It was easier to take men and make them in to fake women to placate the Woke Beast than it was to take women and make them progranmers.
This is the same energy. It takes TWD to have diversity hire pets achieve the same level of success as dead white men. They are not able to bring up the accomplishments of their purse dogs so the only way for them to achieve holy equity is to kill white people.
You forgot that by making Yasuke YasuGAY they're revisiting the gay black men tropes of the 70s, 80s, and even 90s.
That Swedish movie with the title that gets you banned for naming it.
The black gay guy from Revenge of the Nerds.
Dwight Ewell from Chasing Amy.
Neckbeardia also has a totally not 40k set of ''SciFi Gothic" models, among other sets of totally not based on that licensed IP from other genres.
It's funny because Muh Diversity replacements can he pointed and laughed at as examples of how checkmark box X filler race/sex swap just shows the authors are admittong that demographic doesn't deserve its own character.
Now consider the subtle implications that the only way a black character can exist is by stealing my bike the identity of a white character.
Introduce them to the Fediverse instance It's somewhwre else they can go.