Ah. I never use console commands so I didnt know there was a difference. I always play very tactically, moving from cover to cover, and taking very deliberate shots and relying on armor to eat any fire that gets past cover.
I dont know what ever came of it in the end (I dont live in NYC, and you could never pay me enough to), but the TLDR is that when New York City started designating COVID hotspots that needed extra lockdown measures, people very quickly learned that there was an almost 1:1 ratio of those zones being heavily Jewish neighborhoods. When people pointed this out, extra police were sent in to deal with it, but they had to bring in police from outside the normal precinct because the local cops refused to enforce it. Some of these measures include closing stores while one the next block over is still open, spying on Jewish Synagogues for being "over-capacity", and WELDING THE GATES OF THEIR PARKS SHUT!!!. Dont know what has come of it since, other than one of the major community leaders by the name of Heshy Tischler has been fighting the city and is running for city commission in the next election. If you want the much longer version, here is an interview from about a month ago with Tim Pool (Link)
Probably the same thing they did when Cuomo and De Blasio were gunning for the Jews in New York: Ignore it because its inconvenient to their little WigNat narrative.
Who would have guess that accusing YOUR OWN DAMN SOLDIERS of being disloyal would backfire. Well, I guess if they had any doubts before, they aint loyal now.
Though I kind of prefer "immortal mode" (Skyrim and Fallout 4's "tim" command), and just kind of use it as a crutch.
Yep, that is how she plays too. Mostly because, like I said, she cares more about lore, story, and characters. So she makes herself immortal so she can just wade through any challenge and not have her story disrupted.
On that note, we also fight very differently. Since she has infinite ammo (because of said commands) and is blind as a bat without her glasses (she doesnt wear them while playing), she has a tendency to use melee weapons, and if she uses ranged weapons its AOE like grenade launchers, or bullet hoses like miniguns, and she will go into battle screaming "ACCURACY IS FOR DOOOORRRKKKS!!" at the top of her lungs. Meanwhile, I favor custom-tuning my weapons to make them as accurate and easily controlled on the recoil as possible, and when using anything automatic I fire correctly in short controlled burst. Or in Elder Scrolls, she prefers magic, while I prefer heavy armor/heavy weapon+bow builds.
There is also something to be said about how they may like different kinds of games. For instance, both me and my fiance are into games, but very few of them are the same games. She generally prefers games that are on the silly or cute side. Stuff like West of Loathing, Slime Rancher, Undertale, and Huniepop as the "doesnt really fit in" one. I prefer strategy (usually of the tactical variety), economic sims, racing, and roguelikes in general.
Even then, the games we DO share a like for (Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Hades, Bioshock), we play VERY differently. I prefer a challenge, and will play the games as intended with certain difficulty tweaks as I feel the need to put in a harder time. And to that end, the gameplay is what I care the most about, with the story being important, but not the end all be all. She cares far more about lore, and as such her default mode when playing is to turn on God Mode, give herself all the best gear and infinite money, and then go around to experience the story with little to no issue.
And neither one of us is playing it the wrong way, we enjoy our own ways, and we will sometimes watch each other play. She likes watching me pull of some insane moves that she could never do in a million years, while I laugh at her mods where she has a minigun that shoots nukes for no other reason than "its funny."
I dont know. That might be your attitude, but I have seen far too many people going "Its all hopeless. We can never return to freedom. There is no happiness anymore. The world will descend into darkness. Now if you'll excuse me, I am going to go suck-start a shotgun."
Maybe I am just an optimist, but that attitude doesnt seem particularly productive or useful in preparing for coming hard times. Especially when, at least from my point of view, the left is laying on with the "You should be hopeless and afraid" tactic because they ARENT as strong as they want you to believe they are.
And quite frankly: Giving up is the easy way. Its harder if you want to keep moving forward and find a way to solve this. And it is solvable, it will just be hard.
What I am interested in is what the states that joined Texas and called "foul" are going to do in these coming years. Because with how hard they have been fighting all this, I imagine they are going to make sure that the Feds trying to do anything is going to be the equivalent of pulling teeth, and they will just point to New York and Cali refusing to carry out federal laws in other matters to justify themselves. For instance, I could see Biden trying to do some sort of New Assault Weapons Ban, only for states like Texas, Florida, Kansas, Wyoming, Oklahoma, etc to say "Nope, sorry. Gun sanctuary zone. You want it? Send the ATF to TRY and take it." and there would literally not be enough resources to pull it off. And thats ignoring that the courts might still go our way in some cases (though I am now less confident about the Supreme Court than I was before). And considering a lot of those states have also done fairly well at surviving Covid since a lot of them avoided locking down, they would likely be in a good position to fight that bullshit. Hell, I wouldnt be surprised if when Biden tries to do some BS with illegal immigration, you dont see Texas start going rogue and doing its own thing to make sure that they dont end up there. What I am getting at is: This is far from hopeless, people saying its hopeless need to step back and breath a little bit. And I imagine the next few years will be quite the site to behold.
