Theyre literal serial killers. Compared to Abortion, Mass Shooting are non-existent in terms of body count.
I cant imagine there are that many whores, even in an american urban hellscape such as Austin, Mexico, that abortion clinics see that much traffic.
Screw that, what about Black Dragons?
I mean Trump never actually had Biden removed, so he might as well be a Trump appointee.
Exactly. Now if the joke added "Yes, and they still think your a heretic. Your plan to bait the communist infiltrators in the church into publicly exposing themselves is working perfectly" it would actually be funny, albeit quite long.
Elon has truly created a weapon to surpass metal gear.
Abortion is infanticide. They are one and the same.
Who in their right mind would rape their "women"?
Be funny if Biden and Francis were secretly based, but I would never believe it,
Are the cops who protect groomers and baby killers heroes then?
Comic heroes are gay, because they dont end the bad guy.
Baby-killers arent people.
I'm pro-innocent-life.
Murderers dont deserve to live.
I wish abortion was actually made blanket illegal. Unfortunately for their offspring, liberals will still be able to abort in their own states.
Its a step in the right direction.
Cool, now Alito can help me mine for Netherite.
The ideal U.S. government is just Clarence Thomas chilling around.
Women are more vulnerable to emotional propaganda, especially of the grooming and peer pressure kind. Its why they were historically never allowed any political power.
That and their entire ideology is rejection of responsibility. Kids are a massive responsibility, so its no wonder they hate them so much.
Its like they (pretend to) think that 90% of pregnancies end in the death of the mother and every women gets raped every 2 days.
And forcing everyone to wear masks for a mild flu that dont even do anything to stop it*. Not to mention the experimental "vaccines" that seem to just be liquid AIDS.
Because that's working out so well for Disney right now. And all the corporations virtue signaling about Russia.
Eventually, people will realize they no longer need to consume Chinese plastic and obesity burgers.
These things can barely even be considered women. They're just Seth Rogen with female parts.
I for one approve of degenerates removing themselves from the genepool in this manner.
Looks like downs syndrome, except downs victims are almost all docile and friendly.
When they say "My Body My Choice", they're being literal. They believe only they (and their father, the government) should have any medical say in what people do to their bodies.
Note how its never "Your Body, Your Choice", because they are totalitarians.