TesseractConveryance 5 points ago +5 / -0

So completely off topic, but I was curious about what trade the guy with the flags was (I'm assuming signals), so I opened the image in a new tab hoping the filename would clue me in. Instead, the image is just a big tall stack of all the icons.

I'm not a software guy, but does Reddit seriously load in this massive image file for every user with an icon, then just crop it to the desired one? Is that not just a massive fuck you to bandwidth optimization?

TesseractConveryance 2 points ago +2 / -0

So is Canada. But at the moment (we all know what that means) it is optional for citizens.

This is from personal experience, and I realize I'm doxxing at least my nationality but all for the greater good eh?

If you arrive at a customs area in Canada where they have the automated customs terminals for initial screening you will be directed to scan your passport and then have your face scanned for biometric matching. Obviously this would put more of your face into whatever database they're running. However, if you read the TOS on the terminal, assuming it hasn't changed since I went though, you will note that Canadian citizens can instead opt to be screened by an actual CBSA agent rather than having your face scanned.

If you bring this up to the employees, likely they will be confused, speak jack all in terms of English, and try to walk you through the process of scanning your face because apparently no one actually reads the fucking words put in front of them. Be polite, but firm and insist on talking to the agent. The CBSA agent will probably also be confused but explain to them that the fancy box said you're opting for an in person screening.

My agent asked why and I was just honest that I didn't trust the government with the info given their track record with personal info security.

God help us all. Neuromancer was not exactly a happy ending I'm looking forward to seeing IRL...

by folx
TesseractConveryance 8 points ago +8 / -0

Possibly never if I'm reading the implication of the post correctly. I'd guess that they've leashed the thing to only view and 'report' accounts with the 'wrong' opinions.

TesseractConveryance 3 points ago +3 / -0



TesseractConveryance 2 points ago +2 / -0

Family: Gabriel (husband) Self-proclaimed “LGBT advocate”

TesseractConveryance 5 points ago +5 / -0

So posts with links are immediately deleted? I would say then look at the chute where the bits are, and say HINd4dyVY7QA