I also think it is extremely unlikely to happen (I will not say "impossible", because far too much "impossible" shit has happened in the last year). However, I do think there is something to be said about how Trump was greeted with a standing ovation at the Army vs. Navy football game. Another thing worth noting is that when Pence went and met the National Guard deployed in DC, they remained pretty "average" in temperament. But when one of the New Blood Populist Republicans (the kind who ran on Trumps style and message and are already in the House going "I am not here to apologize, I am here to double down") came and met with them it was all cheers. I think that says something, and I am sure its part of the reason the whole "National Guard will betray the Dems during the inauguration" thing is going around.
And while we are on the subject, I think that a populist revolt taking over the system is inevitable. I know all the doom-pill talk on the interwebs right now foretells of eternal darkness and suffering under the endless boot of hard-left ideologues, but to me that seems to be falling into the same "End of History" theory as the Leftist push, which fails for the same reason: it assumes history is static and will never change. But you cant just tell 75 Million people (more if you include the amount of people who are already starting to say that something is rotten in the state of Denmark and started chilling on the Dems after the fact) that they will never be heard again and their issues are meaningless. That WILL lead to the mother of all backlashes, and I dont think the establishment has the power to stop it.
It doesnt even have to be some violent revolution. There were several seats the Republicans lost in California in 2018 to suspicious and/or unethical means that they won back in 2020, even while running Trumpian candidates (which we were told was impossible). All because while the RNC has been more than willing to roll over and show weakness so that they can keep their cushy life as an establishment pawn, the state level GOP have been more than willing to say "You want a knife fight? Then lets have a goddamn knife fight!" and take the Dems own tricks back on them when they can get away with it.
It may not happen now, it may not happen even years from now, but it WILL happen. Because despite what the post-modernist believe, history is NOT static and the situation will always change. All that is to ask is what form will the next one take: A Trump who still believes the situation can be salvaged and returned to normal? A Huey Long who is just as viciously corrupt as the establishment they defeated, they are just using their corruption to help the average man? Or are we going old school and having a Sulla, who will tell the establishment "You had your chance to reform and keep some of your power and wealth and do it peacefully. Now, you will lose it all...the hard way."?
If only. I say let them fight.
On a related note: I dont know if anyone else has noticed it, but I have noticed that the people screaming the loudest about how "You will kill grandma!" and how everyone is going to be the death of them, are the same ones who have been begging for boomers to die and saying that we need a new plague to cull the stupid for ages.
Turns out, they were bluffing and now that their own mortality is on the line they are suddenly less on board with that idea.
You cant invalidate a pardon. They could just charge him with something else though.
I mean...I would argue the bigger problem is that they are cosmopolitan globalist rather than Jews. After all, the whole point of those types is they want to be able to go to any big city in any nation and not be able to tell what country they are in, regardless of what kind of toll that takes on the local population.
I remember that. It was amazing how a simple question caused them to fly into such a rage. It really does show their elitism that asking if they know anyone who owns the most commonly driven type of vehicle, chosen because its useful for a working class person, is met with rank disgust.
Along this same line, the new round of approval polling has come out, and after an absolute balls-to-the-wall propaganda and demoralization blitz, the result was.....Trumps popularity is still locked in the high 40's. It didnt budge. Other polling has also found that a lot of people are just getting angry instead of backing down. I am sure stats like that play no small part in why the establishment is turning DC into a goddamn fortress right now.
But the only method they know is double down, so they will continue to push forward and becoming increasingly paranoid about every shadow going forward.
Basically, what I have found is that they have the cause and effect backward. In short, they believe that it was Trump who started acting like an arrogant blowhard first, so all of these people are doing it back at him.
They dont really seem to realize that they were the ones who started it and Trump was the backlash. After all, remember before 2016 a lot of the culture war was on the internet and outside of normie view.
I will give one bit of good news about this view though: They hate the woke shit as much as we do, and are hoping that it will go back to normal with a Biden president. So when it doesnt (because it just emboldened the Woke), they will likely snap back. After all, normies are already dropping the news media like a bad habit because EVERYTHING is going down again.
Its part of what makes it so hard to fight these bastards.
We have lives. We have hobbies. We have families.
They dont.
They have abandoned their hobbies for not being woke enough. They have cut all ties with their family for be privileged subhumans, and they live with their fellow revolutionaries who become their new family ("Its not a cult, honest!"). Hell, a lot of these people dont even have jobs, or if they do its with their own kind so they all work on the same wavelength.
Therefore, they do nothing but relentlessly attack anything and everything that goes against their ideology. You need to be vigilant against that sort of stuff, but you literally CANT be unless you become just as broken as they are, and then the point is defeated.
