WhitePhoenix 1 point ago +1 / -0

And Europe wouldn't have been inundated with terrorist attacks before the migrant crisis.

WhitePhoenix 11 points ago +12 / -1

Leftists don't act like that. They troll places that have conservatives in it but ONLY if they have leftists to back them up.

Him coming to gab solo just to get blown up is just... weird. I guess it's like the pajeets and leftists that come here to get proverbially slapped by us?

I guess he REALLY hates us.

..like a typical Redditor.

WhitePhoenix 10 points ago +10 / -0

Torba, get that info and work with the local PD to verify.

Fuck the Feds, work with local journalist outfits to FIND OUT. Why the fuck is he on gab? Gab's mostly right-populist.

WhitePhoenix 3 points ago +3 / -0

You don't hate journalists enough. You think they don't, but you really don't.

WhitePhoenix 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ask anything it anti-Russia.

No search engine is perfect. Yandex is good for looking shit up that makes the West look bad, and other alternate topics (like porn), but Google is decent for looking up very basic stuff that isn't political.

And bing is in the corner eating glue, though it's okay for mature content I guess?

WhitePhoenix 1 point ago +1 / -0

Do we have proof? I know we had allusions but I can't keep up with this shit man. Is there actual proof he stroked?

WhitePhoenix 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think he was faced with a "sign this paper and let him take this gene therapy or lose custody of your son forever" situation. Remember the Texas father?

This is a family court issue. I hate to say this but, unless some of you have been part of a family court trial, I think it is important for all of you to read up on how shitty family court is, how shitty CPS (Child Protection Services) are, and how they fuck over children and fathers and how they're ridiculously biased against men, even before the advent of 2nd/3rd wave feminism.

You know how we laugh at all these teenage and young adult leftists for being in fatherless homes and/or in broken ass families? Some of it is due to this woke crap, but a lot of it is due to these courts completely failing to ensure that the father remains a positive role model if he's trying to see the kids, and/or removing the mother or the father if they're either deadbeats, abusive, or drug-addled pieces of crap.

WhitePhoenix 2 points ago +3 / -1

MRAs aren't tradcons. They never, ever said that they were. They are a valuable resource because they're one of the few groups that actually made some amount of noise.

Calling them "crypto-feminists" is retarded as fuck. If anything they're somewhat like lolbertarians, but their autistic focus is on men's rights and shitty family courts. That sometimes have overlap with disparate political group goals but it annoys me so many right wing bloviators refuse to interact with HBR and spend no time trying to understand them.

They have a shitload of information that everyone needs to know and I think a lot of people are shooting themselves in the foot ignoring them.

WhitePhoenix 5 points ago +5 / -0

I disagree. Elon literally said he was talking about his son, so I'm gonna be calling this troglodyte "Xavier" and a him.

The person we're talking about is known and their actual sex is known.

WhitePhoenix 1 point ago +1 / -0

Troons are unemployed or have shitty jobs where they don't do anything at all.

They have all the time in the world to go after us who work hard just to get by.

WhitePhoenix 1 point ago +2 / -1

It's better to play it off as dead because their religion/ideology has the fucking word for it, "deadnaming".

Your old friend isn't there - he is wearing the skinsuit of a woman. If you're a religious-fag, the only thing you can do at this point is to pray for their soul.

WhitePhoenix 2 points ago +2 / -0

Does anyone find it funny that if they wanted to apologize to the Japanese the fucking FIRST post should be in Japanese first?

I wonder how bad the Japanese is in the followup post. Did they have it "localized" lol

WhitePhoenix 2 points ago +2 / -0

Part of the reason why is that Cheatle has become too much of a liability for the deep state. Both Democrats AND Republicans were calling for her to step down and it was a sizeable number of them.

The DS will choose another one since they failed to get Trump killed with this one.

WhitePhoenix 2 points ago +2 / -0

Apparently there is NO personal information available about her except her professional career. They don't even know her exact birthdate.

The last five Secret Servie directors were married with information that is easily accessible.

What the hell is she. No info about her ((( early life ))), no marriage history.

I wouldn't be surprised if she was a career woman and just sacrificed having any kind of fruitful marriage and she only munches carpets for a living.

This is strange as fuck now that I look at it...

WhitePhoenix 16 points ago +16 / -0

I wanted to choke (figuratively) The Quartering because of his nonstop coverage of Dylan Pedovaney and using his fucking thumbnail on every post.

WhitePhoenix 2 points ago +2 / -0

So, when is France going to devolve into civil war?

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