Here is Assange, on RT, explaining that ISIS is funded by Saudi's and Qatar.
People want to believe in their fantasy version of Russia where none of their problems exist.
Here is an immigrant area of Moscow where native Russians get abused by the Muslim majority:
More than just Chechens. Similar to the US, Russia has a problem with migrants over a huge porous border.
Russian officials released the interrogation of the supposed leader, from Tajikistan.
I mean, have you seen the NATO "leaders"? Do we really think a bunch of trannies larping as soldiers can pull off an operation like this?
NATO is bad because they're incompetent, ill prepared, money pits. Not because they're actually capable.
You might actually be right in this case, apparently happened "suddenly" according to sister:
The sad truth about this is likely more to do with Japanese corporate culture. They burn the candle at both ends going out drinking with the office every night. I have heard it's even more prevalent in entertainment industry there.
Twice as bright, half as long. RIP
Serious question, why not just join an Amish community at that point? They have social systems in place to sort this all out and you will do everything from scratch.
I feel like the people complaining aren't willing to make the sacrifices to get what they say they want.
Personally I don't want to go back to 100% trad roles, as I really enjoy cooking and it's one of my only real artistic outlets. I think as long as chore duties are clearly defined it doesn't matter.
Yeah, I figured you knew it was hyperbole but others may not. A kid lemonade stand getting shut down sucks, but it's not destroying the child's livelihood. Having your business bulldozed overnight with all your belongings is infinitely worse.
Russia is a poor choice for "passing through", logistically and geographicly - especially since I think for you it's coming from UK which means you pass through most of Europe first.
Perhaps consider like your ancestors - take to the seas and make for the Caribbean? I have heard British virgin islands are more British than Britain.
This is really not at all true and you need to understand life in Russia is incredibly brutal.
A small example, when I lived there my friends would go to a small stall by the metro selling rotisserie chicken. One night we bought chicken for dinner, the next morning walking to the metro we saw his stall was bulldozed. He clearly had no warning.
Bribes are expected for any interaction, even basic registration stuff and life is cheap there. There's a reason most men there drink themselves to death, it's softer than living.
None of those are "royalty" of any sort, and in fact all despised the concept. Teach/blackbeard, nor his crew, definitely weren't and you conveniently ignore that fact. Also why was their so much medicine in Charleston for it if no one needed it?
As for Victorian era Britain, mothers were selling their teenage daughters into prostitution:
And just before then, the marquis de Sade wrote the literal book on sadism and sexual deviancy.
Feminism traces it's roots to then as well.
This was not the era of morality you all believe in.
They generally don't/can't test for herpes. You have to be on the lookout and know signs.
And the men generally aren't plowing a lot, it just takes them trying to "save a ho", then they are entrapped with the woman forever sharing the disease. Seen it happen to good dudes.
I think Lethn is on to something when he speculates these companies are just embezzlement schemes. It's the only way this makes sense.