Or he is confident that his people print and count the ballots.
As always, the important question is, "compared to what?"
Oh, so that's why he refuses to do anything about China's aging population
Would you prefer he does the Canadian solution by suiciding them all? Every country has a demographic problem of some sort. At least Xi isn't intentionally mutilating the next generation and trying to replace his people with foreigners.
water problems
How's that American southwest doing again? Xi is playing his hand as best he can to secure resources for his people, which is quite an accomplishment considering Europe is made of coal and about to freeze.
housing speculation
Throwing stones in a glass house.
Only because he's been actively subverting the West with rampant drug smuggling while using Western property to launder money.
The revenge for the opium wars is going great.
I don't disagree, although this was an excercise in defending the reds. China may have even better off under Imperial Japan, but that is an entirely different conversation.
There is no such thing as a non-authoritarian politics. That is a silly rhetorical trick so that any opposition will voluntarily disarm politcally. Even the most radical ancap wants to enforce their will on those around them to create ancapistan, and, if they don't, they won't be able maintain acapistan.
In summary, you may as well defend Marx too.
Sure. First you have to understand who Marx was writing to. Europe had a much more rigid class structure. It can be best described as tri-part: those who work, those who fight, those who pray. The rise of the merchant class through the industrial revolution had disrupted the old relationship, where the warrior class was paternalistic towards the peasant and trades classes. Part of this disruption was the rise a new class, the proletariat, which was a psuedo-mechanical workforce that doesn't exist in the west anymore. Marx was trying to restore a noblesse oblige that would allow the increasingly debased proles to find a renewed sense of meaning in their lives.
Most of his critiques were highly reactionary and not too distant from those of Carlyle. The quiet quitting phenomenon is precisely due to the alienation of the people from their labor. No one derives meaning from developing or selling a digital platform to manage deliverables.
As for Marx's predictions of the future, he was almost entirely correct, as across the modern world the people own the means of production that are managed by a dictatorship of proletarianized elites.
On a slight tangent, nothing in Marx's economic descriptions can't be found in Adam Smith.
Spez: As for your dismissal of commie accomplishments, what is the alternative? Would it be better for China to be embroiled in massive and bloody feuds? For Cuba to continue as a degenerate mafia run vice state similar to Colombia? For violent psychopaths to control every level of Russian society or live under German occupation? For China to succumb to feminism and sodomy?
That's easy.
Mao ended a chaotic period of warlordism and united the Chinese people. Despite some mistakes, he created the necessary culture and enviornment for China to have a shot at competing as a major power on the world stage. You may not like the way it was done, but you also don't appreciate that the Chinese people see themselves as a larger organism with no regard for the individual.
Che Guevara enabled Cuba, and helped several other countries, to define their own destiny free of western exploitation, particularly by a mafia run industry of vice. Even more importantly, he saved his people from the cultural acid that is liberalism.
Stalin purged all the violent psychopaths that had been placed into power by the revolution. It would have been insane to allow those people to run the country. He even reversed some of the cultural decay caused by the revolution. His greatest achievement was rallying his people to defeat an existensial threat to the motherland.
Xi is doing a great job of caring for his people. He has not only repelled all attempts at western subversion, but has captured the elite of rival powers. The Han have never been in a more powerful position.
For over two years now, no one actually has believed there was a deadly disease going around or that the masks do anything. If people did, they wouldn't be out shopping and they certainly wouldn't be sitting at a restaurant without masks.
If you can't reasonably defend Hitler or Stalin or whatever evil person you want, you don't understand them or the conflicts they were involved in.
In response to Kanye accussing Jews of running the media and banks, Jews have banned West from the media and banks.
History shows that waking up the masses of normies is a losing goal. They do not hold power. One hundred years ago the normies were more redpilled than most people reading this, and their opposition stopped nothing. The only way to win is to replace the ruling class and capture the non-governing elites.
It's cute that they think being in the majority will help them. For around the last 100 years in America, the majority opinion normally loses.
