Vivs3rdSock 12 points ago +12 / -0

Where's the reports, then?

What were the reports for the recent snuff post made by one of the handshakes?

Vivs3rdSock 6 points ago +6 / -0


Worth looking at the language used here.


Yeah, totally professional writing.


Again, "two brothers" screams impartiality.


Trying to elicit sympathy by associating family without any further info what her connection to the event was.


Oh look, this means the officers didn't instigate things, and note the difference between the choice of words.



Vivs3rdSock 11 points ago +11 / -0

Non-Aggression Principle only works if everyone agrees to it. If you are the only guy doing it everyone else will stick you with the bill

Which is why one of the ways Game of Thrones ended was even more retarded when Sansa took The North out of the Seven Kingdoms. Before that all 7 were generally considered a united group so an attack on one was met with force by the others, more so when that attack came from one of the others like was the case in the book history when the pirate nation attacked various others. Theon being a ward of the Stark's was part of the fallout of that.

TV show ended with Sansa seceding from that agreement, which was hilariously stupid because originally the pirate nation was one of the groups that wanted to do it but then didn't because the writers probably forgot about the plotline, so now anyone that attacks The North can do so with impunity, even if it happens to be one of the other six remaining kingdoms they were allies with only until recently!

Vivs3rdSock 6 points ago +6 / -0

Biden steps aside as Democratic presidential nominee

Right, but he's still POTUS atm, isn't he? Because while they might have faked the Kamala call and step down letter has he yet resigned due to the same reasons?

Vivs3rdSock 7 points ago +7 / -0

Normally I'd include the title but the current one has little relevance to the comic as it's part of a longer, ongoing, arc the site is doing.

Alternative optional titles:

"Weekend at Bernie's Joe's" or "Joe-Joe's Bizarre Adventure".

Vivs3rdSock 16 points ago +16 / -0

"Is there any evidence that black slavery was not widespread in Japan?"

You can't disprove a negative you grifting fuck, but then you know this which is why you're "asking" the "question" in the first place.

Vivs3rdSock 12 points ago +12 / -0

The 4chan response to this sort of behaviour is: KWAB

Which stands for "kek, what a bitch."

Vivs3rdSock 10 points ago +10 / -0

Learning some language of the place you're visiting is not only courtesy, it might save you alot of trouble.

And money.

Vivs3rdSock 5 points ago +5 / -0

x are just like y and z, but

With significantly greater population density. There are more than a billion of "x" in India alone. In SEA it's 3 billion of the 8 that make up the entire population of humans.

Vivs3rdSock 20 points ago +20 / -0

As the invader is under 14 years old laws don't apply to him and he has committed over 50 crimes so far.

Can't be a criminal, but can be a victim. Makes ya thunk, don't it? 🤔

Vivs3rdSock 11 points ago +11 / -0

DOCTOR Jill Biden

Doctor of education, which does mean she has a PhD, maybe, so by some definitions more or a "doctor" than most, but she's certainly not an MD.

Vivs3rdSock 5 points ago +5 / -0

Robert Barnes is throwing out a wild card of Dwayne Johnson because he could do a better promo than Trump and over-power his machismo

So unironically this?

The Idiocrasy route?

Vivs3rdSock 11 points ago +11 / -0

Have you never heard of the term "simpering"?



: marked by insipidity or by affected or ingratiating timidity

simpering behavior

a simpering smile/tone

It may stand for something specifically different now; Suckers Idolising Mediocre Pussy, but the term isn't new, or even only a few decades old.

Vivs3rdSock 16 points ago +17 / -1

A third are dumb enough to think they have any chance of fighting, let alone winning.

The Left: Has no guns, doesn't want guns, wants to destroy all guns.

The Right: Has guns.

Also the Left: Wants to start the fight.

Vivs3rdSock 16 points ago +16 / -0

Firefighter paradox.

No fires: Why are we paying you?

Shit on fire: Why are we paying you?

Vivs3rdSock 8 points ago +8 / -0

To be replaced with the Chinese knock-off, CloudSlike.

Vivs3rdSock 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's ironic the Scotland sub is the one using the "No true Scotsman" fallacy when trying to distance the trans narrative from this person.

I remember his comments about his google docs where he collected comments from other users, even after they'd blocked him. He really wanted that account to be who he said they were, and he really wanted to dox them, but his 'evidence'

Funny how pronoun use falls apart with this sort of thing happening [again].

He falsely accused a male partner of rape and then blackmailed him into carrying out sexual acts.

Suddenly false accusations are real again.

assigned female at birth

Observed. People are observed at birth. If it really was assigned then a troll could literally assign "attack helicopter" just for the meme.

Vivs3rdSock 10 points ago +10 / -0

Release the Malinois!

Instructions unclear, they already climbed out their cages days ago and are sitting on top of the house. Again.

Vivs3rdSock 6 points ago +6 / -0

Fixing the system to offer equal access to tools


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