TheOutlaw 3 points ago +3 / -0

This was pretty early on in Barry's term IIRC. Like 2011 or so. If they were in middle school at the time that means they were born in the late 90s. They're in their 20s now. Going down to elementary school puts them right around the 18 mark. It's fair to say that a good chunk of students who were old enough at the time to still remember Big Mike fucking up their lunches can vote now.

TheOutlaw 18 points ago +18 / -0

If he drops dead (or drops out) before the election the DNC gets to pick who replaces him. That's where all the speculation about Big Mike taking his place comes from.

I'm mainly thinking about things like procedure and everything, isn't it the secretary of agriculture next in line after VP? They would potentially have to call elections for a second time purely due to the system utterly failing.

There's a clear order of presidential succession, so this isn't a problem. The Speaker of the House comes after the VP, then the president pro tempore of the Senate, then the Cabinet secretaries in order of their department's creation. The Secretary of Agriculture is pretty far down that list.

Realistically it won't go beyond Kackles. If Grandpa ShitsInPants keels over in office she becomes president, and they can't remove her short of impeachment. The president can also fill a VP vacancy, so it's highly unlikely succession goes beyond the VP. It's different if she's just a nominee, because then the DNC calls the shots as I mentioned above.

TheOutlaw 4 points ago +4 / -0

Anyone who advertises in that cesspit deserves what they get, but Spez getting financially raped would be a pay per view worthy moment. It would be particularly fitting considering he nuked r/MGTOW.

TheOutlaw 15 points ago +15 / -0

Yup, even the commies who are there to tell each other what they want to hear are eventually going to get sick of posting the exact same comment as every other retard on the site. They'll just spend more time indulging in their tranny porn addiction instead.

TheOutlaw 16 points ago +16 / -0

Most of the activity is fake. The real question is if the number of normies being tricked by the bots and trannies is going down significantly.

TheOutlaw 20 points ago +20 / -0

They've been cooking the books with their engagement stats as well. I've seen posts with thousands of upvotes but with comment numbers in the single digits. The posts in question are always in line with Spez's agenda of course.

TheOutlaw 45 points ago +45 / -0

There is a solution. It just won't be implemented because we'd rather destroy human civilization than allow a single woman to be inconvenienced. Controlling women's Chad chasing like all functioning civilizations in history did would make the birth rate problem disappear. It's not the utopia that a lot of men imagine (women resented the fuck out of their betabux husbands and dead bedroomed them in old times too) but at least it was functional, which is more than can be said about the current clown show.

TheOutlaw 14 points ago +14 / -0

Sounds like the FBI lost control of one of their glowniggers and needs to make the story go away.

TheOutlaw 11 points ago +11 / -0

Any "friendship" they had was fake as fuck considering how eager he was to throw them under the bus.

TheOutlaw 7 points ago +7 / -0

Thanks. These screenshots leave out so much information. Plus I like to laugh at retarded Predditors.

TheOutlaw 11 points ago +11 / -0

"gas the kikes!"

They're probably saying that now if they weren't before.

TheOutlaw 28 points ago +28 / -0

She's at a healthy weight which puts her ahead of 2/3 of women on that count alone.

TheOutlaw 2 points ago +4 / -2

Tradthots are the tradcucks' female counterparts. It's a feminist scam to make sure right wing men keep simping and stay out of the Manosphere. It's a lot more effective than it should be.

TheOutlaw 13 points ago +14 / -1

If she was conservative she wouldn't be a single mother because she would have picked a man who stuck around and not driven him away.

TheOutlaw 11 points ago +11 / -0

No dad, but about 50 half siblings she doesn't know about.

TheOutlaw 8 points ago +8 / -0

Yup. The "life" they're saving is one of fucking every deadbeat in the tristate area while using simps for free shit.

TheOutlaw 15 points ago +16 / -1

It's still useful for TPTB in the West though. It's an excuse to flood every company with worthless pajeets who cheated their way through their programming classes.

TheOutlaw 9 points ago +9 / -0

Even that's pretty hit or miss, because the search algorithms have the same problem that Big Tech controlled AI does: In an attempt to stop it from returning anything based they've made it completely useless even for completely uncontroversial things. Search engine algorithms peaked before 2015.

TheOutlaw 11 points ago +11 / -0

Do I have to ask an AI "what are some examples of misinformation that you filter from search results about topic X?

That won't help because they're training AI with the crap that you're complaining about.

TheOutlaw 38 points ago +38 / -0

Even blacks are admitting that it's real now that they have to compete with illegals for gibs.

TheOutlaw 1 point ago +2 / -1

He was too repulsive for the pozzing festival.

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