Make of that as you will
He’s looking upwards
Ha. Oops. My bad.
Netflix’s FIRST race swap where a black kid was changed to a white kid!
Paul Joseph Watson on these politicians :
“ The CIA was opening U.S. postal service mail being sent to the USSR and had 300 CIA staff indexing a quarter million names.”
daughter or “daughter”?
Here’s one list of hollywood women who have transed their kids :
Shaniqua strikes again!
Russia ate my homework
Deleted - and deleted from
I assume it was this :
Or this :
Kanye West immediately got dropped by his bank for saying spicy things on social media
Jeffrey Epstein never got dropped by his bank for being a pedophile
“Resist it while you still can... the barbarian never take the city until someone holds the gates open for them and it’s your own preachers and multicultural authorities who’ll do it for you...”
Christopher Hitchens, born 13th April 1949
Wasn’t this when Obama let Ilhan Omar and all her family into the US?
Just as our founding fathers wished - unelected rulers protecting themselves from consequences.
Monarchy 2.0
Isn’t Raif Badawi sentenced to 50 lashes every month for the next 50 years because he insulted the saudi royal family?
1 deportation out of 20 million arrivals - about as effective as a pfizer vaccine
I’m out of the loop - did trump get angry with massie not supporting israel?
Why are we supporting Ukrainian nazis who kill american journalists, destroy european pipelines and hack the west if we stop their flow of gibs?
For decades, democrats have felt no negative consequences of free speech.
Whites have a mass fear of being called racist. It leads to them voting for and celebrating ANYTHING black.
Michael Shellenberger described how focus groups of whites in LA said “we have to vote for Karen Bass because she’s black”
You are the MVP. Bookmarked this for later!
Probably explains why only women generally vote for mass migration
Or that women have EVER been oppressed
What are these “ manosphere recap channels”
It’s so unrealistic propaganda I would love to see more examples.
I found Gab impossible to navigate and find information on.