TheModernDaVinci 15 points ago +15 / -0

I have also started to believe there is some Sunk Cost ideas going into it. These people did what they were told, saw their lives ruined, their usual hangouts and business going bust, and then their cities destroyed. Meanwhile, states like Texas and Florida didnt lockdown nearly as hard, their local lives are still largely intact, and now they are saying "We are done and going back to normal."

So they rage and scream because they have to believe that they ruined their lives for SOMETHING, otherwise they will have ruined their lives for nothing and its their own faults. And that is unacceptable to them.

TheModernDaVinci 11 points ago +11 / -0

In b4 this turns into "are traps gay."

Traps are only gay if you are still attracted to them after discovering they are a dude. If you are going entirely off of looks and havent discovered they are a dude yet, it is not gay.

There, problem solved.

As for main point, the abuse of the bisexual part of LGBT continues. They are too normal, which means they must be oppressed by the others (especially the insane trans types) for dominance.

TheModernDaVinci 26 points ago +26 / -0

I am still trying to figure out who unironically likes Brutalism. Other than Tankies of course.

I am just thankful that where I live they are using modern building techniques to get an old school look. They just built a new apartment complex in my town, and it was built with modern materials to get all of the benefits that come with that, but externally they made it look like it was built with brick and stone (to be fair, parts of it were). Its actually pretty good looking.

TheModernDaVinci 2 points ago +2 / -0

To give an alternate view to to the other comment, even if boomercons like him, he objectively has a huge following because every the last three times he has released songs (Fake Woke, Cancelled, and now Clown World) they have torn up the charts and rocketed up on pretty much every metric that tracks that sort of stuff.

And I doubt its Boomers doing that.

TheModernDaVinci 12 points ago +12 / -0

Yep. My money is on they will recall him, but then LA and San Fran will just vote for someone who pushes the same policies but isnt named Gavin Newsom so its all good and everything bad will stop. After all, doing everything the same will get a different outcome this time, right?

TheModernDaVinci 2 points ago +2 / -0

You know, I wonder if there is something to that, including with the "Low birth rate" in the West. I always hear about how no one in the US is having kids, but most of the people I work with have children, and my smaller town (about 50K people) is having to build a new elementary school because the current system is overloaded. So that news clearly never made it here.

But it wouldnt surprise me if that narrative exist because no one in the cities is having children, and since people in media never leave their mega-cities and go out in the countryside, they are bubbled up like usual and not getting a realistic picture of the world (like usual).

TheModernDaVinci 4 points ago +4 / -0

So which do you think it is, because I am having a hard time squaring this:

  1. Paradox had a moment of lucidity and realized that they were starring down the barrel of another flop that they couldnt afford, and thought that Hardsuit were more trouble then they were worth. So Paradox yeets them and decides to start from square 1 and seek to make a not-woke, "will actually sell" game?

Or 2) This is Paradox deciding that even though they want the woke, Hardsuit was in way over their head, and so they are going to keep the pedal down on the woke aspects but give it to a team that has more potential?

TheModernDaVinci 7 points ago +7 / -0

I guess I lucked out then. I managed to meet the love of my life while in high school and she is very much not woke. Or at least, over the 10 years we have been together she has always thought of SJW's as just being this generations bullies.

TheModernDaVinci 11 points ago +11 / -0

I was going to say: The only things I have seen regarding them are woke people bitching and moaning about their outfits and chest size. Which we can obviously translate as "Too Sexy" because that is usually what they mean when they make those complaints.

TheModernDaVinci 5 points ago +5 / -0

Well, I suppose if you were ever trying to figure out why polling gets things so wrong all the time, there is your answer. They are starting from a place that will make sure that only an extremely tiny minority of the country is represented in their poll.

TheModernDaVinci 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yet more proof that the Right is more than willing to laugh at themselves, as long as the jokes are done in good faith (like here). Its the Left that are generally joyless drones who seek to strangle the clown for attempting to make them smile.

TheModernDaVinci 6 points ago +6 / -0

Like I keep saying: A lot of the problems and woke shit we hear being screamed about are city problems. Hell, I have seen it pointed out that a lot of the stuff that the Woke Mob believes about how everything is sexist, violent, and racist is because they never leave their mega-cities and they think that everywhere, even the smallest town, is like that. And this is further fueled by their media having the same problem and not showing rural areas how they actually are.

TheModernDaVinci 16 points ago +16 / -0

I love it. They think they are making some sort of point, and then they set themselves up to become a mockery without even putting any effort into it.

