Nice audience lineup.
"Haha, seethe more rightoids"
"Noooo, you can't tell me to seethe moar when the tables are turned!"
There's sore losers, and then there's the terminally online.
US Army 157 slide PowerPoints on the operation and troubleshooting of the FBCB2
or some other super boring topic.
or if I'd dig around and find a 4 hour presentation on some old tech and suggest they sit through that
/cracks out 1991 gaming history.
"Welcome to the world of Battletoads, everyone. Strap in, this is going to a roller-coaster unlike any you have ever experienced!"
The incident prompted Mark Dreyfus [article notes later that he is Jewish], Australia’s attorney general, to propose a law that would criminalize doxxing.
Isn't doxing already illegal in most places? Also, this wasn't doxing. 🙄
That was still done extremely fast after the fact.
Any favourite moments?
GG2: SBI Boogaloo earlier this year when more and more people started to realise GG was right all along.
Did someone literally try to "Oy, vey - shut it down"?
Make a thread for this. Doesn't have to be anything fancy, just those exact words.
I identify as a round Earth. Calling me flat is an identity attack.
Gonna call you fat instead. 🙃
Pre-making several just seems weird to me.
It's also utterly retarded because the argument made for it isn't even correct, handshakes aren't an exclusive feature of new accounts.
Handshake accounts get discriminated by mods forcing the necessity to premake.
That's not how handshakes work, genius, that's never how they worked as the recent spam here and on other boards shows over and over with accounts over 1 year old still have the icon.
Any board an account is new to gets the handshake icon, even if the account is weeks/months/years old. It has nothing to do with account age, it's account presence on a board.
Go look at the pinned thread:
Any of the accounts that posted 4 years ago, Hugs, WassermanSchultz, TheLionParty, todiwan, rocket_nazi, AceOfTrumps, Bizz408, and so on, if any of them went to a new board, or even just one they had never been active on before, and started posting they would again have a handshake.
[x] Doubt
And all the Boomer parents cry out in unison: "Remember when I told you 'someday you may regret posing that photo of yourself doing a kegstand'? That day has come."
Meanwhile those same boomers post everything and anything they do including things about other people without asking prior to said posting if others want it online [forever] because boomers have the same amount of opsec awareness as a toddler.
It's very common for games to copy guns and just give them a new name
See Goldeneye from 1997 which renamed the FN P90 to RC-P90 amongst a whole slew of other guns. Perfect Dark did similar things including also having the FN P90 but now named RC-P45 in addition to the RC-P120.
Timesplitters 2 also did this with the SBP90.
It was me, Barry!
Hey, it wasn't acid.
It was, the nanobots were something else.
Page 130, line 10 ish.
Nomi lifts her knee and shoves Valdo off the gantry into the acid below.
Another description of it with some more context because "white man bad",
Eventually Nomi was forced to withdraw from the laboratory, taking the obnoxiously overconfident Obruchev with her at gunpoint. He threatened to unleash Heracles against people of African origin, which proved to be the last straw and, retorting that it was "time to die", she kicked the scientist into a pool of toxic liquid, ultimately dissolving him.
I speculated they assigned female SS agents so come late September they can break he was very inapropro with them. Either sexist remarks or more.
On the one hand that's an extremely retarded play by the current administration since they are the ones who will be rubber stamping this, and since they are also the side who try to push the "Trump = sexist" and whatever else, then they are doing this while "knowing" this.
On the other hand the ones these "stories" will be aimed at are die hard tribalists who will 'vote blue, no matter who' and infested with so much TDS the basic logical fallacy on display will be ignored because "orange man bad".
"Here's how Bernie can still win Prince Andrew can come back!"
Username game on point.
Could this be any more shit?
White men
Neither of those labels will be accurate at any given time.
I see they are still trying to use and push that term when only 3% or something of the group even uses it themselves. Waiting on the day they try the same English language based cultural imperialism bullshit they whine about so much with others groups, namely Chinos.
As is always the case they don't want that, they want to be in others spaces because of both the attention and easy wins.
"Don't worry guys, we kicked out all those icky white men who founded and carried the company for the last dozen years and more. Now we have Danuser to help usher the game in a stunning and brave direction!"
/Danuser actively larps on Twitter as a game character, simps for another game character, writes some of the worst content in the history of WoW that will have lasting repercussions nobody will be able to fix, and then gets quietly fired last November.