But at the same time, I talk to normie types that didnt like Trump but hate this woke shit (they wrongly believe he was responsible for it). So they may have helped get rid of him thinking "these crazies will finally shut up." So I have to imagine there will be snap-back when they dont. But looking at the economic numbers of how the Woke do their thing, it looks like people WILL find a way around it or will just tap out and drop off the grid as far as the woke are concerned rather than continue to put up with their BS.
"We the anointed in the press get to do and say whatever we want. And you filthy peasants have to worship the ground we walk on and never talk back."
As the situation has passed, I have seen the attitude change somewhat, but not in the direction that the establishment probably wants.
That being, people still think it was over the line, but at the same time people are starting to go "Wait, dont we hate those bastards in DC? Why are we so upset that something might have happened to them again?"
And considering the growing paranoia of the Dems in DC, where they are starting to think that other congressmen and THE NATIONAL GUARD THEY CALLED IN are planning to kill them, I think they may be hearing the same things and realizing if someone had actually done something to them no one would care.
And its making them even more afraid, so they clamp down more, which makes people even angrier and more likely to want to see them burn, which causes them to be more afraid....
Unfortunately not. I kind of fell off the COD train ever since going to PC only (basically, everything I wanted to play I could either get on PC or at the very least emulate, so I didnt need my XBox anymore). But I did hear OK things about the campaign for it.
This is pretty much my take too, though like I said I flip Zero and 4. But it really is a photo-finish sort of difference, so its not like we disagree too much there (4 being just barely lower because it shows its age a bit more and its too short for my taste).
And good to see I am not the only one who thinks that AH is not that bad. I know its a meme in the community that it is the worst thing to ever be invented, but I have argued for a while that it is perfectly fine as a game.
My argument basically boils down to "Its a good dogfight game, but a bad Ace Combat game" and I firmly believe that if it didnt have the Ace Combat badge on it it would have been much better received.
Incidently, Zero is hands down my favorite Ace Combat, with 4 being a close second. I know everyone talks up how awesome 5 is, but I am less whoppy about it. Mostly because its FAR too in your face about its messaging compared to the other games, and it makes your squadmates annoying IMO.
Zero on the other hand pushes literally the same message, but does it in a far more organic way that results in me liking everyone in that game, even rival squadrons and my "buddy". Also, having a choice of special weapons gives it much more points in my book.
My rotation at the moment:
Synthetik: It is an EXTREMELY well done roguelike shooter, with a little bit of progression between runs as you level up different classes. Classes have the abilities, and then you just have to drop to your knees and pray to the loot gods it gives you good gear.
Hades: Also an excellent roguelike, with a bit more control over your run as you can equip certain items to try and push the odds in your favor for items you want. I know that some have tried to claim its woke, but those people are lying. The game is well done, the characters are well done, and everything makes sense for what it was intended to be.
Men of War: Assault Squad 2/Call to Arms: Realistic themed RTS based on the same engine by the same dev (MOW is WW2, CTA is modern war). They are pretty fun if slightly difficult games, but they can be a great time once you get the hang of them.
Project Wingman: I am a HUGE Ace Combat fanboy, and this game is basically Ace Combat as made by Ace Combat fans with some of the little nagging elements of the game changed to make it better (for instance, you can mount different weapons on different hardpoints instead of having to have all of the same special weapon).
Need For Speed Heat: I havent played NFS in ages, and I have heard Heat does a pretty good job going back to its roots. Either way, I grabbed it on a sale so I am willing to give it a try.
And Finally, Cyberpunk 2077. I know its had its issues, and it has had moments of jank even on PC, but I think there are the bones of an excellent game here, and I cant wait to see what they come up with. After all, that is the story of Witcher 3 as well.
Though notice how no one accuses the Japanese of "cultural appropriation" of Americana since 1945.
They probably dont want to admit that for the most part Japan likes Americana. Serious, you see it in Anime from time to time: They show America as a loud, brash, sometimes obnoxious person who nevertheless stands up for what is right and can be counted on in a tough spot at the end of the day. If Hollywood portrayed the US that way, the usual suspects would have a freaking aneurism and fly into apoplectic rage.
Also, slightly off topic but brought up in there, there is something I have been thinking about with the whole "Declining demographics" thing. I am starting to wonder if that is just another case of urban/rural divide at play. I know what the national stats are, but at least where I live I still see plenty of children around, with some families doing WAY more than their needed 2.3 children (there is a neighbor of mine with 4, which means by numbers alone they are already picking up slack).
I have to wonder if that applies in most western nations at the moment, and that part of the reason people think nations are dying is because the places that make the culture are all urban and liberal, and are not having children, while all of the unsung parts of the country that are looked down on as dumb hicks are still living their lives the same way they always have.
They pissed off the Military. They pissed off the police. They pissed off half or more of the population.
And I am sure they will be shocked when the dog bites back and will say, with complete sincerity, "Why?"