If one device works but another does not, given the same internet access point, that is an issue with the device, not the IP address.
Device bans are by MAC address, not IP address. IP address can be changed via VPN. Both MAC address and IP address can be changed, too, but changing or obscuring a MAC address takes more work.
And thus demonstrating why the 19th Amendment was a gigantic mistake.
We can, but the propagandized normies are trained to bark "Fed!" and clap like the seals they are every time it is tried.
Here is the key thing you need to know about both CT and TX trials:
They were default judgements for failing to produce discovery that he didn't even have access to.
Neither of his cases were ever decided on the merits.
This is why he was never allowed to present any sort of defense at the "trials," and was, in fact, threatened with contempt of court if he even tried. His guilt was already determined, the trials were about the damages.
We see how that went.
I don't know if either of his cases are on appeal, but if they were not, he needs to fire his lawyers.
Robert Barnes has an epic rant about this on Viva's Rumble channel, somewhere. I will see if I can find it.
Here is a YT video about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDnYVPq7Q4c
Trump's picks?
Trump is the most Zionist president ever.
Need I say more?
There are ways to utilize credit card processing that are outside the reach of Visa and Mastercard, you have to go outside the US to do it.
Gab has been denied processing for a long time, and they got around it. Gab even has its own payment system, GabPay.
I haven't forgotten how in 1992 Vice President Dan Quayle was mocked by Democrats when he criticized the TV Show Murphy Brown for showing a single woman having a kid out of wedlock.
Looking back, it seems almost quaint that a politician would do something like that, but he did, and he was right.
Considering that CNN would not exist except for big pharma advertising, this is not surprising.
Legacy media is bought and paid for by big pharma advertising, all of them.
Twitch knows what can happen if they don't: Advertisers pull out, financing becomes hard, and a full on public relations smear campaign commences.
They are, the modern Western diet of sugar and fast carbs has made them even more obese than White Americans. They never ate that kind of diet in their past, and it's killing them. It isn't as bad as alcohol is for Indians, as they never learned how to ferment alcohol, so genetically Indians process alcohol poorly.
For now, all I can do is tell you how I feel.
This needs to be said, blinking, in bright red neon:
Use your fucking brain, you were gifted the gift of an intellect for a reason.
Any David Weber books, they are just too dialog dense.
If you play all the way through to the end of EP2, try not to get too upset at the cliffhanger. Us old school guys who played this at release have come to acceptance that there will be no EP3, and so should you.
When you treat "far right" as just a moral pejorative, no different than a 2 year old saying someone is a poopy head, it all starts to make more sense.
Imagine a toddler pointing at people and screaming "bad man" and you pretty much describe 99% of all situations where someone gets called an istophobe.
And they wonder why they were conquered.
War dances aren't bullet proof.
Regardless of what Alex said or not, what was done to him in those two farcical show trials should be cause for disbarment of every lawyer involved.
The US of 1946 was 90% white, and this event is about to pass out of living memory into history, just like the rest of WWII.
As far as the modern left is concerned, that might as well not have happened. Most people don't know it did, and those that do, probably 99 out of 100 are on the right.
The idea is to apply the same sort of law that makes drivers licenses good in every state to CCW permits, so a permit good in one state is good in all states.
I doubt it. I firmly think that the left doesn't think we'll do that, no matter what the provocation is.
They are not unjustified in thinking this, because we haven't yet, despite very significant events that would have, 100 years ago.
If the Feds tried to pull a Waco in 1910? They get a much different result.
I was holding out for a real firebreather who would go into the DoJ and wield a scythe like the Undertaker to lop off heads and post them on pikes. I don't think Matt Gaetz will do that because Matt has not shown himself to be an outside the box thinker.
Ill be honest, I find his extremely rapid rise to prominence extremely suspicious, especially his book and the movie made from it. That shit just doesn't happen, not in today's publishing world that is run almost exclusively by women.
That being said, he's extremely personable in interviews, and he seems to understand much about what modern day politics. That he is a protege of Peter Thiel gives me some pause, but I am fully aware that people like us, the dissidents who shitpost online, don't rise to that level without big money behind it.
I will be watching what he does, and pretty much ignoring what he says. I have watched far too many people run their mouth about doing stuff in D.C. only to be bitterly disappointed by the results to take what anyone says at face value.
The pure folly of the 17th Amendment on full display. It MUST GO
This is a free society
Does anyone want to tell her?
So billionaires can buy elections and run the government now. Nice. Elon is what republicans say Soros is
Elon isn't try to destroy everything he touches, Soros is. They are not the same, and only a reddit faggot would think they are.
I like to ask people, "Do you think I believe what I believe just as hard as you believe what you believe?"
It knocks them out of their NPC scripted moral virtue maintenance routine.