Schmendrick_Lamar 0 points ago +1 / -1

If your English was better, this might have been productive conversation. Sadly, you have no idea what the fuck is going on.

Lord have mercy on all of us. Truly we're all relegated to The Tower of Babel at this juncture.

Schmendrick_Lamar 0 points ago +1 / -1

It's a pretty lackluster jester who has to ask about the real shit going on that he should be explaining to his king (in a satirical fashion of course).

"The Madness™" would be the whole thing you've branded your channel around. But you already knew that.

Read this, I guess. Mr. Cole is another Jew who is trying his best to fix the problem.

Schmendrick_Lamar 1 point ago +2 / -1

If you'll kindly read my comment again, I think you'll understand that I was doing the exact opposite. I was in fact asking you to abandon the monolithic view of Jews.

I wish Shlomo at the kosher delicatessen downtown all the best. Blessings upon him for providing his choice product to sustain any and all.

I wish Dr. Moskevitz all the best in his efforts as a heart surgeon. Blessings upon him for committing so much of his time to learn what is an extremely delicate art of saving human lives.

I wish Mr. Rosenthal all the best at his criminal law firm. Blessings upon him for learning how to carefully discern the truth of difficult matters and to advocate for those unjustly accused.

I wish Professor Einstein all the best in his study of particle physics. Blessings upon him for advancing our understanding of the universe and enabling so much of our modern technology.

Blessings upon the chess masters, the comedians, the novelists, and even the jewelers, if they are honest.

None of them will ever hear a peep from me, nor will I interfere with their business or demean them in any way.

On the other hand, a curse most foul upon George Soros, who funds the decay of civilization in the shadows, which harms all of us commoners, Jew or not.

A curse most foul upon Mark Zuckerberg and Chuck Schumer, who have incestuously partnered up to stymie the expression of free speech on the internet.

A curse most foul upon the Rothschilds, who have consistently undermined nation-states with their underhanded machinations and have arguably ignited disastrous wars in the process for centuries.

I hail from the Jewish family (((Jerome))), but I choose to side with the bulk of humanity in figuring out how to stop this madness. I suggest you do the same.

Schmendrick_Lamar 11 points ago +12 / -1

I like to call it "Libstianity" and save Liberalism to mean what it used to, before all the madness. (Free speech, content of your character, Locke and Hume stuff, etc...)

Schmendrick_Lamar 8 points ago +9 / -1

Do you mean The Guild (ruthless monopoly) or House Harkonnen (sadistic pedophiles)?

Perhaps both?

Schmendrick_Lamar 20 points ago +20 / -0

Thanks for taking the time to find that specific passage. I need to read the whole thing again soon.

Schmendrick_Lamar 1 point ago +2 / -1

Thank you for taking me seriously (I think...one can never rule out trolls here on the internet)

To put it bluntly, it would be a fair scientific experiment if you only designed the maze and were trying to understand the behavior of the mouse in that environment.

My trouble is that God (purportedly) designed both the maze and the mouse. Exactly what are you trying to learn about the mouse by subjecting it to suffering if you already know everything about it?

My optimistic answer to these riddles is that God had no choice but to introduce suffering into the world in order to come to know more about Himself.

Schmendrick_Lamar 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'll assume that your use of "predestined" is ironic, given that you denied being a Calvinist in your previous post.

Beyond that, I'm afraid that we've reached an impasse, good sir. The fact that you are seemingly happy to use the microelectronic device with which you are making these posts doesn't exactly comport with your skepticism of the "pseudoscience" that painstakingly produced it over the last several hundreds of years.

Nevertheless I am fascinated to have encountered a pre-Galilean in the wild. You are an even rarer breed than the typical flat-earther much bemoaned on the front page of Jannit, and I wish you Godspeed and all the best.

Schmendrick_Lamar 0 points ago +1 / -1

So did God know at the beginning of the world what choice David would eventually make? If He did, where exactly is the "choice" or "free will" afforded to David? If He didn't, He's not omniscient.

Schmendrick_Lamar 0 points ago +1 / -1

I'd be more than happy to blame the Jews in other contexts, but I think it's sort of in bad taste here.

My problem with "free will" is such that it's difficult to fit in between these two axioms:

  1. God initiated the universe

  2. God knew exactly how the universe would play out from the moment he set it in motion (omniscience)

(Let's leave aside that "moment" is meaningless before God initiates time)

If you can do without either of those, then maybe I can understand. What I can't understand is the difference between God knowing everything in advance and God determining everything in advance. If "free will" means anything at all, to me it necessarily negates omniscience.

Not to be overly facetious, but on some level the "free will" argument strikes me somewhat like a child throwing his toy down the stairs, then berating it for breaking along the way.

Schmendrick_Lamar 0 points ago +1 / -1

So which are you conceding, omniscience or omnipotence?

Edit: I breezed past this on my first read - what other "created beings" besides humans are you ascribing the ability to "make decisions" to? Is this a veiled reference to The Devil?