Haiti's existence is a refutation of progressive beliefs. In the late 18th century, the Haitians took control of the richest territory in the Caribbean and promptly reduced it to rubble. They were given a second chance in 1915, when Woodrow Wilson sent US Marines to "bring democracy" to Haiti. The Marines built them new infrastructure and trained up thousands in the skills needed to maintain modern civilization. Haiti promptly collapsed back to the stone age once the Marines left.
In 1958, they had a third chance. US Marines returned to build modern infrastructure and train people again in order to prevent the USSR from gaining influence. The bloody dictator and voodoo practitioner Papa Doc Duvalier, who had been given medical training during the previous incursion, was propped up as America's man. But once again when the Marines left, Haiti returned to the state of an African shit hole.
Again in 1994, Bill Clinton sent troops to "restore democracy" by building infrastructure and training people. This time they forced out the evil General Raoul Cedras in favor of the good, democratic Jean-Bertrand Aristide, whose hobby was sending mobs after his political opponents and necklacing them. To nobody's surprise, once the troops left it all fell apart for a fourth time.
Surely, the fifth time is the charm.
Spez: It's funny how Haiti had initially rejected free jabs, then the president got assassinated.
It's highly doubtful they don't already curate, and that list does elevate products that Amazon wants to promote. But even if that is true, they could stop selling a popular suicide agent with extremely niche labratory and industrial uses. Amazon already bans plenty of books and bomb making materials.
Vaush is a pedo.
The Amazon algorithm directs suicidal people towards pure sodium nitrite, which is popular on suicide forums, and the "frequently bought together" recommends bundling it with tagamet, an antiemetic to prevent vomiting, and a suicide handbook. Amazon has been sued about it before, so the execs are knowingly allowing it to continue. Since it's obviously not vital to their profits, the only explaination is that the execs are satanically pro-suicide.
Well they are going to put it in food animals so there won't be anyone to discriminate against.
As if the guy who gave the ukie army internet isn't in contact with ukie leaders.
What's the problem with speaking to Putin? Not communicating with an enemy is essentially a declaration that you will keep attacking until you are either incapable of continuing or get bored.
The system is fake and gay, regardless of the number of parties. Politicians are not chosen by the people to implement policy on behalf of the voters. Politicians are selected for their ability to get themselves elected, then use their office to manufacture the consent of the electorate for policies dictated to the elected officials by the party and their interest groups.
The term is soft compromise. It means it is time to either quietly remove the source of the compromise if feasible or leave. Hard compromise means you are shooting your way out.
Should have shot the kid.
There is no gradually moving the regime to the right. It's good that dissident ideas are getting picked up, but that is because they are so undeniable that the managers need to get out in-front to safely redirect them. True change will happen all at once or not at all, and it certainly won't be done by conservatives, who exist purely to conserve leftist victories.
... and
Is there any way to physically remove a city without nukes? There appears to be nothing of value left in Dearborn.
In the wake of WW1 there was a serious threat of Soviet backed communist uprisings throughout Europe. The Biennio Rosso almost destroyed Italy until Mussolini saved the day. Bavaria had a close call with Rosa Luxembourg. The German people were rightly terrified. In 1933 the Holodomor was in full swing, and Germans who had been invited to work the land in Ukraine wrote back to their distant cousins that the judeo-Bolsheviks were starving them. That was the final straw needed to propel Hitler to power.
The Fuhrer put an end to the child prostitutes and had bonfires for child porn, both of which were largely the result of Jewish influences. By wretching German monetary policy from the control of Jewish bankers, he was to able to recover the German economy from the effects of Versailles.
Intervening in neighboring countries was completely justified. Czechoslovakia was treating Germans in their territory unfairly and the border areas were majority German. With the British guaranteeing them, Polish communists were emboldened to murder and torture Germans in lands that had been cruelly ripped from the Fatherland after WW1. The Soviet army was very explicitly an offensive force. Both Poland and Finland had learned twice that Russians massing on the border would soon surge across without warning. Attacking first was the only hope for the survival of the German people.
Hitler's biggest mistake was misjudging Churchill and Roosevelt's lust to obliterate the European continent with a second world war.