posted ago by Benevolentdictator ago by Benevolentdictator +12 / -1

I'm traveling at the moment and have some down time to watch movies On Demand.

Nothing too earth shattering, but I noticed a few woke themes that were new to me in the IPs.

I had seen the OG Joker before, but had completely forgot about Joaquin Phoenix' shoehorned delusional relationship with his single mom black tenement neighbor.

It really stuck out in a movie that was otherwise acclaimed as being representative of "incel rage". I likely wasn't as redpilled as I was now when I saw The Joker originally in 2019-2020, so I probably didn't notice it on the first run.

Still haven't seen The Joker II. All I know is that everyone else hated it and I, Hypocrite loved it, possibly as a troll.

I'd never see A Man Named Otto before with Tom Hanks, but remember the previews.

I watched the first half. It reminded me of a cleaner Gran Torino with Clint Eastwood, where a crotchety widower slowly gets won over by his DEI neighbors as they flood his white picket fence formerly White street.

Then I turned it off immediately halfway through when some pooner flyer deliverer on a bike tells Hanks that she was transgender and his dead wife HS teacher was the only one who was ever nice to her.