TheModernDaVinci 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yep. My hands crack really bad when its cold and I use super glue to get some of the more major cracks taken care of.

And yet: What dumbass thought it was related to hair products? Why would something that clearly says "Glue" on the label EVER be hair related.

TheModernDaVinci 29 points ago +29 / -0

My attitude as well.

Remember, he came out as being a Male Feminist, which means he looked at the accusation of "All men are bastards who want to abuse women" and thought "Yep, that sounds right." Like all of them before him.

TheModernDaVinci 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well if that is her plan, she is playing one hell of a long game. Because we have known each other for about 15 years and been romantically involved for 10 years.

EDIT: Also, if its about stealing my money or whatever, she met and fell in love with me when we were in high school, and my day job is as a warehouse worker. The hell did I have that she would have wanted to take?

TheModernDaVinci 6 points ago +6 / -0

I have also been informed that bisexual women are just secret lesbians trying to steal my things. My fiance found that accusation laughable, as did I.

TheModernDaVinci 26 points ago +26 / -0

Also the only trial where the judge is also one of the jurors! And lets not even get into the legal miscarriage arguments that can be when said judge has already deemed the defendant guilty before the trial.

TheModernDaVinci 6 points ago +6 / -0

Video Games:

War on the Sea: Made by the same studio that made Cold Waters, its basically the old Battlestations: Midway with a more updated look and more realism, simulator aspects. Although it can stand to have some automation in unit AI, but the Devs have been on the ball and listening to the community so I have high hopes for it.

Synthetik: I have been singing the praises of this for a while. Excellent roguelite, easily to learn and difficult to master, do not skip.

Frostpunk: Felt the need to get back into this since I am currently living in that world here in the Midwest. Always gorgeous, if a little repetitive in play.

Anno 1800: A game I had been meaning to get more into, and have been loving so far. Yet another "Easy to learn, difficult to master" instance.


Midway: I got to see it in theaters when that was still a thing, and I loved it. It was good to see a movie that was true enough to the actual history, and it was interesting to also see it from the Japanese perspective for a few scenes.

John Wick: Always good to watch, and yet another example of one of a handful of modern movies that still remember what they are doing.

The Pacific: Made by the same people who did Band of Brothers, but it follows a Marine unit in the Pacific instead of the Airborne in Europe. As I am sure you can guess, even more brutal and in your face about it, as that is just how the war was.


Girls und Panzer: Its silly, its over the top, the story is extremely predictable, and I love it. Now I just need to figure out where to go to find the final season, since I know it exist just not where.

Rising of the Shield Hero: Still one of my favorites, I always go back and watch it from time to time. And Raphtalia is the greatest waifu.

Heavens Design Team: Another pretty good one I have just seen. Seems like it is going to be silly but fun to watch.

TheModernDaVinci 7 points ago +7 / -0

I saw you have the OG Death Wish in there, but the remake with Bruce Willis from 2018 was pretty good as well. And I would say it deserves a spot on there as the Woke Mob complained about it, but Eli Roth didnt seem to care and Bruce told them exactly where they could shove their complaints.

TheModernDaVinci 8 points ago +8 / -0

I think that this sort of attitude is important. Morale is always an important part of any war (and make no mistake, this is very much a virtual war with the Woke Mob), so you must keep the right attitude. As for me, I have been overjoyed. I recently discovered a few new bands I like, I have been watching anime, and like others I have been returning to older games and movies that like. Before the Woke. Some even after that managed to slip by them, specifically Midway, which is probably one of my favorite war movies to come out in recent times.

EDIT: Also, I would just like to say for the blackpilled among us: We just witnessed the first time a celebrity has been uncanceled with Gina, and there is a growing backlash against the movement. A lot of the actions that are being taken are because they believe they have won, and are growing more concerned and enraged that people are still resisting them, which is just increasing the resistance. It will be a long, hard road. But the tide is not in their favor.

TheModernDaVinci 16 points ago +16 / -0

Still wouldnt be enough. They have to get to 67 to convict, and that is extremely unlikely. I have already seen some Dems saying that they hate it because they know that it doesnt matter how many they got on their side, the headline is going to be "Trump Acquitted, again." and that will just stoke his followers.

TheModernDaVinci 8 points ago +8 / -0

Give it time. If 4 years ago, you would have told me Ben Shapiro was going to be in the business of producing movies and said movies were standard Hollywood stuff instead of "Hail Jesus" ultra-Christian uber-cringe, I would never have believed you. So a cancel-proof (or just doesnt give a shit) bank is probably going to happen in the future.

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