Schmendrick_Lamar -4 points ago +1 / -5

If I may interject:

BigCheese: You're kind of talking past Weyoun's argument and dismissing it outright by denigrating his character rather than directly addressing the Problem of Evil, which has confounded many a great theological mind in the admittedly accomplished and storied history of your faith (minds much greater than mine, I might add).

To put it bluntly, if God is the ultimate arbiter of all existence, whence cometh evil? If evil exists outside of His control, then He is not the ultimate cause of all extant phenomena, and He ceases to be "ultimate." If, on the other hand, evil exists under His will, why did He will for it to exist, in obvious contraposition to His (presumptive) flawless nature? Whence cometh the "worthy" and the "unworthy" when He lined up everything that was ever going to happen in the entire universe, down to the tiniest quantum interaction.

Our understanding of this conundrum today is far more nuanced than this presentation, but I wanted to sort of float it over the plate for you to have a crack at it. You seem to be taking a rather antiquated hard-line Calvinist view of the problem, whereby God just does whatever and we mortals are utterly bereft of any mental, moral or spiritual faculty to ask any questions about it apart from what's written in a compendium of scripture that wasn't decided on for seven centuries after The Crucifixion and wasn't translated into this language for another seven centuries after that.

Of course, this can all be summarily dismissed if you suspect me of being "prideful."

Weyoun: You played right into Cheese's hand when you came out of the gate expressing resentment at a being whose existence you don't credit. He latched right onto that and projected that resentment onto your relationship with your parent(s).

Next time, I recommend a more detached mindset. What both sides seem to forget so often is that there's a whole lot of room between "Every word of the King James Bible is Revealed Truth" and "The entire universe is a total accident and nothing means anything."

Schmendrick_Lamar 2 points ago +3 / -1

I'm not sure what exact flavor of atheism or agnosticism you're expounding here, but as a fellow nerd boomer I must say that you've chosen an ironic username to do so under.

It's prolly a tie between Weyoun and Garak for my fav DS9 character.

Schmendrick_Lamar 21 points ago +22 / -1

Speaking of the ADL, I move that our first order of business here at the ASDL should be preventing (((Sacha Baron Cohen))) from making any more Borats denigrating Eastern Europeans and Central Asians, not to mention everyday Americans.

Any film he's made up to this point can basically be titled "These Stupid Goyim."

It takes a very "chosen" kind of egotism to rake in shillions of shekels deceptively cajoling a bar-full of unsuspecting flyover folks into singing Throw the Jew Down the Well in the first place, when they clearly welcomed him to their watering-hole in good faith and went along with his `joke,' only to be placarded on the world stage afforded to him by his chosenness.

I guess those stupid goyim should have spotted his nose and known better than to try to be his friend.

But then after all of that, he had the chutzpah to kvetch about anti-Semitic humor at an ADL conference, many years after he reaped a fortune from surreptitiously deploying anti-Semitic humor.

Really out there on the front lines defying those stereotypes.

Brought to you by the Weeb Heeb.

Schmendrick_Lamar 4 points ago +5 / -1

This fall, only in theaters:

It came from the Steven Universe Fandom

Schmendrick_Lamar 1 point ago +2 / -1

The "Tales From The Flat Earth" series by Tanith Lee is my favorite.

Schmendrick_Lamar 0 points ago +1 / -1

Hmm couldn't say exactly where. Definitely not Second Life since I've never played.

Probably first heard it on one of those commercials selling old "greatest hits" compilations back in the '90s.

More recently I hear it turn up in Vaporwave stuff but I'm having trouble finding an example atm.

Schmendrick_Lamar 0 points ago +1 / -1

Holy Shit, thank you for that Link. I'm roughly as old as the Zelda franchise (ha, get it?), but I've never been able to track down where that riff came from, so you really helped me tie up a thread here.

The story is complicated, but in recent years there was a movement to revisit those more playful and innocent days:

Pan!c Pop & Sixtroke - Work !T Out

I would suggest the term "Future Funk" if you're interested in this kind of '80s nostalgia.

Schmendrick_Lamar 6 points ago +7 / -1

"Awful for who?" is the salient question (also worth it IMO to learn the snooty Latin "Cui Bono?" just to preserve some culture. Anyways:

Why rap is awful

TL;DR: Gangster rap emerged around the same time as large-scale privatization of the prison industry. If you're invested in that, it certainly makes sense for you to pad your clientele by incentivizing criminal behavior through pop culture. Hmmm...can anyone think of a pop culture institution that brazenly glorifies crime?

It's just an anon post, but the author of that letter claims to have been invited to a meeting where music industry bigshots discussed just that scheme. The atmosphere started out jovial enough, but then private security with guns showed up before the pitch.

Anon says his conscience couldn't handle it so he bugged out, but not before he was put on notice that they'll be watching him and his family, lest he open his mouth.

Schmendrick_Lamar 13 points ago +14 / -1

I had no idea about the nephew thing, so that's prolly my "learn something" moment for the day - thanks for that. Although more of a black pill at least things make a bit more sense now.

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