Except by the time it gets to a jury, you've already had all of your wealth stripped, spent months or years in jail, been smeared in the media and had your relationships strained or destroyed, and had your ability to find gainful employment in the future diminished.
the sociopathic globalist cabal
Uh oh, sounds like you're doing an anti-Semitism.
Or do you think because you couch it in a "not all" that the sociopathic globalist cabal will say, "oh, he got us, guess we'll just have to own up to it now."
for you retards always going reee all joos
Where are those people? Are they in the room with you now?
But that's only because we've all been conditioned by The Patriarchy.
If we lived in the feminist utopia, we'd watch what we truly cared about, which would obviously be slow, weak, black lesbians throwing up air balls and embarrassing turnovers.
It wouldn't be out of character for Matt to wildly overpay someone.
I've sent money to their show a few times -- I think he does good work and I'd rather give strong support to one guy than a bunch of smaller contributions to multiple channels.
I send it via check so that Youtube doesn't take a cut. He sends handwritten thank-you notes in return.
It's also 12k he got to keep himself
It wasn't $12k for himself. He was paying for (some) production costs and also paying his producer Tim. I'm sure he was still taking home a decent chunk but after taxes and paying everyone, that $12k/month looks more like $4-5k/month take-home.
When the first sentence is a flat-out lie, why would anyone who knows the truth continue reading?
For people who like having their delusions confirmed and just like to read, that wall of nonsense text is probably entertaining. So yeah, your estimate of an ~10% ceiling is probably close. I'd guess closer to 3-5% though.
Eh, I don't like Ben much but this doesn't bother me that much either.
He's saying it in a clearly mocking tone. It's not a case of, "wow, us white people sure suck and should feel guilty for existing, right?" followed by "don't attack me for being an evil whitey, I'm Jewish!"