Impale sodomites and they will hide in their closets again
Impaling ni66ers is hard work.
The meat grinder is designed by fake chosen people to kill as many White men on both sides of the war as they can
The (((central bankers))) who fund both sides of the wars are not White.
This. Impale the synagogue of Satan and there will be far less evil.
Revelation 2:9 tells you who they are
Haha jews pretending to be white nationalist leaders deserve an extra more torturous impalement. Somehow prolong their death as lengthy as possible. I can put a pulley and rope on the pike and pull them back up and let them slide up and down the pike as buzzards peck at them.
White leftist activists have no power. They merely cheer for the cabal of jews who literally fill all the most important positions in Joe bidens cabinet.
Matt Walsh is a fraud.
Interesting. A few examples?
She was never one of us. Her participation in "pro-life" activism was merely as a spy.
First you have to accept WHO is doing this to Britain. It's not white gentiles. You have to have the courage to name the jews who are doing this, systematically, in every formerly White nation they have infiltrated. The satanic jew blends in too well within White populations and subverts and spies and sabotages. There is good reason these anti-Christ synagogue of satan goblin kikes were kicked out of 109 nations already. Your great White ancestors knew that kike jews were enemies. Your steven spielberg harvey weinstein hollywood jew propaganda brainwashed generations to believe otherwise. Britain is under control by the Rothschild bankers and this has been the case for over 100 years. Britain is not being invaded by random chance or by some puppet fraud political faction. The central banker jews to whom Britain indebted itself to are in control of Britain's borders and immigration policies.
One must accept that USA and Britain took the wrong side in WWII. USA and Britain sided with the Marxist Jew Bolsheviks to overthrow the most flourishing and advanced White nation in the world.
Due to be released by WHO?
Who is releasing them? We need names so that these people can be brought to justice.
Give me the names of the judges, district attorneys, parole officers, and others directly responsible so we know who must be queued for swift trial, conviction and execution by impalement.
All the migration agencies and organizations are funded and managed by jews. Learn who your enemies are.
It's not supreme Whites who are invading your nation with third world niggers and spics. You are ruled by ZOG.
I agree with what you said but the Scofield reference Bible gets too much credit. It's just a study Bible. The verses it quotes as being proof kikes are chosen are in the other versions too. Such as "those who bless Israel will be blessed, those who cursed Israel will be cursed.". Boomer Zionists love that one.
Can't you just find the sound font files and over-write it with some rant about kikes and niggers?
I used to hex edit games to swap characters and shit. I'm not even a coder but I could reverse engineer it
He has broad shoulders and no hips. It's the body type of a man. The facial expressions seem strange, the hair looks like a well maintained wig similar to what corrupt representative maxine waters wears in California. An excessive amount of eye makeup at all times.
Definitely reasonable to believe she may be a man.
In the court of law, she should have to provide undeniable proof of sex/gender. A scientific DNA test that shows chromosomes, with results repeatable from different independent laboratories.
Will the Equal Employment and Opportunity Federal Office open an investigation into Disney for racial discrimination?
Applicants, employees and former employees are protected from employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, or gender identity), national origin, age (40 or older), disability and genetic information (including family medical history).
Or is this law itself racist and only enforced to assist non-whites, thereby allowing racial discrimination against white males based on sex and race?
And if the Federal Government selectively enforces laws based upon race, that the government itself is violating its own rules and failing to treat all citizens equal under the law.
oh wait. Zion Ron Desantis pledges allegiance to israel which is full of pedophiles and bans boycotting of israeli transgender hormone drugs. oops wrong hero.