Because China doesnt like the woke stuff, and they can just make their own movies. When you look at what Hollywood stuff did well in China, what do you find? Bay-Formers. Pirates of the Caribbean. Fast and Furious. Avengers. Are you noticing a pattern here? Its even more stark when you look at the domestic stuff, where if you just switched some flags around it wouldnt look out of place in a lineup of 80's movies. Dont believe me? Here is the trailer for the best selling movie in China.(by the way: Yes, that is the US as the bad guys. Just in case you thought they were going to be subtle about that sort of stuff.)
You want to know whats funny? That same sort of actiony shit sells well in the US for the same reason: People want movies that are FUN! The occasional arthouse, thinking piece sure. But 9/10, most people want a movie where people shoot at each other with impossibly large magazines, as another guy gets roundhouse kicked in the face so hard he explodes.
But Hollywood got high on their own farts and thought that they knew better what people wanted. And now they are starting to lose their old as people take up new hobbies and medium. Because I assure you, it is absolutely no coincidence that Anime exploded in popularity around the same time that Hollywood started huffing a little too hard.
Hollywood truly despises America. Every jackass there wishes he was in France circa 1960. Those people would commit suicide if they spent two hours in a Wal Mart in rural America.
Here is another one that I saw one time and found interesting. All of the most popular actors in Hollywood? People like Ryan Reynolds, Chris Hemsworth, and Keanu Reeves? Either dont live in Hollywood, or dont socialize in Hollywood. I remember seeing an interview from Chris Hemsworth where he was talking about how he had originally planned on it. Then it turned out it was so toxic and unwelcoming that he moved back to Australia, and then he just flies to Hollywood for business before going home.
It shows you how the problem really is Hollywood, and the culture it has built up. And I will love to watch it all burn and see who takes their place.
Because China doesnt like the woke stuff, and they can just make their own movies. When you look at what Hollywood stuff did well in China, what do you find? Bay-Formers. Pirates of the Caribbean. Fast and Furious. Avengers. Are you noticing a pattern here? Its even more stark when you look at the domestic stuff, where if you just switched some flags around it wouldnt look out of place in a lineup of 80's movies. Dont believe me? Here is the trailer for the best selling movie in China.(by the way: Yes, that is the US as the bad guys. Just in case you thought they were going to be subtle about that sort of stuff.)
You want to know whats funny? That same sort of actiony shit sells well in the US for the same reason: People want movies that are FUN! The occasional arthouse, thinking piece sure. But 9/10, most people want a movie where people shoot at each other with impossibly large magazines, as another guy gets roundhouse kicked in the face so hard he explodes.
But Hollywood got high on their own farts and thought that they knew better what people wanted. And now they are starting to lose their old as people take up new hobbies and medium. Because I assure you, it is absolutely no coincidence that Anime exploded in popularity around the same time that Hollywood started huffing a little too hard.
Hollywood truly despises America. Every jackass there wishes he was in France circa 1960. Those people would commit suicide if they spent two hours in a Wal Mart in rural America.
Here is another one that I saw one time and found interesting. All of the most popular actors in Hollywood? People like Ryan Reynolds, Chris Hemsworth, and Keanu Reeves? Either dont live in Hollywood, or dont socialize in Hollywood. I remember seeing an interview from Chris Hemsworth where he was talking about how he had originally planned on it. Then it turned out it was so toxic and unwelcoming that he moved back to Australia, and then he just flies to Hollywood for business before going home.
It shows you how the problem really is Hollywood, and the culture it has built up. And I will love to watch it all burn and see who takes their place.